Except for the ivory parasol handle and the pilgrim's badge, they did not find anything of value. After so many years of consumption and the erosion of time, very little of value could remain.

However, out of caution, especially since there were many inside that neither Liang En nor Jeanne knew, Liang En faced the big box. Used a [Detection (N)] card.

Somewhat to his surprise, the white light indicating discovery was found from the pile of garbage at the bottom of the box that he thought had been cleared.

After using his hands to push aside the messy textiles on top, Liang En saw a solid iron pillar underneath that was as thick as a baby's arm.

"What is this?" Liang En picked up this thing and inspected it, only to realize that this thing was not a whole thing, but a very delicate device.

The core of this thing is an iron rod of about 30 centimeters, and there are 40 iron pieces on it that are roughly round but do not look very regular.

The reason why Liang En initially recognized it as an iron rod was because the thing was extremely rusty, and all the messy parts had rusted into a ball. The delicate structure inside could not be seen without looking carefully.

"This thing was like this when it was brought back." Seeing Liang En looking at the thing in his hand, Lombalin stepped forward and explained in a low voice.

"My great-great-grandmother brought this thing back and only told our family that it was an antique, but she didn't tell us what it was. Or to be precise, my great-great-grandmother didn't know what it was because it was this when she got it. It looks like——"

According to Lombalin, even the Jewish bankers at that time did not know what these things were, so they simply threw them there, and were finally picked up by his great-grandmother.

The reason why he brought this heavy iron tool back is also very simple. Lombalin’s great-grandmother thought that as long as it was an antique, it was valuable, so she simply brought these things back.

As a result, after going through a lot of effort to move halfway around the world, I discovered that no one knew what it was. No one is willing to pay for this thing.

"What I can confirm is that this thing is indeed an antique." After checking it again, Liang En said to the other party, "But I'm not sure how much this thing is worth."

Although this thing has the highest historical value, historical value and economic value cannot be equated, so Liang En really can't put a price on this iron tool.

"I think this thing is ten dollars. After all, you have helped our family a lot." Lombalin thought for a moment and said. "Otherwise, I would just be here watching this thing rust day by day."

"Okay, as for the other two things, I'll give you 500 US dollars." Liang En nodded, then pointed to the silver badge and the ivory handle next to it and said, "After all, there are some problems with the preservation of these things, so the value is not Very high."

"This is already very good. I remember that I wanted to sell the rest of the box, but the pawn shop only offered me $100." Lombard shook his head, and then his face lit up with hope.

"With this money, I can buy a better prosthetic leg for my mother. The remaining money can also pay for the tuition and fees for Owen's sister and I to go to school."

"If you need help in the future, you can call this number." Liang En thought for a while and then wrote a phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Lombard.

"I will start some business in this country in the future, including some charitable aspects. If you need help, you can come to us."

What Liang En is doing now is purely out of kindness. After all, if he sees a person who is smart and willing to work hard, and he has the power to help him.

Most people will help. "Are you Lord Liang who returned the Buddha's relics?" Looking at the name written by Liang En, Lombalin was stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously.

"Yes, how did you recognize him?" Liang En looked at the other party a little. He saw that the only electrical appliances in Lombalin's house were two lamps, and he didn't know how the other party recognized him.

"I once watched your news on the TV in the bar." Lombalin looked cautious, "At that time, I couldn't remember how to write your name in Chinese characters."

"As long as you have heard my name." Liang En said with a smile. "So if you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved, come to me. We are planning to give away 300 prostheses recently. I think you can apply for one for your mother."

Because during the long war that year, all parties involved in the war planted a large number of explosives in this country, including various unexploded bombs, as well as various landmines and IEDs.

According to statistics, 6 million landmines alone were planted during the years of war. Since then, 45,000 Cambodians have been permanently disabled among the 65,000 Cambodians who accidentally triggered landmines.

The Cambodian Landmine Victims Information Service (CMVIS) began to collect casualty data in 2010. Among the 111 people who accidentally triggered landmines in 2013, 22 died on the spot, and 72 of the remaining 89 people were permanently disabled, most of whom had their legs amputated.

There are 14,000 villages in Cambodia, and nearly 3,000 of them are troubled by minefields and unexploded bombs. The fields of 110,000 farmers, the pastures of 100,000 herdsmen, and countless orchards and forest farms are all deeply affected. As a result, more than 500,000 people in 80,000 households have been affected by water pollution.

Therefore, along with the establishment of the bank, Liang En and the others prepared charitable acts to address the landmine problem. In addition to prosthetic limbs, they will also donate metal detectors and explosion-proof barrels to people who remove landmines.

As for setting up an affiliated charity organization, it is also very simple. After all, it is a good idea to set up a charity organization if you want to publicize it. At the same time, it can also satisfy Joan of Arc's desire to help others.

Of course, another reason is that Liang En and the others' target industry is agriculture, and agriculture is greatly affected by various landmines and explosives, so their efforts in this area can be integrated with business.

To be honest, Liang En and the others only need to focus on economic benefits if they operate in the short term, but if they decide to operate in Cambodia for a long time in the future, they must focus on social effects.

"I have a question, what is this thing?" After returning to the hotel where she lived before, Jeanne looked at the mechanical part in Liang En's hand with a curious expression. "

"I don't know, but this thing should be a part of an old machine." Liang En said looking at the machine parts in his hand. "So I plan to check further."

Faced with this situation, Liang En's only way was to use cards. As a [Appraisal (N)] card was used, this thing also appeared in front of Liang En.

[This is a complete cam system from the robot "writer" invented by Jacques Droz 240 years ago. It may contain some information that has now been lost in history. 】

"Robot? It looks interesting." Liang En nodded after looking at these contents. Although he didn't know who the person mentioned here was for the time being, this at least proved a direction and opened a good start for the investigation.

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