Banks that have remained stable for hundreds of years are definitely worthy of respect, because this means that the bank was able to control its impulse to make high-profit investments even when the previous economic situation was excellent.

To be honest, after checking this series of information, Liang En almost wanted to save money. After all, this kind of safe investment plan was really to his liking. He would certainly do this if he didn't have a bank.

Soon the car crossed the Pont d'Iroux on the Rhone River, then headed towards the cultural district with numerous theaters and art galleries, and drove on the quiet Corrattoli Street. Soon I saw a stone building at No. 11 on the left.

Although the building is not gorgeous and has no signboard, it is filled with a calm atmosphere. When Liang En and the others opened the heavy door and entered the room, two old gentlemen wearing dark blue suits who looked like palace butlers walked towards them. Come.

A few years ago, the bank built a new building on the shores of Lake Geneva, but the old business still remains in the original office location.

So after listening to Liang En and the others, these two staff members who looked like butlers quickly took them into a VIP room used to entertain VIPs, and then asked them what kind of business they were here to do.

"We hope to take out some of the things that may have been here hundreds of years ago." Liang En and the others said as they took out the things they found and handed them to the staff.

"Yes, you can indeed take out these things with a voucher." One of the staff took the note and looked at it and said, "Please wait here, we will give you what you want right away. .”

These bank staff were very fast. Just after Liang En and Jeanne had finished a cup of tea and a snack, a staff member came out pushing an old-looking iron box on a cart. .

"What is this?" Looking at the rusty iron box, Liang En frowned. Because he found that the box did not look like a current product, but rather something handmade in ancient times.

"This is what was placed in the safe back then." The staff member nodded to Liang En, and then said seriously, "Since this thing came to our bank, the box has never been opened."

"Except for being stored in an underground bomb shelter during World War II to avoid possible war, the entire box has never been moved out of the bank's warehouse."

"I believe this." Liang En nodded. He found that the box lid and the box body had been completely rusted together, and this rust was obviously the kind of rust that would naturally occur over a long period of time. The rust that develops.

Judging from the degree of rust on the entire piece and the completeness of the rust, there is a high probability that this box has never been opened again after being closed, and the contents inside should most likely be well preserved.

Considering privacy issues, Liang En and the others did not choose to open the box directly in the bank. Instead, they chose to use the bank's vehicle to take the box back to the Dulis Family Jewelry Store.

Soon, the two people returned to the jewelry store, and then used the equipment in the jewelry store's room to prepare to open the iron box.

"What do you think this could be?" Jeanne asked curiously, looking at Liang En who was adjusting the camera lens on the side. "At least I think the maker of this box is not an ordinary person."

"You're right." Liang En said after confirming the angle of the camera from the camera screen. "After all, before the advent of the industrial age, a large iron box like this was definitely not something that ordinary people could afford."

"The more important thing is here." Liang En said, pointing to the lock above his throat. "The structure of this lock was very complicated two hundred years ago, and it was something that ordinary people couldn't afford."

"It does seem like that." Joan of Arc nodded while looking at the box, "If that's the case, how are you going to open the lock? Do you need us to use X-rays to check it?"

"Oh, no need. You can tell from the outside that this thing is completely rusted to death. It's in a state where you can't open it even if you have a key." Liang En said, taking out the crowbar and hammer.

"You know there are two methods of unlocking. One is a complex unlocking method, which requires high technical requirements. The other is a simple method, and the only threshold is human strength."

Of course, Liang En would not dismantle it randomly. He quickly found the connection between the box and the lock, and then used a crowbar to pry hard on the rusty gap.

After a banging sound, the lock fell to the ground. Just as he had guessed before, the copper lock looked strong enough even though its mechanical structure was rusty, but the iron box behind it might not be like that.

Due to rust, the iron plate used to fix the copper lock had become loose, so Liang En pried it off with such force that the lock and the nails underneath were completely pried off.

"It seems we won't be able to use the hydraulic shears anymore." After watching the lock fall to the ground, Jeanne raised her eyebrows, then put the hydraulic shears she just held in her hand on the table, and then opened it with Liang En. Lid this box.

Obviously, the person who hid these treasures intended to hide them for a long time, so the beeswax and fire paint between the lid and the bottom of the iron box were obviously used for bees.

In addition, a layer of tin plate was welded inside the box for sealing, which forced Liang En to use pliers and saws to forcefully destroy the metal.

"It seems that we finally found an incredible treasure this time." Looking at the box that was finally opened, Zhen opened her mouth slightly.

Because what appears in front of everyone now is a box stuffed with fabrics, and interspersed among these textiles are boxes with different sizes, dimensions, appearances and materials.

The reason why Joan of Arc was so excited was because she found that each of these boxes was carefully crafted and the materials were not cheap. It implies that the contents inside the box are absolutely unexpectedly precious.

"The mother-of-pearl wooden box from China, the lacquer wooden box from Japan, the sterling silver enamel box and the gold wire inlaid gem box produced in Europe -" As the boxes were taken out one by one, Liang En gradually judged the origin of these things. source.

When all the things were taken out, Liang En and the others found that there were a total of 17 boxes of different sizes, and each box could be called a work of art.

"This thing most likely comes from the French royal family." Liang En looked at the boxes and made a basic judgment, because at least half of the boxes here had the famous face with the sun and the lily logo on them.

The face with the sun represents the Sun King Louis XIV, and the lily represents the French royal family. When the two are combined, the direction is obvious.

"Okay, let's see what's in these boxes." After repeatedly checking the boxes and finding no more clues, Joan of Arc picked up a box and said.

"I have a feeling that once we open the box, we'll know exactly who these things belong to."

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