"Is there something wrong with this ring?" Jeanne asked curiously. Because he found that Liang En obviously attached great importance to this ring. Even the value far exceeds the value of this ring.

"Because this gem is not common, or it is a very rare man-made glass, and in the era when this ring was cast, the only people who could make this kind of glass were alchemists."

The thing embedded in this ring is a piece of golden antimony glass. In ancient alchemical literature, this thing is considered to be the legendary philosopher's stone or alchemical stone.

So after the auction, with the help of the previous store manager, Liang En and the others, wearing masks, finally met the people behind the scenes. Of course, they might be puppets introduced by the other party.

"I just heard someone say that you want to buy something from us, right?" After coming in from outside and sitting down, the young man also wearing a mask asked Liang En. "

"Yes, we hope to get something that goes with this ring." Liang En smiled and nodded. "This ring has some very important information to me, but the ring alone is not enough. .”

"Turgu, this customer is reliable and a friend." At this time, the old store manager behind Liang En said, "I am willing to guarantee this business."

"Okay, Old Hart, if you are willing to vouch for it, it will be no problem." The cargo owner said. Although he couldn't see the other person's face because of the mask, Liang En found that the other person was obviously relaxed a lot.

In this relaxed environment, the other party quickly revealed the origin of the things in his hand, but unlike what Liang En and the others had guessed before, these things were not theirs, but were sold on their behalf.

"——I'm sorry, so if you want these things, we have to communicate with the original owner of the things, so it may take a few days to get the things." Finally, the merchant selling the rings said to Liang En.

"It doesn't matter, we can wait here for a few days." Liang En nodded slightly and said. "But you'd better give me a rough time so that I can arrange the next trip."

"Of course, this is what it should be - if there are no accidents, we can give you important things in three days at most." The other party nodded and then both parties left the room together.

However, when Liang En and the others left, no one noticed that there was an extra raven in the corner of the room. When the seller left, the raven immediately followed him.

"The following tracking will be a relatively long process. Fortunately, the other party only limited the time to three days, so I should be able to find the people behind these things." Liang En said to Joan of Arc on the way back to the city.

The fact was just as Liang En expected. Shortly after they left, the man quickly left the previous room and walked around the basement, and then came to another room not far from the previous room. middle.

The two people immediately started chatting in Romanian after staying together. After all, Romania has the largest number of Roma people in Europe.

At the same time, another advantage of communicating in Romanian with a dialect flavor is that the Swiss do not know this language very well, so this language also has a certain confidentiality effect.

It's just that this confidentiality effect is basically of no use to Liang En. After all, he had learned many languages ​​through cards before, including Romanian.

According to the content of the conversation, there are no two organizations at all. There is only one organization behind the whole thing, but the organization is divided into multiple parts responsible for different tasks.

The reason why the other party chose to hand over the items after three days was to hide this secret and make others mistakenly think that there were two organizations.

In addition, the other party did not intend to complete the transaction honestly, but planned to sell things that were mixed with fakes, and even decided to use violent means to solve the problem if they were discovered.

Judging from the tone of the other party, this group of people have done this more than once. Although they will try their best to avoid using lethal methods in order to avoid the attention of the police, serious injuries and disability are not uncommon.

"This is really——" After listening to Liang En describe the current situation, Jeanne frowned. "Then what do you think we should do next?"

"Of course it's better to strike first." After knowing the other party's plan, Liang En quickly came up with his own plan. "Since the other party plans to give us a surprise, then we can also give each other one."

Although it is difficult for outsiders to sneak into the Roma area, it is definitely not difficult for Liang En and the others to find a way to sneak in. Therefore, after using the ravens to detect the surrounding situation, Liang En and the others launched the attack the next night. took action.

Because the Roma people habitually destroy all surrounding public facilities, there are basically no street lights where they live. Many street lights even have only concrete lamp post bases left, and the metal parts above have long been exchanged for money.

With the help of shadows, Liang En and the others quickly approached the building that they had entered before when they participated in the auction. According to the previous investigation, the group of people had hidden all the things they had found in the basement of this building. In the compartment.

I have to say that although this underground trading market is not very formal, it still has many necessary facilities, such as various warehouses.

Even in order to obtain more storage space, this group of people also opened up a lot of new spaces to store the customers' things, and the warehouse Liang En and the others are looking for is one of the newly opened spaces.

After confirming that there was no one around, Liang En and the others quickly entered the building with a basement. For security reasons, there was no one else in the building except guards and store guards at night, so they entered the building smoothly. middle.

But it's not that easy to take further action, because there are enough guards at all the entrances to the basement, and it is basically impossible to penetrate.

This is why the other party did not set up patrols in the building, because it is basically impossible for anyone to enter a place like the basement as long as the entrance is guarded.

As for the use of ventilation ducts to infiltrate, a common practice in movies, it is not possible here, because the size of the pipes here makes it easy for a raven to get in and out, but it is impossible for people to pass through.

But Liang En and the others had their own way of getting through. After using his extraordinary power to determine the specific structure and personnel configuration of the building below, Liang En used his extraordinary power to open a hole in the 3-meter-thick reinforced concrete, and then crawled out with Joan of Arc. Go down.

Different from the ground, some patrol teams were deployed underground to prevent people from stealing things from the store at night. But for Liang En and the others, these amateur patrol teams were completely unable to catch their tracks.

Soon, they successfully arrived at the next door to the target's room, and then dug a hole in the wall again and hid in it together with Jeanne.

After entering, they discovered that they had made the right choice to go through the wall because there was an alarm on that side of the door. No matter how they opened the door, they would alert the local guards.

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