Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 751 Scientific Examination (Part 2)

As the excavation continued throughout the day, layers and layers of debris that originally covered the foundation were excavated. More and more structural fragments and fragments that should belong to the building itself appeared among the things excavated under the big pit. A few contemporaries.

"These things shouldn't be of much value, right?" Prince Aziz asked Liang En in a low voice, looking at the small piece of clay tablet he had just dug out with only one or two cuneiform characters on it.

"At least it's impossible to tell now." Liang En shook his head slightly, and then carefully put the fragments into the box, "Maybe the fragments you find now are the most critical words in piecing together an important document. Woolen cloth."

"I think - this possibility is unlikely." Prince Aziz said with some embarrassment. As a young man who is only a few years older than Liang En, he seemed very excited about finding something valuable.

"From an archaeological perspective, anything with a small probability is possible." Liang En said with a smile, while closing the lid of the box. "So we cannot let go of any suspicious target."

"What is this?" Just after finishing these tasks, Joan of Arc suddenly shouted to them. She had just dug a shovelful of soil out of the big pit, and found that there seemed to be something at the bottom of the pit.

"I don't know, but it looks like a stone sculpture." Liang En also knelt down on the edge of the pit and started digging. At the same time, Jeanne d'Arc and King Aziz also knelt down and helped move the excavated soil aside.

Although this place was once the strongest temple of ancient people, and the soil was repeatedly pounded to ensure its solidity, but after thousands of years, even the ground that was as solid as stone has become as loose as ordinary loess.

So after only ten minutes, they expanded the hole and cleared away the coverings covering the sculpture, allowing the sculpture to be fully exposed in front of Liang En and the others.

"This seems to be a stone sculpture of a person's head." Prince Aziz said with some uncertainty, "But why does this sculpture look weird?"

The lines of this avatar are very soft and should be that of a woman. But the strange thing is that there are no eyeballs in the eye sockets of the avatar, only two large holes, and there is a deep groove in the eyebrow area.

At the same time, this portrait has obvious damage, the most conspicuous part of which is the nose. The entire nose looks like it was lost in another collision.

At first Liang En and the others thought this thing might be a mask, but after taking it out, the back of their heads was flat, making it impossible to stick it on their faces as masks.

What's more important is that this thing is made of stone. Considering the weight, it is impossible for a normal person to put this thing on the head and make any big movements. It is even possible that the mask will fall directly to the ground if it is moved.

"Bring over the thermostat box. This thing is very important. It is most likely the statue of Inanna, the main god worshiped in this city." Liang En ordered Joan of Arc.

"If it is a statue of a god, this thing looks a bit strange." Prince Aziz frowned as he watched the stone head being carefully taken out.

"At least from an archaeological point of view, ancient statues of gods should give people a sense of majesty, but this kind of statue only gives people a weird feeling. It is difficult for people to associate this statue with the so-called god."

"This is because the statue we see now is only half." Liang En smiled and carefully put the statue into the box brought by Joan of Arc, then smiled at Prince Aziz and said.

"If it is under normal circumstances, the eyes of this statue should be inlaid with various gemstones, the grooves in the eyebrows should be inlaid with gold or copper, and the hair should also be made of copper or gold."

"As for the body of the statue, it should not be lost. At least from the back of the head, it doesn't look like it was broken off from a certain body, so I guess that the head was originally independent."

"Originally independent?" Prince Aziz felt himself even more dizzy, "The statue should have more than one head, otherwise it would be scary instead of sacred."

"You are right, so if I guessed correctly, the other parts of this statue should be made of heads or similar organic matter, so they cannot be preserved to this day." Liang En nodded and said.

"In fact, it was very common for ancient people to use the frame method when making some large statues that were difficult to complete with the technology at that time. For example, many giant statues of gods in ancient Greece were made in this way."

For example, the largest indoor statue in ancient Greece, the Statue of Zeus, was made using similar technology. Historically, this statue used chryselephantine technology.

That is to say, the wooden frame is used as the core, and the outside of the frame is decorated with muscles carved from ivory and gold clothing. Even the throne is made of wood with a gold base and is inlaid with ebony, gems and glass.

Of course, this method still exists today. For example, the most famous Statue of Liberty in the United States was also made using this method, except that the wooden frame was replaced by a steel frame.

The discovery of the stone carving made the archaeological team's camp completely excited, because the stone carving was the first cultural relic that could be called a national treasure that they found after arriving here.

In the following meeting, through discussion, everyone roughly guessed why this statue, which should be the patron saint of the city, appeared in the foundation.

According to everyone's inference, although this city has existed for thousands of years, the people in it have changed more than once, so the statue is most likely made by invaders after a large-scale war.

These invaders were most likely not the same gods that the city originally believed in, so they took off the valuables from the statues of the old gods, then destroyed the statues and buried them in the foundation of the temple.

Obviously, when normal people pile garbage, they most likely pile all the garbage in a pile instead of throwing it all over the floor. So on the next day, all the parties participating in the archaeology sent out manpower to carry out a large-scale search. .

There is no doubt that in field archeology, there is strength in numbers, so they dug up another treasure in just one day.

With the help of the card, Liang En was the first to dig out the treasure: a fragment of a container made of alabaster, with a sheep carved on it.

Judging from the slightly curved appearance of this piece of stone, it should be part of a container. After realizing this, everyone quickly started searching the surrounding area with this place as the core.

Soon, pieces after pieces that obviously came from the same container were found and excavated from the surroundings. On the 10th, when the work ended in the afternoon, they dug out a whole large bag of pieces.

"Well, it seems that I may be busy tonight." After dinner, Liang En said in the RV that temporarily served as an archaeological laboratory, looking at the pile of debris on the table in front of him.

"Yes, I hope we have indeed collected all these fragments during the day." Joan of Arc said while looking at the fragments on the table. "I estimate it will take until two in the morning to scan them all and put them into the computer."

"It won't be that long. Unlike last time, the software used this time is ready-made and does not require temporary operation on site, so I have enough free time to help you scan." Liang En said, putting his arm around Jeanne's shoulders.

"I think if there are no accidents, we should be able to finish the work as long as we work until 11:30."

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