Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 758 Successful Transportation

"——We can find that the most important ideas that have survived through the Sumerian language are probably religious. The cities of Ur and Uruk have given birth to a lot of ideas."

The academic speech certainly does not just analyze the epic itself, so Liang En habitually moves from this epic to a broader direction, such as the impact of ancient Sumerian civilization on modern society.

"We can see how these ancient myths, legends and ideas evolved into other religions in the Near East in the time between 2000 BC and 1000 BC.

"Although these things evolved in different forms that ordinary people could not detect over the long history, 4,000 years later, the influence of these ideas spread all over the world.

To give the simplest example, in the epic "Gilgamesh" there is an idealized natural life form, the giant Enkidu. He is extremely powerful and can get close to various animals.

But then he was seduced by a temple "saint" and fell from innocence to depravity. Henceforth, although he ends up in civilization, he loses the joy of connection with the natural world.

The core content hidden in this story is that many subsequent stories also show the relationship between humans and nature. In the eyes of humans at that time, the price of moving toward civilization was to completely get rid of nature. "

"Of course, we know today that the way to get along with nature is to learn to coexist, but being able to transform nature in that era when people had just emerged from ignorance was indeed a symbol of civilization, and it was also an important step for us humans to move towards civilization."

"This is what the writings we found this time mean to us. The prosperity of the Mesopotamian civilization and human wisdom five thousand years ago were passed down through these cuneiform writings created by the Sumerians."

"So for us, the greatest significance of this expedition is to find the city of Uruk, which is the origin of civilization. And this city will definitely remain on the map of human history and will be remembered and interpreted."

Speaking of this, Liang En, who was aroused, thought of the various legends about this city that he had seen in his previous life and this life, and then made a final summary.

"Yes, this city has indeed been completely annihilated in history, and the Sumerian civilization has also disappeared for thousands of years, but as long as human civilization survives, there will definitely be successors."


After Liang En finished speaking, everyone applauded quickly, because this speech touched everyone's heart, especially the analysis of historical significance.

"That's very well said, Mr. Liang." As the person in charge of Iraq, Warda clapped and stood up. "Please allow me to translate your speech into words for use in our museum exhibit."

"Ah, thank you very much." Liang En said with a smile and a bow. For him, being able to have these things of his enter a national museum is indeed something worthy of pride and joy.

Although Iraq is a troubled country and the overall situation is not very good due to the war that year, this national museum is first-rate.

Especially with the end of the war, these ancient museums have regained their vitality after a long period of tidying up, and it is obviously a very honorable thing to leave your own traces in such a museum.

There is no doubt that their discovery this time is very important, especially for Iraqis. This important discovery can indeed awaken people's national pride.

Although they believe in the same religion, unlike those Arab countries, Iraq is a secular country, and the core of this country is not only religion but also nationalism.

Therefore, for this country, these are likely to come from their ancestors and are conducive to the establishment of their national self-esteem and self-confidence. Naturally, their meaning is not just what scholars like Liang En think of based on their academic status.

Of course, this does not mean that these cultural relics are unimportant. On the contrary, even from a purely historical academic perspective, this discovery can be regarded as one of the most important single-digit discoveries in the entire West Asia region within a century.

However, for this country, the value of these things is naturally not limited to academic value, so the day after Liang En delivered this speech, Baghdad sent a team to take away these things.

"Is this situation too big?" Looking at the huge motorcade, Liang En turned to Varda and asked. "Is it possible to do this on such a large scale?"

The reason for Liang En's surprise was simple, because in addition to the 12 trucks transporting goods, this convoy actually also had two eight-wheeled armored vehicles, two trucks full of soldiers, and two anti-mine ambush vehicles.

"Of course, when you went to dig that day, our national radio station sent people over to take photos of the important cultural relics we dug out and the records you wrote in Arabic." Varda explained in a low voice.

"These things were on our news and caused a strong response. For these things, the Green Zone issued a special order to bring these things back safely."

"So you sent a whole platoon and armored vehicles?" Looking at the armed convoy in front of him, Liang En still felt that they were going too far.

"There is no way. After becoming famous, there will always be some extreme forces who want to destroy everything." Varda shook her head helplessly. "So in order to prevent them from taking action, we can only move these things heavily without prior notice."

In fact, the reason given by this unit when they came out was to transport a batch of important weapons, and they were only notified on the road to rush over to ship these cultural relics.

"And what you see is only part of it." Varda said in a low voice while looking at the soldiers and archaeological team members who were packing and moving the cultural relics. "We also have two drones above our heads ready to provide sufficient fire support."

"In addition, there should be additional air support, but I don't know these clearly. But what I know is that we have made all preparations for this cultural relic transportation."

Because of the sufficient manpower, they completed all the loading and fixing work in half an hour, and after completing the last inspection, they drove north towards Baghdad. "

For the next day, in order to ensure the safety of this vital transportation, all of them were asked to stop external communication and were not allowed to leave the camp.

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly. That night they saw on the news that the cultural relics were successfully transported to the National Museum of Iraq.

"We almost encountered an attack on the way." After answering a phone call, Varda chatted with Liang En about the transportation at night.

"A group of armed men tried to ambush the convoy, but fortunately the drone discovered them in advance and destroyed the team together with the aircraft that arrived later."

"I have to say that we were very lucky this time, because this group of terrorists who were preparing to attack also had two self-exploding cars. If we had not discovered them in advance and made preparations, the cultural relics this time would certainly not have been preserved."

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