"My friend, actually our core this time is mainly to recommend the concept of our products, not just the products." After listening to Liang En's complaint, Varma immediately explained.

"Of course I know that our current self-made brands are not actually suitable for sale here, but we can show our design concepts and ideas here."

"In fact, this is a very good display stage. As long as our design concept can be recognized by these wealthy people, it will naturally provide sufficient help for future business operations."

"Of course, the real core recommendation of our brand is you, a master designer, a goldsmith in the High Jewelry Group of the British Goldsmiths Craftsmanship and Design Competition, and more importantly, a famous writer, historian and archaeologist. .”

It is clear that what Mr. Varma intends to introduce at the core is Liang En, the chief designer. After all, when jewelry takes the fashionable mass route, if you want to show your level, your own talents are also a feasible solution.

"Okay, what you said does make sense." Liang En quite agreed with Mr. Varma's point of view, but this also meant that he would be a core member of the exhibition. The entire exhibition will be quite busy.

Considering that the upcoming exhibition will be quite busy, Liang En and Mr. Varma prepared to take a good rest and recharge their batteries after a brief exchange.

What he didn't expect was that he heard a knock on the door less than an hour after resting, and then the waiter told him that someone had handled the room upgrade procedure for him.

"Gulf Deluxe Suite, who paid so much money!" Looking at the room he was going to stay in next, Liang En frowned, because such an upgrade was not something that could be done with money.

Although the Gulf Deluxe Suite is only the third-level suite in this hotel, considering that the top-level Presidential Suite and the lower-level Palace Suite are mainly for diplomatic use, and even the Presidential Suite is only for the Gulf royal family, ordinary people can live in this suite. The top room is the Bay Deluxe Suite.

"Ah, my friend. Nice to see you again." Following a greeting, a familiar voice came from the side. It turned out to be Prince Aziz, who had just separated from Liang En. "You should have informed me when you came here."

"Hey, you're here too?" Liang En was a little surprised when he saw the other party appear here. "I remember you said you were going back to Saudi Arabia to do a work report, so I didn't expect you to be here at all."

The prince left two days earlier than Liang En because he was eager to go back and report the results of his work. After all, compared to the previous situation where he had no gain from throwing away money, this discovery was enough for him to go back and show off. A wave.

Although from outsiders it seems that these princes are quite happy with money and leisure, in fact the competition within the princes is not small. After all, there are only so many resources, and it is not easy to get enough resources from 5,000 princes. An easy thing.

Take the succession of the throne as an example. Nowadays, most monarchical countries basically have complete rules for the succession of the throne. Just sit in rows and enjoy the fruits. There is no need for too much intrigue.

For example, taking the United Kingdom as an example, even if the queen has dedicated her life to serving the country for a long time, maybe the next one will really only be able to be crowned king. But no matter how long he waits, Charles will be the first in line to succeed.

This is because the second heir is his eldest son, and the third heir is his eldest grandson. To put it bluntly, it is Laozi who passes on his son. From son to grandson, it is passed down from generation to generation, clearly and clearly.

However, the inheritance system in Saudi Arabia is more individual, and there are no explicit provisions. Since the death of the founding monarch Ibn Saud, the throne has been inherited by his more than 30 sons.

To be honest, this kind of brother-in-law rule is not common. It usually only occurs in some chaotic times, or when the previous king has died of heirs. Basically, few countries do this on a regular basis.

So the current problem is also very obvious. As the second generation of the Saudi royal family gradually ages, it is obviously easy for the reigning king to make a decision whether to follow the rules and pass the throne to his nephew or his own son. .

Under this circumstance, there has been considerable controversy within the Saudi royal family in recent years, so the princes have gradually made their own decisions about the throne of the king and other matters.

Although most princes think they are too far away from the throne, the royal family's industry is so rich that it can even be said that the entire country belongs to the royal family. Everyone wants to get a piece of this big cake worth tens of billions. .

Therefore, except for a few guys who are completely flat, the rest of them have a strong sense of competition. If you want to stand out in the competition, doing the tasks assigned to you is the most basic job.

For example, for Prince Aziz, his ranking is over 160, so it is basically impossible to become the king under normal circumstances, but he naturally hopes to obtain more resources.

Fortunately, Prince Aziz and his family are quite self-aware, so they specifically look for positions that they can get based on their identity and status, but which are looked down upon by the truly powerful princes.

However, this does not mean that they can do it once and for all. For example, since he is responsible for archaeological and historical work, Aziz must at least make some achievements.

Unfortunately, the results of his previous efforts to throw coins were not good. Apart from some gadgets, he did not find anything valuable, so he also encountered a lot of criticism before.

Fortunately, Liang En's actions completely saved him this time. At least now he can hold his head high and say that the money he threw out before was indeed valuable, but he was not very lucky before.

"Ah, I finished the debriefing report that day, and then I came over to prepare to meet with my future wife's father to discuss my wedding." Prince Aziz said after listening to Liang Enyi.

"Unexpectedly, I saw you on the list of jewelry exhibitions. So I thought that since you are here as a friend, I must entertain you well, so I took it upon myself to upgrade your guest room."

Liang En expected that he could upgrade his guest room. After all, the hotel itself was originally a palace where the royal families of the Gulf countries held meetings, so as a prince with some strength, it was not difficult for Aziz to do such a thing.

For some princes, naturally they have to find people with the same status to get married, so usually they only find people with the same status in places like China or West Asia.

"I'm very lucky. At least I met my wife in the company of this large group of people who succeeded yesterday." Aziz seemed very excited because he was about to get married.

"Although we have communicated by phone and video before, this is the first time we have met. Fortunately, the overall situation is very good. So I plan to purchase some jewelry for the wedding this time."

"Ah, congratulations." Liang En smiled and congratulated the other party on their marriage, and then after chatting for a while, they brought the topic down to business, especially the follow-up work of the entire excavation work.

After all, career is much more important to him than his wife now, especially since the main reason he came to Liang En this time was for his career.

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