Liang En's plane landed in Munich. Since the distance to their destination was only over 150 kilometers, they simply rented a car and drove to this small town in the south.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of tourists, and many of them are from China, so there are announcements in Chinese in the room." After getting into the car and starting the car, Liang En said to Jeanne who was obviously sleepy next to him. Interesting things I saw.

"After you fasten your seat belt, rest for a while. I will wake you up then. I think if there are no accidents, we should reach our destination in more than an hour."

"Well, let me rest for a while first -" After hearing what Liang En said, Jeanne fastened her seat belt and nodded, then leaned on the seat and narrowed her eyes.

The way she and Liang En get along has actually always been quite natural, without so much etiquette or politeness. For example, if Jeanne feels a little tired now, she will take a rest directly if it may affect her next actions.

Compared with other countries in Europe, especially those in Eastern Europe, the driving experience in Germany is excellent. There are few cars and clear signs. Most people abide by road rules. Most roads are unrestricted except in cities and through towns. speed.

However, Liang En was a little unaccustomed to driving. After all, he felt that he drove to 120 very quickly on the highway, so he always felt a little uncomfortable with the guys around him who drove their cars to 140 or 150.

Fortunately, the Highway 96 they used was relatively wide, so Liang En would not accidentally block the way of others. So in the end, more than an hour later, he saw a beautiful lake appearing in the embrace of the mountains.

This is Lake Constance, the boundary lake between Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Due to its unique geographical location, it was a transportation thoroughfare in the Middle Ages. The coastal areas are sunny and have a mild climate. They are rich in salmon and trout. It is also a developed wine producing area.

Lindao, the small town Liang En and his team were aiming for, was located on the north shore of the lake. Ancient Romans had lived here since the 2nd century AD. The name Lindau comes from Linden Au, which means "the lakeside depression that thrives under the lime trees".

To this day, the city emblem of Lindau is a leafy banyan tree. For example, Liang En saw the ancient style badge on the roadside sign while driving into the town.

This city is the starting point of the "Alpine Road" in southern Germany. The old city is actually a peninsula extending into the lake and is connected to the mainland by a railway causeway. Ahead is the vast expanse of blue Lake Constance, reflecting the majestic Alps.

The "Alpine Route" starts from the forest road and crosses the Bavarian Mountains from west to east, crossing the borders of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, to Germany's highest peak Zugspitze and King's Lake in Berchtesgaden.

The old city is connected to the mainland through a train embankment and a bridge built in 1853, and relics of the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD were found on the island where the port is located.

According to historical records from 882 AD, Lord Adalbert of the Roman Empire once built a monastery on the island.

This is also a characteristic of Europe: many cities originated from a monastery and the surrounding towns that provided various supplies for the monastery.

In fact, this is an understandable thing. After all, apart from a few cities in the entire medieval Europe, the only places where people could gather were religious places. Therefore, it is not surprising that people gathered into a city.

During the Middle Ages, Lindau was an imperial free city under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire. It became a well-known trading city because it was located on a transportation thoroughfare.

From 1322 to 1824, passengers, goods and mails traveled here for more than 500 years. Among the passengers were many famous figures such as Goethe and Mozart.

"It feels like there are a lot of people here. Is there something wrong?" Because she braked a little more often when approaching the city, Joan also woke up and found that there were many banners in the city, and it looked like some event was being held.

"Because the Lindau Nobel Prize Conference is being held now." Liang En said after taking a look at the German banners above, "Since 1951, Nobel Prize winners have held forums regularly in Lindau every year.

"During this time of year, Nobel Prize winners in medicine, chemistry, physics, and economics gather in Lindau to communicate with young students from all over the world."

"Ah, that sounds good." Jeanne nodded after hearing what Liang En said. She always had enough goodwill towards those knowledgeable people. "Maybe we can see those famous scholars."

"You should be able to see it. After all, this is a public event." Liang En said as he looked at the room he had reserved on the navigation system. "Maybe we can meet scholars like that when we have dinner."

Although Germany suffered large-scale strategic bombings during the two world wars, especially the Second World War, because this city was located on the border and had little strategic value, it successfully escaped those bombings.

After settling their luggage in the hotel, they quickly arrived at the target location and called Mr. Frey. While waiting for the arrival of the other party, Liang En carefully inspected the building.

"This building should have been preserved from World War II to the present." After a brief inspection, Liang En said while looking at the three-story building with the door locked.

Overall, the location of this house is quite good. First of all, it is on a small slope from the topography. Standing in front of the door, you can not only see the entire long street clearly.

You can even have a clear view of the pier further away and the cruise ships parked on the pier. When they came here just now, they also saw a small garden behind the house. It looked like it was regularly tidied up, which proved that someone was always taking care of the house.

In addition to its good location, this house also looks very beautiful. The orange-red roof and white walls look very beautiful against the blue sky. There are two beautifully trimmed bonsais at the door.

After taking a selfie with Jeanne at the door, he quickly checked the surroundings and saw that above the door was a glass lamp made of various colored glasses, with a faint glow on the glass. Approximately you can see the relief pattern.

At the same time, unlike other rooms in this row, this room has a beautifully carved marble balcony on the second floor. From this point of view, the history of this room is definitely unique.

"Hello, Mr. Liang." Just as Liang En looked at the room carefully, a car stopped next to him, and then Mr. Frey got out of the car accompanied by a middle-aged lady. "You guys came much faster than I thought."

"I rushed over as soon as I finished my work in the Middle East." Liang En said with a smile before stepping forward to shake hands with Mr. Frey and his daughter. "Is this the basement you're talking about?"

"Yes, right here," Mr. Frey said as he opened the door. "This house was previously rented to a youth hostel for a long time, and the contract ended last winter."

"After the contract ended, I planned to renovate this place for future vacations. After all, this place is a very good vacation spot. As a result, during the renovation, I accidentally discovered a basement that I had never known before."

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