When it was daytime the next day, Liang En and the others conducted a second round of search work. During this search work, they found another completely abandoned wooden house and found a cement platform inside.

When you look down along the exit of this house, you can see the remains of two completely collapsed wooden shelves scattered on the ridgeline.

"Obviously, there should be a ropeway here, and the materials for building houses should be transported up through the ropeway." Liang En said, pointing to the wreckage. "As for this cement platform, it is probably used to fix the winch or generator."

"Maybe, but why do you think the Germans built buildings here?" Fan Meng asked curiously. "I don't think there's anything worthy of a military installation in this place."

The reason why he said this is simple, because from a tactical and strategic perspective, the importance of this region was the most peripheral place for Germany in World War II.

From a tactical point of view, although there were important mines in this place in ancient times, they were almost exhausted by World War II. The toy manufacturing town below obviously does not need too many guards.

From a strategic point of view, this place belonged to the hinterland controlled by Germany during World War II at that time. No matter what direction bombers came to this place, they had basically been discovered by observations from other directions.

"Who told you this was a military facility?" Liang En frowned in confusion after hearing what Fan Meng said.

"This is what I think is the situation." Fan Meng looked at the pile of ruins and said. "Although the explosion destroyed the buildings, I could see that the largest pile of rubble used to be a tower that was at least three stories high."

"Yes, it is a high tower, but it is not for military observation, but a civilian observation post for fire prevention and poaching prevention." Liang En said with a smile. "This is a fire and poaching prevention facility. It was marked here on an old map I found."

Spicy Crispy Germany is a very strange country. Their head of state can order the murder of millions of innocent people, but he has compassion for animals and is also a vegetarian.

As for this fanatical militaristic country, although it launched expansion and killed people, it promulgated the world's first comprehensive animal protection law in 1933.

Because of this law, they have established many protected areas in the country and established a series of buildings similar to observation posts to maintain and enforce these laws.

After a simple search with a metal detector, Liang En and the others found that there was indeed something hidden in the pile of ruins, but judging from the simple survey results, there was only some silver that added up to no more than ten kilograms.

After determining that there might be nothing valuable inside, they immediately turned to the cave entrance at the back and started excavation work. Unlike those ruins, this cave entrance was not used in large numbers.

This also shows from the side that the real focus of the group of people who hid things back then should be these abandoned mines, so they placed as few explosives as possible to avoid destroying the possible treasures.

"If I'm not wrong, it's much easier to dig out the ruins here in the cave." Fan Meng said while checking the working tools he would use later.

"Not only is the explosive equivalent used here less, but also simple gravel and soil are much easier to dig than reinforced concrete. If there are no accidents, we can dig it out in a day or two."

Because the amount of the project is not large, the method of excavation is also very simple. Liang En and the three of them can start work directly with just picks and shovels.

Perhaps because in the early days when there was no gunpowder, mining was done by burning the stones with fire and pouring cold water to make the stones crispy, so the stones around the entrance of the cave were much easier to dig than the surrounding ones.

All that was left in the collapsed areas was a pile of dirt and gravel, and the largest stone was no larger than a basketball.

What's more important is that this place is actually a slope, so when they dig, they only need to use their arms to make the stones and soil roll down the somewhat gentle slope, saving the effort of carrying it.

After the excavation stopped for more than three hours, the entrance to the mine gradually leaked out. Somewhat unexpectedly, the mine was only more than 2m wide and about 1m8 high.

"I thought the entrance of this mine was very big. After all, there are traces of wooden tracks at the entrance." Fan Meng complained as he looked at the exposed entrance, because in his impression, the entrance of the mine should be much larger than this.

"The mine you are looking at is a modern mine. It will be built very big to facilitate mechanization, but this kind of ancient mine is naturally different." Liang En said, pointing to the entrance of the mine.

"After all, it costs money to expand the size of a mine. At the same time, the larger the cave, the higher the possibility of collapse. Therefore, in this era of non-mechanical excavation, this type of mine will not be too large."

"Actually, mines like this were already quite large at that time. Many mines only allowed people to crawl inside and dig. The working environment was so harsh that modern people cannot imagine."

Judging from the ores found at the entrance of the cave, it should be a tin mine, accompanied by a certain amount of silver ore. This is probably why it has been operating for a period of time despite the depreciation of tin ore due to imports.

What caught Liang En's attention now was a door in the cave. Judging from the eagle holding a swastika and the Gothic German letters underneath, it was indeed requisitioned by the Germans during World War II.

"It seems that the Thule Association didn't know what Hans was doing, so it didn't clean up this place." Liang En said with a smile.

Because since this ruins can be dug out so easily, if the other party really knows it, he will definitely not let it go, and will not find a gunman to assassinate him like this time.

After a brief inspection to confirm that there was no danger in the cave, Liang En and the others used the tools they carried to jump open the door, and stood at the door to look inside with a searchlight.

The mine under the light is very small, with only a front hall the size of a primary school classroom, surrounded by some mines that can only allow a relatively thin person to climb in and out.

There were twelve boxes placed in the center of the front hall. After prying open one box with the dagger he carried, Liang En saw eight full cloth bags inside.

Liang En opened the bag after easily picking apart the rope at the mouth of the bag with a knife, and then a golden light leaked out of the bag under the illumination of the headlight.

"This -" However, after seeing what was inside clearly, Liang En and the others' expressions became ugly, because the gold was not ordinary gold, but some gold teeth or gold inlays on the teeth.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped. There is no doubt that these gold teeth should come from Jewish settlements such as Auschwitz, Buchenvar, and the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. As long as you think about the origin of these golds, every normal person will not feel good inside.

"Let's look at the other boxes." After a few seconds of silence, Liang En gently waved his hand and told Joan and Fan Meng, "I hope there won't be such awkward things in the other boxes."

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