Liang En used the card to see what happened that year. As he had guessed before, this was a patchwork team, including the armed guards, the National Defense Force and even the ground crew of the Air Force.

The reason why this group of people was able to get together is very simple, because they were ordered to transport part of the wealth previously stored in Berlin out of Berlin and hide it.

As the capital of Germany, Berlin contains a lot of wealth. Although the Germans tried their best to transfer all kinds of materials from Berlin before the end of World War II, the wealth left in Berlin alone was already an astronomical figure. .

Considering that the order of transporting these materials must be in order of importance, starting with the most important, it is self-evident how important this batch of things being transported is.

According to what was written in the notebook, this group of people will continue to walk south with this pile of things until they reach a secret military base in the mountains south of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.

"Do you think it's possible that the treasure they moved away is in this place?" After Liang En came out of the cave and got into the tent, Joan looked at the improvised map he drew by hand and asked.

"It's hard to say." Liang En said after thinking for a few seconds, "Because if we look at it from a time perspective, when the other party arrived near Prague, it happened to coincide with the Soviet Union launching the last battle of World War II, the Battle of Prague. "

"This is troublesome." Joan held her chin with her hand and sighed deeply, because he knew the cruelty of war and knew that anything could happen in that kind of chaos.

Therefore, it is unknown to Liang En and others whether the batch of goods in the book arrived around Prague, whether they were put into the secret room, and whether they were kept until today.

However, it would always be a bit regretful not to take a look at this time. Therefore, after completing the handover of cultural relics and dealing with the reporters who came with the ambassador the next morning, Liang En and the others headed for Prague .

Considering the secrecy required for the next work, after arriving in Prague, Liang En directly asked Fan Meng to temporarily check the security work at the museum on his behalf, while he and Joan of Arc continued southward.

For Fan Meng, this is a very normal thing, because he knows that he needs to give Liang En and Jeanne some personal space, and cannot act stupidly like a light bulb at this time.

"Our target is an estate 37km south of Prague." Just as Fan Meng was heading to the city center museum, Liang En held the steering wheel and said to Joan of Arc who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"According to the information I found, the estate originally belonged to a Jewish banker and was then turned into a field hospital for the Germans and abandoned during the Battle of Prague."

"Whether it was the Soviet occupation era, the Czechoslovak era, or even today when the Czech Republic and Slovakia became two countries, few people were interested in that place."

The Czech Republic is not a land-strained country, so it is normal for such manors, which are far away from the city and located in mountainous areas with inconvenient transportation, to be abandoned after the war.

Especially in this manor, too many people have died here due to abnormal reasons, so ordinary people will naturally avoid this kind of place subconsciously.

"It seems that no one comes to this place." After parking the car at the entrance of the manor, Jeanne said subconsciously at the first sight of the manor.

Because the wildly growing plants around it have completely blocked the entire intersection, so that the road that was originally open to traffic can now only be walked.

"This is a good thing, it means that almost no one comes to this place." Liang En opened the trunk and took out two machetes and handed one to Joan, and then said.

"So if those people really sent the things here as planned, then the possibility that these things are still here now is definitely not small."

The reason they brought the machete was because they often needed to open roads. As they guessed outside, the plants were so dense in some places that they had to cut off some branches and leaves with a knife to squeeze in.

Fortunately, this place is not a tropical rainforest, so after 15 minutes of arduous trek, they successfully arrived at the completely abandoned fountain in front of the building.

This is a three-story room with beige walls, milky white door and window trims and a red roof. It is a standard bohemian style building.

But because the room was completely abandoned after the war, the whole building was in dilapidated condition: all the doors and windows had been damaged, the roof had collapsed, the turrets had collapsed, and there were even several large holes on the side of the house that were obviously blasted by artillery.

"I personally do not recommend entering this house." After walking around the house, Joan of Arc said to Liang En with a serious face, "This house can collapse at any time. It is too dangerous to go in."

"Don't worry, I won't enter this main building." Liang En said at this time, "Don't forget that this main building used to be a field hospital. There were too many people coming and going at that time, and it was obviously not safe to put things here. "

To be honest, if it is some gadgets, it is possible to keep the room from leaking, but it is definitely not that easy to hide several trucks of stuff.

Therefore, according to Liang En's guess, even if these things are really sent to this manor, they will never be sent to the main building, but should be sent to a safe place nearby.

"If you want to hide a treasure, where do you think it is more suitable to hide it around?" After hearing Liang En's promise that he would never enter a dangerous building, Jeanne breathed a sigh of relief and then asked.

After all, they came here to hunt for treasure, so after completing the preliminary inspection, all they had to do was to determine where the other party was hiding things.

"I guess it should be over there." Liang En pointed to an annex building on the side of the building after recalling the surrounding situation he just saw. "We can go over and have a look."

According to Liang En's guess, if the other party wants to hide the treasure, they should not dig a hole and bury it underground, but should consider preservation and recycling. Otherwise, if you just dump it into so many lakes along the way, no one will be able to find it. .

Therefore, the location where the treasure is hidden should be some kind of relatively solid man-made building that was built before. After a simple screening based on this prerequisite, only the nearby building not far away may be the target.

"This should be a warehouse." After arriving at the building, Liang En immediately recognized what kind of building it was. Unfortunately, the condition of the building looked very bad.

Judging from the holes in the walls and roof, this building should have been a focus of the exchange of fire between the Soviet Union and Germany, and it was also caught in a fire in the later period.

After looking inside through the cracks in the wall and the door missing its door panel, they found that the room was filled with wood that had been burned to black charcoal and some twisted metal parts.

"It seems that this house was used as a warehouse for lumber in the late World War II." Liang En came to a conclusion after briefly checking the current situation. "It's also a good place to hide things."

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