Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 799 Capture Successful

As a ghost-like creature, Liang En summoned these evil spirits that belong to Canadian indigenous legends. Tongbak is not only invisible, but also can fly, so he can complete the delivery of these things without alerting anyone.

It can even be said that if Tundak can be operated to do this work, it will be easier than relying on ordinary people to do this work. At the same time, it is basically impossible to leave any data that can be traced by others.

This is also an important benefit that can be obtained with the accumulation of extraordinary power, which means that Liang En can do many things that normal people cannot do without being discovered by anyone.

"Well - your idea is good, but how do we ensure that we can safely produce the information we want to hand over to the police?"

As a historical follower, Joan of Arc naturally knew what Liang En was talking about, and she also recognized Liang En's solution. However, after solving this problem, she asked the next question.

"We didn't bring any portable printing equipment, but if we take these things to a print shop to print, there is a high risk of revealing our identity, so how do you solve this problem?"

According to the previous plan, Liang En and the others planned to hand over the intelligence collected previously, that is, the photos taken by the cameras on the raven, to the police.

As for the reason why the two of them do not use electronic devices, it is also very simple, because the use of electronic devices is not only more risky, but also the average person will be more vigilant when facing such electronic storage devices.

For example, after obtaining an electronic storage device, the police will definitely check it repeatedly to confirm its safety before reading the contents. This will obviously waste valuable time, but paper documents will not have these problems.

Although the time difference between the two is probably only a few hours, a few hours is still very important to Liang En now.

After all, the unlucky guy down there was being beaten, and the beating he received definitely looked serious, so when the police came over at this time, they might be able to save his life and get some valuable information from his mouth.

And if it comes any later, it will be difficult to tell the fate of this unlucky guy. What's more important is that it will be even more difficult to obtain a confession if you can't catch the anger and unwillingness of the other party after being beaten.

"So in order to ensure the safety of the delivery work, we can just go to the city and borrow a printer for printing." Liang En expressed some of his thoughts in this regard.

"Printers are not uncommon anyway, so just randomly find a printer to complete the printing work."

So half an hour later, they returned to the city and secretly opened the door of a room that was temporarily unoccupied and used the printer in the room. Liang En then divided the printed pictures into several copies and used Tombuck to place them in several related offices of the previous police station, making sure that the other party could see them as soon as they entered the room.

"Next, the initiative will be handed over to these policemen." After completing the delivery work, Liang En said to Joan of Arc on the way back to the plantation. "Hopefully they will take advantage of this opportunity."

To be honest, Liang En really hopes that the other party can take action as soon as possible, because only in this way can the police's attention be diverted from the port area, and there will be no problems with the batch of antiques that Liang En is preparing to return to China.

Liang En’s worries are not unfounded. This is mainly because although the average annual working hours in Greece is more than 690 hours higher than that in Germany, overtime work on weekends is normal, and the service industry even works 18 hours a day.

But civil servants are another story. For example, if you live in Greece and want to do some government business or banking business, you must do it before two o'clock in the afternoon, because the place you want to do business will be closed after two o'clock.

Therefore, Liang En was worried about the police's direct blockade and then slowly conducting searches or large-scale spot checks. Because he did not know how the Chinese side transported those cultural relics, he naturally had some additional worries.

Now if these information are submitted to the police, the other party will accurately carry out the arrest work, thus avoiding the covert operations involving Liang En and the others.

The fact was exactly as Liang En and the others imagined. The next afternoon, when they were preparing to go to the archaeological site again to discuss the latest discoveries with archaeologists, the police officers drove to the plantation again.

"I'm very sorry, but we still need your help." The police officer who received them yesterday said apologetically. "Today we seized another batch of stolen cultural relics, so we still need you to identify them."

"You are moving too fast." After learning on the way that they had caught the criminal organization mentioned yesterday and seized a new batch of dirt, Dr. Liu, the leader of the Chinese side, said with a shocked expression He looked at the police officer.

After all, the work efficiency of the Greek side is well known, so these Chinese people feel that it will take at least a month or two to find clues and plug the loopholes.

But no one expected that less than 24 hours had passed and the criminals had been found and successfully arrested. This is very fast no matter in any country.

"This should be our luck. Last night we received intelligence from some special sources, which allowed us to determine the location and specific circumstances of the criminals, so that we could complete the arrests at 4 a.m. and recover the stolen goods. "

Because he had successfully arrested criminals and recovered stolen goods, the policeman also informed Liang En and the others of some information, which would help strengthen communication between the two parties.

"Now we can basically confirm that during the arrest early this morning, we captured the core personnel of this organization in Greece."

"And the information obtained through the overnight raid has been passed back to your country, making it easier for you to arrest those criminals who stayed in China."

"Thank you very much." Dr. Liu said gratefully. "You can come to us for the next matter in this regard. We will help you in this regard as long as we have time."

The number of cultural relics seized this time seems to be much larger than last time, and they are also mainly Chinese cultural relics. However, unlike the cultural relics last time, the quality of the cultural relics this time is much worse.

Except for a tightly protected lacquerware, the remaining items are basically common goods, such as exported enamels, or some Chinese-style silverware and copperware. These things do look beautiful, but they are not worth much.

But think about it, unlike chaotic countries like Iraq or Syria, China is a very stable country with no large-scale wars.

Although it is difficult to completely ban the crime of cultural relics smuggling due to the overall scale of this country, the possibility of large-scale loss of high-quality products does not exist.

Therefore, it is normal to occasionally have one or two high-quality products, but it is definitely abnormal if most of them are high-quality products or a large number of cultural relics are lost.

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