"To be honest, we also want to protect those cultural relics, but we can't do it either with wealth or manpower." A museum director from Damascus expressed bitterness to Liang En.

"You also know that although countries like ours have a long history, they are now in great chaos. Under such circumstances, we simply do not have the ability to protect all heritage sites."

"So in many cases, once we confirm that those ruins are likely to be stolen, we can only choose to attack in advance. Of course, this will cause damage to the cultural relics, but in comparison, this is the best plan."

"Of course, I think I can understand the problems you are encountering." After listening to the complaints of these scholars, Liang En nodded seriously. "We can carry out some cooperation in the future, such as cultural relic protection and security work."

Compared with these Middle Eastern countries, the talent pool of the museums in Liang En's hands is obviously much better. At least for most people, working in the United States and Europe is obviously better than working in those chaotic countries in the Middle East.

In addition, the armed forces composed of Copts recruited by Liang En and others in the Sinai Peninsula also radiated to the entire Middle East, becoming a new armed security company in the Middle East.

Although they consider many issues when choosing tasks and do not choose the professions that soldiers often choose, it is also because of this that it is easier to get access to some official jobs.

Therefore, tasks such as protecting scientific expedition team members, protecting and excavation sites are just right for them, and cooperation between the two parties can be regarded as a win-win situation.

When everyone was talking about cooperation, Liang En was a little worried about the other party's financial constraints. After all, unilateral efforts would not last long. But later he realized that his worries were in vain.

This is mainly because historians and archaeologists in the Middle East often have good relations with the Arab tycoons, so they are naturally willing to donate generously in this situation.

Sure enough, after contacting those wealthy people, Jordan was willing to pay to help Iraqi archaeologists conduct a comprehensive survey of Nineveh in northern Iraq.

The reason for a comprehensive investigation is that this area was once the front line of the anti-terrorism battlefield and was occupied by terrorists for a long time and carried out large-scale plunder.

Therefore, after this area was recaptured, these historians hoped to enter that area to conduct a large-scale cultural relics survey.

After hearing this, Liang En also took the initiative to express his willingness to provide some help in this regard, such as mobilizing his own network to search for cultural relics flowing out of this area.

It may be very difficult for these scholars from the Middle East to obtain information about these cultural relics in Europe and the United States, but it is not difficult for Liang En and the others.

Even if some of the particularly precious cultural relics were transferred between acquaintances and Liang En and the others were unable to obtain relevant clues, it would be extremely easy to obtain information on some of the cultural relics.

Liang En's approach obviously gained more favor from everyone, so in the following conversation everyone also started to talk about some lighter topics, which naturally included some content related to cooperation.

The scope of cooperation here is very wide. The most basic one is borrowing exhibits from each other, but in addition, there are also things like joint scientific examinations or academic exchanges.

Because of Liang En's actions just now, he also received friendly invitations from many people. However, considering that he was exhausted from running around, he finally chose to accept the invitation from a Jordanian scholar.

This Jordanian scholar is from the famous ancient city of Petra in southern Jordan, which is estimated to be a world cultural heritage. The invitation to Liang was in the hope that he could visit this ancient place and conduct exchanges at the same time.

Of course, from a certain perspective, this action can also be regarded as a relaxing vacation. After all, this ancient ruins have been discovered for more than a hundred years, so basically everything of value has been discovered.

Therefore, going to that place to start work does not actually have too many work plans or work goals. Even if nothing is discovered, it will not affect anything.

After the gathering in Tokyo, Liang En and the others took a plane with the Jordanian scholar to Amman, the capital of Jordan, a city that has existed since ancient Roman times until today.

But for Liang En and the others, this was just one of their stops. Their real goal was the abandoned ancient city of Petra, more than 200 kilometers away in the south.

This is one of the most mysterious ancient cities in the world. It is famous all over the world because of Hollywood movies. The most famous one is the Khazni Temple, which is carved directly into the rock.

As the car went south, the surrounding environment became more and more desolate. Although the overall condition of the off-road RV they used this time was very good, the surrounding desolate Gobi Desert still gave people an uncomfortable feeling.

Because they set off relatively late, Liang En and the others didn't get here until the sun was about to set. Although the sun is no longer so crazy, the wind that occasionally blows is still as hot as the wind next to the stove.

At this time, they discovered that the person in charge of the ruins specifically requested to drive an RV, which was a very wise choice, because there was only one small town nearby that could provide services, and the overall basic conditions were not very good. There are also five-star hotels, but there is no need to be ripped off here.

Taking advantage of the setting sun, Liang En and Joan of Arc quickly rented a horse from the surrounding area and prepared to go for a spin. Under normal circumstances, the grooms would not do this, but because of the person in charge, Ali, so They are willing to rent out horses.

Of course, another reason why they were willing to rent out the horses was that Liang En and Jeanne showed off their riding skills and gained recognition. According to these grooms, Liang En's riding skills are higher than the best among them.

Following the road, they quickly arrived near Petra, but because they did not follow the tourist trail, they could only vaguely see some roofs.

"It's such a hidden city." Joan of Arc sighed as she widened her eyes and tried to see the city clearly. "I feel like standing in a place like this, I can see the long river of history flowing forward."

"That's right." Liang En also sighed as he looked at the khaki stone walls in front of him, and tried his best to imagine how the original explorers returned without success in this maze-like mountainous area.

It was not until 1812, when John Beckett, a British-Swiss man, discovered the lost city while exploring the valley that Petra emerged from history.

Liang En was riding on his horse, listening to the wind in the distant mountains making a buzzing sound in his ears. The air was surprisingly quiet, and he could even hear the sound of sunlight moving on the mountain wall.

Because this is not a road used by tourists, you can even see children driving a group of goats over the rugged rocks from time to time until the setting sun projects their shadows to the other side of their bodies.

"A very beautiful place." After sitting quietly on the horse for more than ten minutes, Liang En sighed and said. "Sometimes fallen civilizations bring a special kind of beauty."

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