Although the description of Joan of Arc in the British and American system made Joan of Arc recruited by Liang En a normal person and indirectly helped Liang En, from a propaganda point of view, this is not a good thing for Europeans, especially the French. Very unfriendly.

Just think about it and you will know that most people are tired of people from other countries belittling the heroes of their own countries, so the French are naturally dissatisfied with documentaries made by Americans.

In fact, the Doulis family never allowed the Discovery Channel to film a documentary about Joan of Arc, but the arrogance of the Americans made them ignore the Doulis family's ideas at all.

There is nothing the Dulis family can do about the Americans' approach. After all, that kind of consultation is only a tradition and not something stipulated by law, so all they can do is protest.

The Dulis family is not the only one who is dissatisfied with this. Because of this dissatisfaction, the French made a proposal at the beginning of this year, hoping to shoot a European documentary about Joan of Arc.

"It's obviously a good thing to make a documentary for a patriot." Liang En subconsciously glanced at Joan of Arc who was sitting on the edge with her hands on her knees pretending to be a lady, and then nodded.

"But I would like to ask if you have any filming plans now? If so, I'd like to take a look at it to make sure it doesn't distort history like the Discovery Channel did."

"Of course, this is what it should be. We don't want our heroes to be misunderstood or even insulted by others." The director, known as Hugo, nodded very seriously, and then took out a notebook.

"We have actually written a draft of the shooting plan. I hope you can help us take a look at it and give us your comments. Of course, if you have anything to add, you can also help me add it."

Mr. Hugo is obviously very discerning as a director. So he immediately recognized that among the two people present, the one who was really in charge was Liang En.

In addition, of course, he also knew that Liang En was a person who had made great achievements in literature, so at this time, he also hoped that he could be with his colleagues to help him check things.

"Let me see." After taking the other person's notebook with both hands, Liang En opened the notebook and carefully read the story written by the other person - a story that recorded the life of Joan of Arc.

"This thing is generally written very well, but there are still some areas that can be improved." Ten minutes later, Liang En hastily flipped through the shooting record, then raised his head and said to Director Hugo.

"We have some - some stories about Joan of Arc's youth, and if you could give me a moment, I'd love to share them with you."

"Is this true? It would be great if it was true." After hearing what Liang En said, the two people sitting opposite them all focused their attention.

They knew that the Dulis family had lost a lot of information before, so in their opinion, Liang En's statement now probably meant that the Dulis family had rediscovered some important clues.

"Yes, we do have new clues now, and these clues have revealed to us some stories that have never been made public before. Some of them are very consistent with your shooting plan." Liang En returned the book to the other party , and then said.

"What we know about Joan of Arc today focuses largely on the period in her life when she left her homeland to go to war, but almost nothing is known about her time at home."

"This is obviously not conducive to our understanding of Joan of Arc's life, because under normal circumstances, Joan of Arc's life before this was an important reason why he eventually became the famous saint in history."

"The information we recently found can just make up for this shortcoming. Judging from this batch of information, the reason why Joan of Arc became the core of the French resistance at that time is completely inseparable from his life as a child."

"Liang is right, this is indeed the case." Joan of Arc said with a straight face and a majestic look, but judging from the strength of her grip on her hand, she was probably not very calm inside now.

Think about it, after all, few great men in history have come back to life, and then recited the things they did back then in front of a group of respected people.

"So we need some time to complete this work, at least a week or so." After seeing Joan of Arc endorsing his statement, Liang En said to the two television staff in front of him at the end of the interview.

"After all, the clues we found are relatively scattered, and it will take some time to sort them out. If there are no accidents, we should be able to complete the first version of writing in five or six days."

"Then I'll leave it to you." After listening to what Liang En said, Director Hugo nodded with approval. At least Liang En's literary level is very good now, and Director Hugo is willing to believe in his literary level.

So for a week after the birthday party, Liang En and the others lived in this mansion belonging to the Dulis family and began to write about Joan of Arc before she became a saint.

Considering that these manuscripts were for filming a documentary about his family's most famous ancestor, Mr. Dulis also took time to read the part that Liang En and the others were describing.

"I have never heard of these stories." Looking at what Liang En had written in the past two days, Mr. Dulis frowned at first, and then the expression on his face relaxed. "But if we extrapolate from common sense, these stories should be true."

This part of the story written by Liang En must be true, because all the stories written here were dictated by Joan of Arc and then written by Liang En's artistic polish.

Therefore, except for some words and sentences that have been changed to adapt to the habits of modern people, most of the content can be regarded as the most original and the most realistic evidence.

This is why Mr. Dulis recognized these contents even though he did not see them in any records passed down from his family. Because these contents can just be connected with some of the contents he knows.

Especially after he became a member of the Duris family, he found some records about Joan of Arc. And he was certain that no one else knew about these records.

But now what Liang En described happened to correspond to him or the information. For Mr. Du Lisi, this also proved that the information Liang En and the others told was true.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Du Lisi supported Liang En and others in changing part of the script at the beginning of the documentary. Because these clues can describe the image of Joan of Arc in a more three-dimensional way.

Because the three people discussed it while making changes, they completed the writing work in this area in just five days and reconnected with Director Hugo.

According to what they discussed before, after these things are written and briefly reviewed, the documentary can be shot.

"What? You said you've written everything down, so I'll be here right away." Hugo said in surprise after receiving the call, and then drove over half an hour later.

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