"Wish me good luck? Yes, I do need some good luck now." After listening to the receptionist's blessing, Liang En nodded slightly to him and said.

To be honest, sometimes searching for these historical relics and uncovering the truth of history does require some luck, and luck even plays a major role in some important discoveries.

Some people may be able to find what they want with a shovel, but some people may dig almost the entire land but miss what they are looking for.

"It's so beautiful!" When Liang En and the others arrived at the top of the tower, Jeanne looked past the low wall to the lake and the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and then sighed.

"Yes, if you just look at the scenery, this place is really good." Liang En said helplessly in a low voice. "It's a pity that it's too far away from home, and it's too remote."

"You're right, it's quite annoying to drive on a mountain road for so long to get there." Joan of Arc recalled the long journey just now and said, "And we don't usually come to Italy."

Yes, some wealthy people may buy houses around the world and then live there as an investment, but the prerequisite for doing so is that the real estate is indeed valuable. Unfortunately, the value of this castle is too stable.

"I thought all castles were valuable." Mary also took a look at the surrounding scenery, and then said, "I didn't expect that there are old castles that have no investment value."

"So we have to analyze specific issues in detail. An industry like this really only looks great. But in fact, the value is just that." Elizabeth said about her investment philosophy.

"So I am doing something to increase the value of the castle." Liang En said looking at the strange symbols on the stone walls of the castle, "First record these symbols, and then see what patterns there are. "

As Liang En finished speaking, the three ladies immediately took out their mobile phones and began to record the contents carved on the stones bit by bit.

As they recorded, the symbols carved on the floor and the low walls were recorded one by one, and they gradually pieced together the overall situation of the entire batch of symbols on the tower.

"It is now certain that there are more than 320 symbols carved on the tower, and these symbols are evenly distributed on the top platform of the entire tower."

In the evening, Liang En and the four of them sat around a computer and analyzed the content they had taken. After completing the handover, the receptionist left, leaving only the four of them to explore.

What is exciting is that although the castle is the only building on the island, there is still running water and electricity, allowing the four of them to conduct research smoothly here.

"Yes, and I think these things should not be carved randomly." After looking at these symbols carefully, Marie Antoinette said suddenly.

"How did you judge it?" After hearing what Mary said, Liang En raised his head in surprise. Because she was not trained in this area like Joan of Arc, it was indeed a bit shocking to make such a judgment.

"Because these symbols seem to have a special sense of beauty, it is unlikely that they were just randomly drawn on them." Mary thought for a moment and then organized her words.

"More importantly, the granite used to build the castle is very hard, and it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive to carve anything on it, so what can be carved here is definitely important."

"What you said should be the truth. Although there is no evidence, it is the most reasonable explanation based on various circumstances." Liang En nodded.

As we all know, the passage of time will cause huge changes in the world, and a large amount of information will be lost. The gap between the past time and reality restored by people today through records and cultural relics depends on many things. reason.

The most important of these reasons is the summary of existing clues and reasonable inference. As for whether the inference is accurate, apart from sufficient clues, it depends on luck.

Marie Antoinette's inference now falls within the limit of what can be inferred from these known clues. From a reasonable point of view, it should be very close to the truth, but unfortunately its value is not high.

"There are about 20 missing symbols, which means that theoretically it will not affect the information conveyed by these symbols." Liang En said while looking at the three ladies.

"According to my statistics, half of these symbols are newly created symbols, while the other half of the symbols come from various religions, including various Christian sects that dominated Europe at that time, as well as some sects that have disappeared in history."

"It's strange, normal people never do this." Elizabeth said with a puzzled look. Hungary at that time when she lived was a place where mysticism was most popular, but she had never seen such a strange combination of symbols.

After all, even occultism has to adhere to a series of principles. It definitely doesn't mean that just stacking things that you don't understand together is called occultism.

"Could these things be passwords?" Mary suddenly had an idea at this time. “Are these symbols tools used by those people to convey some message?”

"It's unlikely. After all, you just said that carving these symbols is time-consuming and labor-intensive. This method of transmitting information is not only secretive, but also very poor in real-time performance." Liang En said with a shrug.

"Who do you think, or what kind of information can make people run to the tower of this well-defended castle and carve on the stone for several days. What's more important is that no one noticed when doing so."

"You are right, so the maker of these things should most likely be the owner of the castle at that time." As Liang En finished speaking, Joan of Arc quickly gave her final judgment.

"As for the clues left by the other party, it is very likely that they are used to transmit some information, but this kind of information should be a long-term, stable message, not the kind of content used for emergency contact.

"Yes, long term, stable information." Liang En extracted the core of what Joan of Arc said, "So I guess this is probably related to a hidden treasure." "

"Your idea is obviously very reasonable, but I have been thinking about this question before, that is, why would someone leave such complex information after buried treasure as a clue to guide others to find it?" Elizabeth asked in confusion. .

After all, collecting wealth requires either absolute secrecy or a large number of security facilities, so these types of puzzle-solving documents naturally look weird.

"In fact, under some special circumstances, this practice of retaining information through covert means is very normal." Liang En explained seriously.

"For example, if the original owner of these items has some wealth that is not suitable for disclosure, they will often hide these items and equipment and leave them to their descendants."

"In this case, it has become a routine operation to use some code words to tell future generations the hidden situation, but not all heirs can get what they want, and many things are eventually forgotten. "

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