This expedition near Naples was a great success. In addition to discovering an important relic, a large number of cards were also discovered.

Although the gains this time in terms of card consumption are very average, the skill cards are just the opposite. For example, the R-level card is worth no less than an ordinary SR card in Liang En's hands.

The reason why this happens is that many extraordinary powers belong to things that are relatively dynamic, such as some of the nature-related powers that Liang En masters.

Once activated, the reaction of these cards is no less than that of a large-caliber artillery fire, so they are basically unlikely to be used in daily life to avoid unnecessary attention.

However, the skill [Thought Guidance (R)], whose effect seems to be somewhere between extraordinary and ordinary, is exactly the opposite. Because of the secretive nature of this skill, its daily value is obviously higher than other skills.

But when he saw another card, he immediately realized what his real gain was. It had to be said that the card issued from a legendary location was much more powerful than he had imagined.

[Jade Record (SR) Legend has it that alchemy originated in Egypt. 1900 BC. The Egyptian pharaoh Hermes and his legendary father, the god Thoth (as well as Hermes' eldest son, the great priest Thoth) were not three people who merged into one and became the legendary "God Hermes".

This trinity of gods condensed the knowledge of alchemy into 13 sentences, which were carved on an emerald slab and passed down to the world. People call this text "Cuiyulu".

This book was one of the first alchemical texts to enter Europe. Some people believe that in 332 BC, when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, he discovered it from the tomb of "Pharaoh Hermes".

According to legend, the author of "Jade Record" is the god Thoth, the father of Pharaoh Hermes. God Thoth is also the ruler of the underworld in Egyptian mythology. He is also the legendary author of the familiar Egyptian mysterious classic "Book of the Dead".

Medieval alchemists would have a copy of the Jadeite Book hanging in their workshops; it was the ultimate guidance they needed and inspired them to continue on their alchemical path.

However, some people believe that this book was originally an idea and method used by philosophers to seek wisdom and enlightenment and improve their personal spiritual level, and it cannot be applied rigidly to reality.

Of course, from today's purely academic point of view, this book is more like a fantasy of later generations, because there has never been a pharaoh named Hermes in history. On the contrary, ancient Greece has had such a pharaoh since the Mycenaean era. The legend of a god.

Therefore, based on the current situation, the real author of this book should be a certain philosopher from the Hellenistic era of Egypt, that is, the Ptolemaic dynasty, so he integrated the civilizations of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, and created this work.

In the ordinary world, this book is just a historical book and a philosophical book, but with the blessing of legendary abilities, this book can emit a different light in the hands of historical explorers. .

Skill card (permanent) (active), just like the legend, after mastering this skill, the user can truly master the secret of the conversion between soul and matter.

By injecting the power of legend, some alchemical potions and alchemical items that are limited to legends can be produced, and the most representative and legendary thing among them is the alchemy stone or the philosopher's stone. 】

Considering that "On Magic" and "General Theory of Connection" published after the death of Bruno, the last host here, are all occult works, it is normal for this place to publish a occult work.

What's more important is that the Hermetic School itself is a school that studies alchemy very much, so it is reasonable to find something related to alchemy in such a place.

"It's really amazing that this legend can be reproduced." Joan of Arc said in surprise after Liang En introduced the newly acquired card.

In fact, although alchemy was illegal in Joan of Arc's time, alchemists were still able to practice openly, especially in France and England at the time.

This is mainly because the Hundred Years War caused huge damage to the economies of Britain and France, so for these two countries at that time, they naturally hoped to obtain more resources and wealth through all means.

There are many types of these methods, the more common ones include robbery in the first war zone. For example, Joan of Arc's hometown was once robbed by the British, and most of the property was finally regained with great difficulty.

But this kind of robbery is a one-time thing and cannot be sustained at all, so both sides naturally need more wealth in the long tug-of-war, so alchemy is also taken into consideration.

As the Marshal of France at that time, Joan of Arc had naturally heard about this kind of thing. Unfortunately, most of the people she met back then were liars, and she had never seen anyone who could actually turn stone into gold.

"I'm different from those liars." After hearing what Zhende said about what he had encountered before, Liang En smiled and shook his head and said, "All the alchemy here can be used."

Because he was in a private space, Liang En became interested and simply lit the lamp on the table, then took out a bunch of alchemy equipment from the space to prepare for a demonstration.

Different from the similar abilities obtained by previous cards, which at most only enhanced the abilities of some already existing medicines, the current cards have the ability to directly restore legends in this world.

"What are you going to do now?" Just when Liang En had prepared all the alchemy tools, Joan of Arc asked curiously. "Is it the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Of course not. There is a link in that thing that injects 100 legendary points in an instant, and I am still far away from this level." Liang En shook his head and said.

To be honest, he was very interested in the alchemy stone that could turn stone into gold and make people immortal. Unfortunately, he couldn't reach the level in this area, so he could only choose to start from the most basic level.

"What I have to do now is to perform alchemy on this dagger to make it rust-proof." Liang En said while using his ability to carve grooves on the first one and inlaying the silver he carried with him. .

"But the problem is that this dagger is originally rust-proof." Looking at the shiny dagger, Joan of Arc looked puzzled, "I remember that this is a sailor's knife specially used by sailors. Made of stainless steel.”

"Uh-" Liang En stiffened for a moment after hearing what Joan of Arc said, and then said stiffly. "It's okay, it's just a demonstration now, and don't you think there is room for improvement even in stainless steel in terms of rust prevention?"

"That's true." Jeanne nodded habitually, and then made an excuse for Liang En. "After all, the rust resistance of these stainless steels is only compared to ordinary steel, and it is not truly rust-free."

"Okay, let's not think about these details, let's get started." Liang En felt even more embarrassed after hearing what Joan of Arc said, so he waved his hand and returned to the alchemy work.

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