The trinkets found in the ivory gaps include bronze, stone and jade artifacts, and the most attractive one is a jade guide carved from green jade.

This jade guide is 15.86 centimeters long, 4.09 centimeters wide, and 0.5 centimeters thick. It is made of tremolite nephrite, dark green, with white stripes and spots, and is translucent. Rectangular, longer, flat top, straight waist, straight face, flat edge.

There are five groups of tooth-shaped decorations on the temple of the jade gui, the upper and lower groups each have 4 parallel straight lines, and the middle three groups each have 3 parallel straight lines. Each line is composed of two parallel straight lines.

The entire vessel is neatly made and polished smoothly. It is obvious that this should be the highest level ritual vessel in ancient times. The fact that it appears in the pit is a good indication of the level of this ruins.

And when everyone got together to discuss it in the evening, they discovered that ritual vessels similar to this jade guide were unearthed in several places searched today, including jade guide, jade cong, jade Zhang, etc.

The most eye-catching one is a tremolite nephrite jade cong with an upper end length of 6.94 cm, a lower end length of 6.3 cm, an upper aperture of 5.55 cm, and a lower aperture of 5.14 cm.

The entire jade cong is cyan, with a warm and transparent texture. There are large areas of whitening on the surface caused by the loss of calcium. The whitened texture mostly spreads along the original natural cracks of the jade mineral material. There are also strip-shaped light black Qin spots and gray-black fruit grain-like Qin spots on the surface.

In appearance, the jade cong is a rectangular cylinder, square on the outside and round on the inside. The upper part of the device is larger and the lower part is smaller. There is a hole in the middle, and the holes are ejected from both the upper and lower parts. The whole vessel is divided into ten sections, each section is engraved with a simplified human face pattern.

In terms of craftsmanship, the jade cong has a rectangular horizontal edge carved with fine parallel lines to represent the feather crown, and a pipe drill is used to cut out two circles, one large and one small, representing the eyes and eyeballs respectively. The short rectangular rails have a geometric pattern resembling a cirrus pattern, representing the nose.

A humanoid symbol is engraved on its upper body. The humanoid wears a long crown on its head, holds its hands flat, has long flowing sleeves with feather-shaped decorations, and spreads its legs as if it is dancing. The inner wall of the hole is large at both ends and small in the middle, and is drilled on both sides.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this jade is just as exquisite as those previously discovered. At most, it feels that the style and material are a little different from other jade. But in the eyes of professionals, the jade cong is obviously a product of the Liangzhu culture. Style.

The Liangzhu Culture is a Neolithic prehistoric civilization located near the estuary of the Yangtze River in eastern China. It predates the history of this site by thousands of years.

Therefore, considering the huge historical and spatial differences between the two, it is very strange to find cultural relics from the Liangzhu Civilization among the ruins in the capital of Shu.

"——That is to say, there had been exchanges throughout the Yangtze River Basin before there were official historical records. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this kind of exchanges gradually became normalized, so these things appear here."

When the professor above was explaining about the jade cong of Liangzhu culture, Liang En turned his head slightly and whispered to Joan of Arc, explaining why everyone paid so much attention to this cultural relic.

"In fact, historians from various countries have always believed that human exchanges in prehistoric times may have been much more extensive than we imagined. That is because it is difficult to determine this because of the lack of sufficient historical data."

"These unearthed cultural relics now can prove the existence of this ancient trade route and correct the original misconception among historians that the scope of activities of early prehistoric civilizations was limited to the periphery of the civilization."

"If this is the case, this cultural relic is indeed very precious." After hearing Liang En's explanation, Joan of Arc immediately understood why this cultural relic was so precious.

The same thing has different values ​​in the eyes of different people. For example, to cultural relic dealers, a jade article is just a jade article, and the place where it is unearthed has little impact.

Or to be precise, for cultural relics merchants, where the core of this thing was unearthed can be used to tell stories to attract customers. As for the historical value of this thing, it is not important to the merchants at all.

But for scholars, anything related to cultural relics is very important. It can even be said that a lot of content can be analyzed from the soil stuck to the objects.

Just like this jade cong, it would not be surprising if it appeared within the scope of the Liangzhu Culture, because thousands of jade congs have already appeared there, but it would be a different matter if it appeared thousands of kilometers away to the west. .

During the excavation work in the next few days, they found more ivory, jade, stone and bronze artifacts. For example, there were more than 150 ivory tusks alone. More importantly, they also found several gold artifacts.

Some of these gold products are gold crowns with reliefs, while others are very thin gold sheets, which seem to be decorations used to decorate other things.

The most famous thing among these gold ornaments is a mask made of gold. When people carefully cleaned the soil on it, they found that it was the same product as the gold mask unearthed in Sanxingdui.

This golden mask proves one thing, that is, this ruins is indeed closely related to Sanxingdui, and may even come from the same ethnic group.

At least judging from the current identification of the discovered cultural relics, the Jinsha site is likely to be a new settlement that was formed after the Sanxingdui disaster or civil strife.

Of course, this is only analyzed based on the data at hand. If there is more content in the future, it is likely that these theories will be patched, or even completely changed.

But this does not mean that the work done by Liang En and others is meaningless. After all, even if they come to the wrong conclusion, they are still helping future generations to try and make mistakes, which is not worthless.

Because Liang En also found a large number of cultural relics at the location he searched before, he had to change the goals of his activities again and gave up the original digging site to more professional people.

There is no doubt that this is what Liang En hopes. He prefers to find something new rather than digging deeply in the old location, so this kind of resolution just frees him up.

The new site is located to the north of the previous site, hundreds of meters away from the previous excavation site and closer to the river. During the previous search, this area was designated as a temporary excavation area because of traces of human beings found.

"What do you think there is here?" When everyone started digging, Jeanne pulled Liang En aside and then stood up on her toes and whispered into his ear.

Although the excavation range can be anywhere in the north, and Liang En followed the rules when he arrived at this location, Joan of Arc could see that this place was actually chosen by Liang En before.

In other words, before the excavation, Liang En seemed to have known that something might be hidden in this place, so he chose this place for excavation. "Some very important things." Liang En said with a smile,

"You know the two of us only have ten days of digging license, so I have to find something very valuable now."

So after the excavation work was completed, under Liang En's suggestion, the two people took out the metal detectors and started searching. Soon, they heard the alarm sound from the metal detectors.

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