In the eyes of many people, the representative equipment of Japanese samurai is the katana that spans their waists. This is certainly true, but it would be a big mistake to simply think that those people only have katana swords.

In fact, the most commonly used weapons by Japanese samurai on the battlefield are basically Japanese guns, near-human-sized nodachi, bows and even Vulcan guns. Japanese swords are at most a backup weapon.

This is mainly due to the fact that during the Warring States Period in Japan, especially in the late Warring States Period, the armor rate of the army was very high, so the katana, which was good at dealing with unarmored targets, naturally became a supporting role on the battlefield.

However, the situation has changed in Southeast Asia. The enemies in this area do not have much armor at all. At the same time, the dense jungle and complex terrain are not suitable for the array battle method, but are more inclined to melee.

This also led the Japanese ronin in Southeast Asia to give up those long weapons that were invariable, and replaced them with short weapons based on samurai swords. This weapon, which is longer than the traditional Krystal dagger, is naturally used on the battlefield. Gained a huge advantage.

In addition to weapons, the armor carried by the Japanese at that time also had a crushing advantage. Compared with weapons, armor was much more effective on ancient battlefields, and it could give a person the power of one against ten.

The mercenaries of the Dutch East India Company who came here later not only hired these Japanese ronin as thugs, but also hired German mercenaries. Compared with the Japanese ronin, this group of warriors equipped with plate armor was more crushing.

"I understand, these daggers are actually weapons suitable for local conditions. Although their quality is indeed good, there is no need to myth them." Joan of Arc waved the dagger in her hand again.

"But then again, what are these curves on the sword for? I know that a blade with this shape is good for cutting, but if there are too many -"

"Ah, the question you are asking now is a very core feature of the Malay Keris dagger, because for the curved sword, there are many rules for the number of curved segments, and it is not random. .

Under normal circumstances, the Kris dagger has a bend of 3 to 13 steps, and some swords have a bend of up to 29 steps. This number must be an odd number, as even-numbered curved points represent unlucky. "

"At the same time, in traditional Malay society, not everyone can own a kris with more curves. A kris with three bends is worn by businessmen, and a kris with five bends is worn by scholars and professors. , Kris swords with 7 and 9 bending points are worn by warrior generals, Kris swords with 11 and 13 bend points are exclusive to the royal family, and Kris swords with more than 13 bend points can only be worn by extraordinary people. .The fully straight Krystal sword is available to everyone.”

"The nine swords here have at least 11 bending points, and there are even 17 at most. They are all the legendary Royal Clerks daggers, and they are also daggers that actually contain meteorite." Liang En pointed to the exquisite ones. Dagger said.

Although many online stalls claim that this kind of dagger is made of meteorite, as long as you use your brain a little, you will know that the output of thousands of pieces is simply not something that meteorite can provide.

Therefore, it can be said that the keris are all made of meteorite iron. This is a lie made up for marketing. The real situation is that only the royal daggers are added with precious meteorite iron, and even all of them are made of meteorite iron. Made of iron.

"In other words, the daggers we have now found should be the top batch of Chris daggers." Nelson said a little excitedly, because this kind of dagger is also very famous in the West, especially the top daggers. Always valuable.

"Yes, this is most likely a weapon captured by the Dutch during the colonial war." Liang En nodded. "It is most likely a trophy obtained from the local royal family."

After checking the boxes with weapons written on them, Liang En and the others finally focused on the boxes with jewelry written on them. The things they wanted to come here should be more valuable.

But the actual situation is not like this. Although there are jewelry made of gold, silver, gemstones, tortoise shells, ivory, rhinoceros horns and various aromatic plants, the historical value of these things is not high.

Because although these palace jewelry may seem valuable, from a historical research perspective, their value is not high. Whether it is style, workmanship or origin, they are all relatively common and have little research value.

"Okay, let's take a look at the last box." Compared with the previous daggers, the jewelry in this box obviously couldn't excite everyone, so everyone focused on the last box.

The reason why this box should be opened last is because this box is a safe, and it also says important supplies and must not be opened.

Considering that this box was just a small safe, Liang En and the others had always guessed that it might contain the most valuable items among the transferred items, so they opened it last.

However, when the safe was opened, it was a little disappointing, because there were only two boxes, one large and one small. The first thing that was opened was a small box, which contained two badges, one large and one small, and a gold chain.

The appearance of these two badges is a knight on a horse waving a sword, with a green dragon at his feet. As for the production process, it is made by applying glaze on the gold body and inlaying it. Diamonds and rubies.

There is no doubt that this badge tells the story of St. George slaying the dragon. Both of them adopt the method of three-dimensional carving, which means that the badge is double-sided. Both sides are set with the same gemstones.

"Honi soit qui mal y pense." Liang En read out the words on the outer ring of the badge. This sentence meant that those with evil thoughts should feel ashamed. At the same time, this sentence made Liang En understand what this thing was.

"It's actually the badge of the Knights of the Garter, and it was custom-made by a wealthy knight around 1690." Liang En muttered softly.

The Knights of the Garter is actually a transliteration, if it means the Knights of the Garter, it was founded by King Edward III in 1347.

At the earliest time, King Edward III decided to hold a round table fight at Windsor Castle and then establish a "Knights of the Round Table", but something happened later that changed his mind.

What happened is probably this: In 1347, Edward III went to Calais to attend a banquet. At the banquet, Edward III invited the Countess of Salisbury to dance.

However, at the ball, the countess dropped the garter, and everyone snickered. Edward particularly hated the reaction of the knights and ladies and said the motto of the order, then picked up the garter and put it on his leg.

Perhaps this incident made him realize that there were not many people with knightly qualities, so he changed the original plan of 300 Knights of the Round Table to the Knights of the Garter with only 26 people.

Of course, this is just an unreliable statement. A more serious statement is that the blue and gold colors on the medal hint at Edward III's claim to the French throne, and the motto also alludes to this.

The first batch of Knights of the Garter included 26 elite knights, most of whom participated in the Battle of Crécy, which defeated the French, and this Knights has been passed down to this day.

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