Liang En and the others were not able to reach their target in time as they imagined because it was already lunch time, so they had a simple lunch at a nearby restaurant and went straight to their destination.

Lunch was a little weird, consisting of grilled chicken with pasta and a vegetable salad, but at least it was enough to keep me warm for an afternoon of working outdoors as the weather turned colder.

Because this city is not that big, the car quickly left the city and reached the suburbs. As the car went south, fields appeared in front of everyone.

"This was a collective farm during the Soviet era, but when construction began, some artillery shells from the civil war were discovered, so the building was not built here for safety reasons."

Less than 10km after leaving the city, the vehicle stopped on the side of the road. This place was a whole piece of grass. There were some cows walking on the grass not far away, and further away there were farm buildings. When I got off the car Well, that's it.

"This farm now belongs to Russian state-owned land, so if you want to dig here, you'd better get a permit, otherwise the next work will be very troublesome."

"Understood, if I really find something, I will apply to the authorities." Liang En nodded and said confidently, because he felt that with his reputation, it should not be difficult to start excavation work here.

"Where do you think we should start looking?" After saying goodbye to Sergey and making an appointment to pick him up at 7 p.m., Liang En and Joan of Arc set foot on the grass, and it was at this time that Joan of Arc asked curiously. Make plans for the next step.

"There's no need to look for the place where the jade ornament was found. So many people have been searching for it for so many years but they haven't been able to find it. I don't think the two of us can do it." Liang En walked towards the hill not far away. When it comes to time.

"So I think I should go to the highest point nearby to take a look at the surroundings and see if there are any traces of ruins or things that may be ruins around."

He made this judgment because he felt that based on the excavated things described by Sergey before, he realized that these things were not buried with him, but were used by the living people. In other words, the place that was excavated before is likely to be a special warehouse.

Burying treasures is also a very common thing for nomads, but compared to settled peoples, nomads can easily forget the locations of treasures due to movement.

This is why some jewelry or various exquisitely crafted utensils are often dug up on the grassland: because these things are expensive and inconvenient to carry, they will naturally be buried in an emergency.

It's just that for those treasure hunters, many of them never came back after leaving, and the treasures stayed quietly underground until one day they were dug out again.

To be honest, if this treasure was that kind of treasure, Liang En wouldn't come, because if that were the case, nothing would exist and there would be no excavation value.

But this time the situation was different. After learning that those treasures had been exhibited, Liang En obtained photos of those things through the Internet and compared the found things one by one.

As a result, during the comparison, he unexpectedly discovered that one of the so-called gold items was a gilt copper product. And it looks like a copper shop head used on a door.

Judging from the style, this is very close to the animal head ring unearthed in the Central Plains. It is most likely the door knocker of a Han-style building. Considering the particularity and weight of this thing, Liang En judged that there should be something similar to the Chinese one nearby. Remains of style.

Only in this way can we explain why such a heavy and low-value copper door knocker appears here, because under normal circumstances the Huns would choose to scrape the gold off the surface of this copper product and then melt it to make weapons.

After all, as a nomadic people, the Huns were far inferior to the Han Dynasty in terms of metal production level and metal production. Therefore, any metal was precious to them and it was unlikely to be discarded casually like this.

More importantly, it is not a complicated matter to remove a copper shop head with a big face like this from the door. If you have the energy to remove this thing, you will definitely have enough energy and time to transport them. Go somewhere safe.

Therefore, there is only one possibility of discovering such things in a place where treasures are buried, and that is that these things were probably taken down after the building was abandoned, and then some things were dismantled and temporarily hidden.

However, like many other hidden items, the items hidden this time could not be found by the owner due to various reasons, so they were found by the people who built the road decades ago.

"Okay, let's get started." After climbing up the hill, Liang En summoned the three ravens that had been squatting in the space before, and then asked them to investigate the surroundings with themselves as the center of the circle.

As the raven flew higher and higher, the scope of the investigation became wider and wider. After seven or eight minutes, Liang En saw several obvious straight lines on the ground through the raven's eyes, and these things were obviously unlikely to be formed naturally. product.

"I think we can go over and have a look." After the raven completed its investigation, Liang En quickly sketched a map of the surrounding area in his notebook and said.

"Although it's not complete, I can see from the aerial view that there are traces of a huge rectangular building here, which looks like a wall, so I think it's more appropriate to go there and take a look."

"Are you saying there is something like a wall?" Joan suddenly became energetic after hearing this. "If so, it's probably a city, but why would anyone build a city here-"

It is very normal for Joan of Arc to be confused, because for nomads, cities do not mean much, especially in a place so far north.

Moreover, according to historical data, this area is more than 1,000 kilometers away from the Xiongnu royal court in the Xiongnu era. The climate is cold. Even if it was placed by the Huns, it would be a desolate and remote place, and there is no significance in building a city.

"It might not be a city, but a gathering area for the Han people at that time." Liang En analyzed calmly, "Whether it is the Huns or the Han people, they tend to place the surrenderers far away from the boundary line between the two."

"So this location in the rear area of ​​the Xiongnu area is very likely to have settlements belonging to the Han people, such as the building that probably exists now."

"If that makes sense, and it's like what you said, the Han Dynasty people here should have a high status, otherwise it would be impossible to have such high-end building materials." After Liang En finished speaking, Joan of Arc hit He said with a snap of his fingers.

"So now let's go over and have a look. I think if we can really determine the scope of the wall, then we can also conduct an overall and comprehensive search of the entire ruins."

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