The lack of core designers has a great impact on the Lacloche brand, because their original chief designer was a core member of their family, so they basically had no connections to use in this regard.

What's more important is that this kind of design master is not just a radish and cabbage in the field, and for those designers. Most people have their own fixed partner companies, so it's hard to find the right people.

So after repeated searches, they realized that only Liang En, a non-professional jewelry designer in Europe, met their requirements, because he was the only one without a fixed high-end jewelry partner.

Although Liang En cooperated with Indians in his own brand, the fast-moving luxury jewelry for young people was not considered by the Lacloche family to affect their own brand.

As for the cooperation with the Dulis family, it is another matter. Although the two have a lot of cooperation, and the relationship between Liang En and Joan of Arc can be found out with just a little inquiry, Liang En is indeed not a subordinate of the Dulis family jewelry brand.

Especially for them, the cooperation between Liang En and the Du Lisi family is more emotional than commercial, so now it is just right to ask Liang En to help in their own brand.

What's more important is that Liang En's design style includes both history and oriental Chinese style. At the same time, his painting also reflects his grasp of the true gorgeous style, which is consistent with the tradition of the Lacloche brand.

Therefore, in the eyes of the brand, Liang En can be regarded as a top jewelry designer given to them by God, who can perfectly interpret the brand's design style.

As for why they are willing to pay 50% of the shares, it is because few people can remember this brand now, so the overall difficulty is not much different from starting a new brand. In this way, the brand value is definitely not high.

However, only 15% of the so-called 50% shares are actually gifted. The remaining 35% is the upper limit of the original shares that Liang En and others are allowed to invest in purchasing.

As for the reason they are willing to accept investment, it is also very simple. After all, their family's tradition has always been to welcome investment from others, so this time is no exception.

"In fact, this jewelry brand is very valuable to invest in." Elizabeth also has her own views on this investment, "So my personal suggestion is that it is more appropriate to agree to their cooperation agreement."

"Okay, I understand. I will seriously consider this suggestion." After listening to Elizabeth's suggestion, Liang En hung up the phone and started analyzing it. The analysis results were no different from Elizabeth's conclusion.

After all, Elizabeth is definitely a professional in this area, so there is definitely no problem in analysis, at least better than Liang En and Joan of Arc who are half-assed.

So after completing the final handover of cultural relics from Russia three days later, Liang went to Paris to meet Elizabeth, and then started negotiations with the members of the Lacloche family who came.

The negotiation work is mainly related to a large number of details. For example, what obligations does Liang En, the consultant, need to fulfill? There are many parts worth negotiating.

Although the money part has been negotiated before, the actual things that really need to be discussed in detail still require a lot of time.

Fortunately, the Lacloche family also knew that Liang En did not rely on his craftsmanship in jewelry design and could not have as much time as those professionals, so they made some concessions in terms of Liang En's obligations and finally reached a contract.

According to the requirements of the contract, Liang En needs to design two sets of jewelry every year, or six individual pieces of jewelry. The two can be exchanged at a ratio of 1:3. As for those exceeding these numbers, Liang En needs to be paid appropriate remuneration.

At the same time, in addition to the brands designated by the Dulis family, Lacloche has the priority to obtain high-end jewelry design and has the right to suggest design directions once a year.

In other words, he has the opportunity to order designs from Liang En once a year. Of course, this is just a suggestion, but under normal circumstances, most people will agree. This can be regarded as the service that the other party should get after paying so much money.

"I'm glad that we were able to successfully reach a cooperation." After three days of negotiations, the young man named Benjamin who led the team stood up and shook hands with Liang En. "Excuse me, are you free now?"

"I'm free for the time being. At least I don't have any field archaeological plans from now to winter." After hearing the other party's question, Liang En thought about it very seriously and said. "What's matter?"

"Ah, it's like this. There is an important exhibition in Paris in October. So I hope it can be the venue for our first event in decades, but we currently lack a set of flagship products-"

For a brand that has been dormant for decades, even if it was on the same level as Cartier at the time, it can only be regarded as a brave man at the time. Now the only way to rise again is to start over.

Therefore, they naturally attach great importance to this first appearance, hoping to become an instant hit at the exhibition. For a jewelry company like them, what they can produce is naturally top-notch jewelry.

"I understand, what you mean is to be able to see a set of autumn jewelry. This design is a bit difficult to say, but it is not very difficult - but you'd better tell us your budget." After listening to the request, Liang En After thinking for a moment he said.

"If you have done background checks before, you should know that I don't pay much attention to the materials of jewelry in terms of design habits. But since I want to become famous at such a top exhibition, the materials used in jewelry should naturally be better."

"Of course we are prepared for this. We have prepared a complete set of cut top-grade Sri Lankan multi-colored gemstones, each of which is guaranteed to be large carat, high clarity, and pure natural." Benjamin replied.

"If you are willing, we can send the gems here and give them to you now, and then you just need to get everything done before the scheduled time."

Of course, Benjamin knew that Liang En was a master of two things. In addition to being a master of jewelry design, he was also a master of jewelry making. So after hearing what Liang En said, he immediately realized that Liang En was willing to do the production from start to finish.

There is no doubt that this is a good thing. Compared with the normal practice of designers designing and then craftsmen making it, designing and making it yourself is the best way to make the work perfect, but generally very few people have these two skills at the same time.

So Benjamin immediately said that he would transfer all the raw materials to Liang En immediately, which would facilitate his subsequent design and manufacturing work.

Of course, this is not a common practice, at least for most jewelers, they will set various restrictions when jewelers make jewelry, rather than handing the gems directly to the maker like this.

However, Liang En’s identity is reliable enough, especially when compared with their families, which have been passed down for hundreds of years. That’s why Benjamin chose to give the gem directly to Liang En, so as not to appear rude and not make Liang En feel uncomfortable. He is humiliating himself.

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