The day after receiving the invitation, Liang En, Joan of Arc and Elizabeth went to Paris. After dropping off their luggage at the hotel, they took a ride directly to the Grand Palace on the Champs Elysées in the center of Paris.

Although this building is called the Grand Palais, it has basically nothing to do with a series of French royal families in history. It was built to host the 1900 World's Fair.

After the World Expo, a series of buildings built at that time were demolished, leaving only the Grand Palais and the Eiffel Tower in Paris as symbols of France and the city of Paris.

The Grand Palais in France is now a public exhibition hall. The three areas in the palace are the Science Museum, the Exhibition Hall and the Activity Hall. Exhibitions with various themes are often held here, attracting many tourists to visit.

Theoretically speaking, the exhibition started three days later. The reason why they came so early is also very simple: because on the night after Benjamin left, he received a call from Dr. Louis, the curator of the Egyptian section of the Louvre Museum with whom he had previously worked. .

On the phone, the doctor told Liang En that he had been selected as a member of the expert group participating in this exhibition, so it was best to come over tomorrow to help identify these antiques.

Liang En was a little strange about this invitation at first, because he knew that the Paris Antique Biennale was historically the first antique exhibition controlled by experts.

So traditionally two days before the opening of the exhibition, 350 experts invited from all over the world will inspect the exhibits one by one and conduct a comprehensive inspection of the exhibits.

During the inspection, if the provenance of any exhibit is slightly questionable, or the quality is slightly inconsistent with the Paris Antiques Biennale, this exhibit will not be accepted by the Antiques Fair.

Such strict measures are enough to control and ensure the quality of the exhibition and its reputation for more than half a century. Under normal circumstances, invitations to those experts will be sent to those experts half a month to ten days in advance.

Liang En had also received invitations before, but the invitations he received were from reserve forces, which meant that in addition to the normal 350 experts, they would also invite 10 to 15 additional experts as reserve personnel.

This is a completely understandable thing. After all, experts in this field are often quite old. In addition, some people may have something unexpected happen, so it is completely reasonable to prepare some reserve personnel.

Liang En is one of the reserve staff this time. The reason for this is that although everyone agrees that his level is sufficient, he is too young. In addition, Liang En himself does not want to be busy at this time, so he becomes a reserve staff. personnel.

But now the situation has changed, partly because the older scholars are temporarily unable to come. So in desperation, they chose to call Liang En, the youngest person, hoping that he could come to the rescue.

For Liang En, this is a happy thing, because appearing under such circumstances can bring him a lot of prestige, and it is also more satisfying to get hold of those cultural relics in advance.

"This is really beautiful." Joan of Arc whispered as she walked through the two carved iron doors and entered the Grand Palace. It was obvious that she had been attracted by the unique and creative venue design.

This is the first feature of the Biennale to be felt. The venue design of each Biennale will be unique, and different masters will be invited to create for it.

For example, the exhibition hall of this Biennale was built as a dream garden composed of rare treasures. Various flowers, trees and some gilded sculptures formed an indoor scene like the Garden of Versailles.

The entire exhibition area is divided into multiple courtyards, with a huge 4100 square meter exhibition stand. This layout rediscovers the atmosphere of the first Antiques Biennale: a winter garden.

On both sides of the walkway that seems to lead to the sky, green spaces and gorgeous gardens create a balanced architectural beauty.

Various booths are distributed among the four casual food-themed courtyards (chocolate, coffee, tea and fruit). The uniquely designed booths invite people to explore the rich meaning of antiques, an eternal art of life.

The entrance to each exhibition room remains the same and is formed by a 7-meter-high arch. All stands are designed to look like a real apartment.

At the same time, all entrances to the exhibition rooms face water features of pools and fountains, decorated with many plants, and the design of the exhibition room windows continues to draw the audience's attention to the thousands of exhibits.

At the core of the exhibition area, the organizer held a Napoleon-themed exhibition, displaying part of the collection of the well-known French collector Pierre-Jean Charenson, allowing the audience to gain a glimpse of Napoleon's legendary experience through paintings, sculptures, weapons and other collections.

After entering the exhibition area, many people took the initiative to say hello to Liang En, although he rarely attended activities such as speeches or public classes, and his writing was somewhat in-depth and simple.

But because every one of his research in the past few years can be said to be of great significance to archeology and history, these professionals present naturally know him.

After everyone gets together, they will naturally exchange some information. Although Liang En has not shown up much before, he has dealt with many people through Internet phone calls, so it is natural for them to chat together.

While chatting, Liang En inquired about a piece of news about himself: An academician of the French Academy in France proposed to grant him the title of foreign academician of the French Academy of Letters. However, because he is a bit too young now, he is still waiting and watching.

However, according to several high-status experts present, when most academicians now recognize Liang En's academic level and achievements, it is only a matter of time before he is awarded this title.

The French Academy mentioned here is the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres), one of the five academic academies (cinq Académies) under the Institut de France.

Historically, the initial task of the Faculty of Arts was to make inscriptions and quotes on buildings and medals to make King Louis XIV famous. To this end, it had to study the French royal family and ancient buildings, ancient and contemporary medals and other historical treasures.

Under this situation, the college began to pay attention to archeology and history in a broad sense. Under the impetus of the royal secretary of state, Jéhomme Filippo, the Academy became a truly national institution by decree of July 16, 1701.

From the publication of its first historical research paper in 1717 to its dissolution in 1793 during the French Revolution, the academy published a total of 317 historical papers, restoring history through archaeology.

In 1816, according to the decree of March 21 of that year, France restored the "Academy of Inscriptions and Letters" until today.

The main role of the Faculty of Arts today is to encourage and promote historical, archaeological and documentary research. A more specific definition is: engaging in the study of monuments, documents, languages ​​and cultures of ancient, medieval, classical period civilizations and civilizations outside Europe.

Although the Faculty of Arts has a smaller reputation than the Académie Française, this major is obviously more suitable for Liang En, and according to past traditions, just re-deciphering ancient Egyptian texts is enough for him to be among them, let alone subsequent research. .

This news made Liang En feel much better. Soon, he ended everyone's chat and asked Elizabeth and Joan of Arc to rest in the teahouse nearby. He was led by the staff to a booth, and then Started his own work.

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