After a simple inventory, Liang En confirmed that the items in the warehouse matched the list one by one. For this reason, they quickly sorted out the specific situation in the entire warehouse.

I have to say that this warehouse is indeed a treasure house. The cultural relics in it range from the Pre-Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, including paintings by famous artists or heavy bronze vessels, which are top-notch cultural relics from any angle.

The only strange thing was that after searching the entire warehouse, he couldn't find a single piece of porcelain, so Liang En guessed that this might be because the Japs had classified all the stolen treasures and stored them separately.

This can also be seen from the way those things are stacked in the warehouse. These things are obviously stacked according to different types of cultural relics, rather than according to age or style.

Because at that time, although the Japanese had people dedicated to collecting such things, their number was not large. Therefore, a large number of amateurs were recruited to assist in the work for convenience during the war.

However, such amateurs basically have little understanding of cultural relics, so only this simple method has practical value.

Now it seems that this has also helped Liang En and the others, because if they followed the traditional cultural relic appreciation and classification scheme, these highly valuable cultural relics would never be preserved to this day.

"Now there is a question, how do we take these things away." After calming down from the excitement of finding the treasure, Joan of Arc quickly realized an important problem. "Can your space accommodate these things?"

"Can't-" After thinking about the things in this house, Liang En shook his head firmly. "These things are bigger than you think."

"It might be possible if the outer packaging is removed, but there is a high chance of damaging the cultural relics, which is obviously a waste that outweighs the gain."

"Then what should we do next? This must not be done through the official route, otherwise the Americans will definitely seize these cultural relics." Joan of Arc said nervously.

"Don't forget that I have the skill [Shen Zu Tong (pseudo) (SSR)], which can teleport more than 4,000 kilometers with something in a space, so I can transport it in one day if I make a few more trips." Liang En thought for a while. I quickly figured out a solution within seconds.

"So I can teleport to Los Angeles with my stuff and hand it over to the people there. Of course, this will take some time to prepare."

After making the decision, Liang En and the others quickly restored the secret base to its original state and left. After stopping at a gas station on the road, they used the Beidou satellite phone to contact their contacts in China.

This contact person was given to Liang En by the Chinese side after he returned the cultural relics last time. He said that he would call him if anything happened in the future. He had a green channel and could report the news safely as quickly as possible.

"——If it's Las Vegas, I think we should have a way to transport those things away, but the process may be a little complicated."

After listening to Liang En's general description of the situation, the person on the other side of the phone paused for more than ten seconds and discussed with those around him, and then said with some uncertainty.

"Although Las Vegas can be regarded as an important distribution center, because it is in the inland area, it is difficult for us to mobilize enough manpower to complete the subsequent transportation work."

"Especially when you said that those things are more than 300 tons, and there are some very fragile cultural relics, so it is not that easy to transport these things away-"

"Ah, no, no no, Mr. Zhang, we have a way to transport that thing to several ports on the West Coast, such as San Francisco or Los Angeles, but you'd better prepare a safe unloading location for us."

After hearing that the other party expressed his willingness to do the next work and accept the relative risks, Liang En smiled. He liked this kind of friendly and measured person very much, rather than the kind of guy who felt that everyone owed him.

This is why he said that he took on the next transportation work: on the one hand, he can express his friendliness, and on the other hand, he can show his strength.

After all, from a cooperation perspective, the closer the strengths of both parties are, the more equal they will be, and the easier it will be to cooperate. If the power is imbalanced, it may not be a problem at first, but it will become more troublesome as time goes by.

Sure enough, the power displayed by Liang En shocked the other party. Although they knew that Liang En owned many industries around the world, especially in the United States, they never thought that Liang En's power could be so powerful.

At least in their opinion, it is definitely not an easy task to transport more than three hundred tons of fragile cultural relics hundreds of kilometers, let alone the need to do so in absolute concealment.

Not to mention that Liang En was actually able to provide several ports on the west coast for them to choose from. From this point of view, even their organization with the backing of the country cannot do this so lightly.

"If this is the case, then please help us transport it to the port in Los Angeles. We will then tell you the location of the warehouse and the key." This old Zhang's voice revealed more respect.

"No problem, these things will be transported to the location you designated in three days, but before that, I hope you can remove the things around the warehouse and turn off the monitoring and alarm equipment." Liang En finally asked.

"Has the matter been settled?" After watching Liang En put down the phone, Joan of Arc, who had been standing not far away staring at the direction of the gas station, relaxed and walked towards the vehicle, and then asked.

"Yes, everything is ready. I think we can send all those things over tomorrow night. This job shouldn't be too difficult." Liang En nodded, and then got into the car with Joan of Arc.

This can be regarded as a habit of Liang En and the others. Every time they carry out such relatively secretive activities, they will directly change the things in the previous space from the inside out. If they want to talk about something important, they will stay away from the transportation and come to the open space. .

Of course, this kind of open space is not chosen randomly. They will choose a place with a certain degree of shelter around it, but a relatively flat middle that cannot hide people as a place to chat.

This is what they learned from the White Knight. It is a simple way to avoid detection and can add insurance to their covert operations.

Soon they drove the car back to the hotel where they lived before. After returning to the hotel, they cleaned up immediately because the trip in the wild just now made everyone look disgraced.

After finishing the cleaning work, Liang En immediately asked Jeanne to help him watch the door, while he lay on the bed and began to check the cards he had obtained before.

These cards were obtained when the Zongjing Pavilion building structure was found before. Although other things may be of greater value, the extraordinary power that Liang En mastered only recognized the need to build the Bronze Palace that was the original target.

This is the part of the knowledge about extraordinary power that Liang En has not yet figured out. At least he still doesn't know what specific rules these cards follow in the process of obtaining them.

But one thing that is certain is that there is a direct connection between the card's ability and the found cultural relics, but the specific relationship depends on luck. Sometimes it is a big surprise, but sometimes it makes people laugh or cry.

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