"If this thing is a historical witness, is it possible to build this place into a tourist attraction to attract everyone to visit?" After listening to Liang En describe the importance of this relic in history, the Tuwang's eyes froze. Light.

Although Liang En thought he was a little salty before, now it seems that he is not without ambition, but the facts have prevented him from realizing his ambition.

However, this kind of lack of performance does not mean that it is a failure, but that the local situation really does not allow people to stretch their hands and feet. Considering that the overall situation of this land is not very good, not bothering may be the best way to rule.

But this does not mean that this earth king has given up his ambitions. Otherwise, he could have adopted the monarchy offline system and stayed in Europe and the United States instead of living directly in this barren homeland.

So after learning from Liang En that an important historical relic had been discovered, he immediately recalled the scenic spots he had seen when he was studying in the West, and then asked excitedly.

"Your Excellency, this may not be possible." Liang En thought for a few seconds before giving a definite answer. "This is just a small site, not a large site. I think it can be visited in 15 minutes."

"But our place is too remote and the transportation is not convenient. I guess not many people are willing to go to this place to visit such a relic."

There is no doubt that Angola is a somewhat remote country, and this area is a relatively remote corner of Angola. Therefore, in this case, there are almost no local tourists willing to spend money.

For example, according to the Tuwang and the chiefs, the average number of tourists in such a large territory may be less than three digits a year, and the consumption is even more pitiful.

Therefore, even if there is such a ruin in this place, it is unlikely that a large number of tourists will be found, and it is basically impossible to make money by attracting tourists from this ruin.

"So that's it -" After listening to Liang En's words, the earth king suddenly became frustrated. After all, it is a bit cruel to be interrupted when a dream is about to be realized.

"But the situation is not particularly bad. If we want to boost the economy, it can still be done." Liang En said, pointing to the cave and the things inside.

"As I just said, this site is very important from a historical and archaeological perspective, so it will definitely be studied by some scholars for a long time."

"Of course they won't have many people, maybe only twenty or thirty people can live there permanently. But it can also be regarded as a source of sufficient wealth for a long time."

"In addition, I believe this place will gradually develop. After all, I heard that there will be a railway passing through nearby. In this case, the entire area should bring tourists."

In addition to the lack of resources, the biggest problem in this area is the inconvenience of transportation. Although Liang En and the others had to travel by car for several days because they carried too many heavy weapons, the normal way to get here is quite complicated.

If you want to come here as an ordinary person, you have to take a small plane from the capital, Luanda, land at a nearby airport, and then take more than four hours of driving to reach this area.

There is no doubt that this is a very tortuous process, because both the roads and the airport are very old, and were even built during the civil war. Not only are the facilities outdated, but they also have various problems.

To take the simplest example, the runway of that airport is already bumpy and uneven, and the cement in some places has been damaged and fallen off. At the same time, the airport's guidance radar often has various problems.

As for the roads, it's even worse. They are basically dirt roads pressed out by cars, and there are basically no hardened roads. Fortunately, most of the terrain here is relatively flat, so it is not difficult to drive a car even on pure dirt roads.

However, once it enters the rainy season, these roads will turn into a large quagmire, and except for a few vehicles, the entire area's communication with the outside world will be interrupted.

Although the river can still be used during the rainy season after the reservoir is built, it will be difficult for the reservoir to reach operational status in a short period of time at least, and it will not be of much use.

More importantly, it is okay to transport items by water transport in both the dry season and the rainy season, but it is really difficult to transport tourists by water transport, and it is not suitable overall.

This is why Liang En and the others have to be prepared to be self-sufficient most of the time, because once it enters the rainy season, this area is really likely to become an isolated island.

Therefore, if there is no preparation in advance, doing some work in such a place is likely to occur. Once various temporarily unresolved situations arise, there is a high probability that a series of fatal problems will occur.

In other words, poor transportation is also an important reason for local underdevelopment. Fortunately, I heard that this country and China have recently signed a series of infrastructure construction treaties. In theory, there will be a railway passing nearby.

"But it will take at least several years to wait." King Tu shook his head and said. "And according to the information I got, the nearest train station is more than ten kilometers away from our territory."

"But something is better than nothing, and I believe we can always repair a road more than ten kilometers away in the past few years." Liang En said with a smile.

"The most important thing is that no matter how important this relic is, it still needs publicity, and if you want to publicize it, time is essential. This period of time can be used to complete the most important publicity work."

Except for a very few attractions, most of them have gone through a long period of time and generations of publicity before becoming what they are now.

What's more important is that no matter what kind of scenic spot, all kinds of auxiliary facilities are needed, and now this place is just a construction site without any auxiliary facilities, even if there are guests, it cannot be received.

"It seems that we have a lot to do." After listening to Liang En describe a series of situations in this regard, King Tu said with emotion, "At least we can't do most of the work here now."

"As far as the most basic catering is concerned, all we can provide are some fresh vegetables, meat, milk, potatoes and corn. The fresh vegetables are only available after you come."

"If these things are just for entertaining archaeological teams or expedition teams, it won't be a big problem, but it is far from enough to entertain tourists. We even need to transport flour and rice from the city dozens of kilometers away."

"Indeed, but the situation is getting better now, isn't it?" Lian Gen pointed to the construction site down the mountain and said, "I have calculated that after this reservoir is repaired, the area of ​​land that can be used for planting besides my plantation will be doubled. ,Everything will be okay."

For a land where the only water storage facilities in the past were stinking green stagnant puddles, the benefits of a scientifically designed reservoir are absolutely overwhelming.

Especially after being equipped with electricity, it will greatly change the planting industry in the area, and then comprehensively change the area in terms of economy, health, customs and other aspects.

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