After realizing that there might be something hidden in the wall in front of him, Liang En quickly came to Jeanne's side, and then used his extraordinary power to open a hole in the side of the wall.

This is a habitual approach after he mastered extraordinary power. After all, there are often some mechanisms or alarms behind those doors or lids, but there are usually none behind solid walls.

After all, this world has never seen extraordinary power before, so no one would have thought that it would actually have the power to break through from the side without any big movement.

As they had guessed before, there was indeed a mezzanine on the wall, and the secret door on that mezzanine was indeed connected to several wires, which should be an alarm facility.

However, this mezzanine looked empty. At first glance, Liang En didn't see anything. It wasn't until he shined the flashlight in that he discovered something painted inside this small mezzanine.

"This is - black sun!" After looking at the pattern on the inner wall of the mezzanine, Liang En was stunned for a moment, and then showed a shocked expression. Because he really didn't expect to see such a symbol in this place.

In particular, this land is obviously more religious than many places. The fact that something like this kind of paganism or even a cult can appear here speaks volumes about some problems.

There is no doubt that this is a very shocking thing, because the Black Sun logo on the interlayer has obviously existed for decades, and the gold plating on the pattern clearly shows traces of stacking layers.

"Is this the location of the Thule Association branch?" After looking at the pattern in front of her that she had seen many times before, Jeanne approached and asked in a low voice.

"It's impossible to be sure, but I'm certain that they are indeed related to the Thule Society. After thinking for a few seconds, Liang En said, "Because their black sun belongs to the German secret organization during World War II. "

Because he found this thing that looked like a shrine, Liang En quickly searched the surrounding area, and soon he found another mezzanine not far from this mezzanine.

It's just that the thing inside this mezzanine looks very simple. It's just a P38 pistol issued by the German army in World War II. If I want to say something different, I can only say that this pistol has some engravings on the handle.

It's a pity that the carvings on it are very common things, such as the eagle holding a swastika and two S's juxtaposed like lightning. This is the symbol of the German Guards in World War II.

However, judging from the state of maintenance of this gun, it is very likely that it came to this land during World War II. However, when he took out the gun, he found a thin sheet pressed under the gun. ID tag.

But it is different from the common oval aluminum ID tags used by the military. Although this ID tag is oval, it is made of copper and has a small hole on one side for threading a rope.

On the front of the plate is an eagle holding a swastika, and on the back is a name and a number. Obviously, this is a Gestapo identity plate.

"I can basically be sure of one thing, that is, there are indeed many stories hidden in this place." After gently taking out the identity tag, Liang En said with certainty.

"There may be many reasons why this thing appears here, but judging from the black sun symbol, it is very likely that it was part of the German occult exploration in World War II."

Germany during World War II was a racist country. They openly declared that they wanted to carry out "racial purification." That is, in order to rule the world, Germany must maintain its pure "Aryan" blood.

The ancestors of the Aryans were an ancient nomadic people from the Southern Ural Mountains of Russia. During their migration, their descendants had interactions with the four major ancient civilizations.

One of the important reasons why the Germans in World War II considered them their ancestors was that the destruction of ancient India, ancient Egypt, and ancient Babylon was inseparable from the Aryans.

The only exception is probably the Aryans who made an expedition to the east. At least judging from the current archaeological data, Wu Ding Fuhao of the Shang Dynasty successfully prevented the Aryan invasion.

Of course, because China was poor and weak during the second war, the Germans ignored this past stain. After all, the Germans lacked national self-confidence because of their defeat in World War I, so they urgently needed to boost everyone's morale.

Interestingly, the leaders of Germany at that time admired the famous German philosopher Nietzsche very much, and Nietzsche also admired Zoroastrianism, also known as Zoroastrianism, the founder of Zoroastrianism.

Even the "swastika" symbol that represented the Aryans at that time was actually spread in many ancient civilizations and religions. It generally symbolized the sun or fire. In some later religions, such as Indian Buddhism, it also meant good luck.

What’s interesting is that at that time, Germany believed that blond hair and blue eyes were the characteristics of pure Aryans. It was even more nonsense. This was actually a characteristic of the Germanic people. The appearance of the real Aryans should be closer to that of Iranians or high-caste Indians. .

What’s even more interesting is that today’s genetic map of the world’s races shows that modern Germans have a very small proportion of Aryan genes in their bloodline. On the contrary, the Aryan ancestry of Russians and Poles is relatively pure.

But in any case, the Germans invested a lot of energy in this kind of thing back then, such as sending a professional scientific expedition team to India, the legendary home of the Aryans.

Judging from the current situation here, it is very likely that the Indians in this room have some kind of connection with the scientific expedition team of that year. The most important thing is that this connection did not end with the defeat of Germany in World War II. disappear.

It is very likely that after the chaos after World War II ended, someone in Germany picked up this secret connection again, and then began a long-term relationship.

This is also comparable to some of the information collected by the Golden Dawn, because they have previously discovered that the Thule Society has a large number of occult items related to India.


It is not surprising that it is related to India. After all, the occult theory that Germany came up with during World War II was purely a suture monster and was very interested in the supernatural powers in Indian legends.

It's just that it's not easy to find so many cultural relics related to India, especially since they are Germans rather than British. Therefore, it was previously speculated that the other party had a secret smuggling channel.

However, as Golden Dawn conducted in-depth investigations, they only caught some very peripheral personnel, but they did not find the core of cultural relics smuggling in India.

Now it seems that this is not just a scattered collection of smuggled cultural relics, but an entire underground smuggling network. As for the fact that they did not discover it before, they did not expect that the core of this smuggling network was not located in India.

But think about it, the British Indian colonies in the past were not just in India today, but also included a series of countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan.

Therefore, it is very reasonable to put the core of the entire smuggling network in Pakistan, but from another perspective, it is just the core of the smuggling network and does not involve other aspects.

This also explains why Liang En and the others found it strange before: because these are two groups of people who are related but completely different, so there are naturally differences.

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