Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 955 Rescue the Hostages

The destination was a small village in the south of Larkana city. For privacy reasons, they drove by on nearby roads during the day and then returned to the city to return the car and rested in a hotel for ten hours.

It wasn't until it got dark that night that they were teleported directly to the road that was close to the target location, and then they started to move in the darkness.

"This is such a good horse." Listening to the sound of wind in her ears and looking at the rapidly retreating scenery, Jeanne touched the horse's neck excitedly and said.

"Of course, this is the most powerful horse in human imagination." Liang En pulled the reins of the horse and nodded slightly, then looked at the getting closer target and nodded.

The last part of the journey was completed by riding horses. For Liang En and the others, it was very important to avoid the sight of others and maintain speed for the remaining ten kilometers, and horses could help them.

Unlike ordinary summoned objects, this horse has its own consciousness. So I am very happy to be able to go out and stretch my muscles this time.

After all, this horse does not look like a normal animal, so in the past it could only trot in the deserted wilderness or in Liang En's private manor, and there was no way to move around.

So after having such an opportunity to run wildly, the horse naturally looked very excited and could run at full speed even with two people on its back.

"Is this here?" Looking at the village not far away with only stars and lights, Joan of Arc raised a night vision telescope and said after looking at it for a few seconds.

"It should be here, at least according to what I saw, it is true." Liang En said after looking around and observing the situation.

"But there is no need for me to enter the village, because in my memory, the other party hid the person in a small house outside the village, so it is much easier than imagined."

The so-called small houses are just small sheds used by local villagers to guard their crops in some seasons, so Liang En and the others quickly found their target as they approached from the woods.

Although these things are only used as temporary residences, they are for some poor people. This may be their only place to live.

For example, many poor people in the local area choose to live with their families in the desolate wilderness, and at the same time grow some fruits and vegetables to become as self-sufficient as possible. There is no doubt that the original owners of the houses in front of them were such people.

"Both the professor, his students, and even their bodyguards are here." Because those straw sheds were so simple that they didn't even have doors or windows, Liang En quickly identified the target.

"Judging from their appearance, they shouldn't have suffered much physical damage. At the same time, these people are likely to have been injected with sedative drugs, which is why they look so peaceful now."

There are many reasons for injecting sedative drugs into these hostages, the most important of which are two points: one is to reduce the possibility of the hostages escaping, and the other is to greatly increase the difficulty of rescuing the hostages for those who come to rescue them.

"I counted. There are five guards here." Jeanne said after careful observation. "Three of them were around the shack in the open, while one of the other two was in a tree, and the other dug a hole and hid in it. At the same time, all five of them had guns in their hands."

"Judging from the opponent's gun-holding posture, the opponent should have received professional training. And it is the standard American police gun-holding training, so there is a high probability that the opponent was once a policeman or a soldier."

The reason why Joan of Arc was uncertain was also very simple. After all, sometimes the dividing line between police and soldiers in India was not so clear, especially since the armed forces of various states were so diverse that no one could be sure at all.

"It seems that the next step will be a bit challenging." Liang En said and released the raven. When the raven flew to the other side, he was surprised to see four large and small corpses hanging on a branch there.

"It should be the original owner of this straw hut." Looking at the clothes on the other party, Liang En took a deep breath and said. It seems that this group of people should be professional killers, so they will kill these innocent people cleanly and neatly. .

"Kill with one knife. It seems that the opponent is not only good at firearms. There are also all kinds of cold weapons." At this time, Joan also saw the bodies of the innocent people and observed them, and then said.

"I take back my previous point of view. Regular military and police officers are not very good at learning these things. They should be professionally trained killers."

"The reason why the gun-holding posture is close to that of the police is also very simple. After all, the police training materials are easier for ordinary people to access, and the police training tactics are more suitable for this kind of small-scale urban combat. .”

"It seems that the preparations made by the Thule Association over the years are much more than we imagined." After Joan's words fell, Liang En murmured in a low voice.

"Okay, let's take action. Next, I will kill these people as quickly as possible, and then wake up the hostages. If I read correctly, the people from the Golden Dawn should already be nearby."

After making arrangements, Liang En directly used his extraordinary power to solidify part of the blood in the brains and hearts of the five men. After a few minutes, the five militants stopped struggling and fell to the ground helplessly.

"Sometimes extraordinary power does not necessarily require making too much noise." After using the raven to confirm that the five people were dead, Liang En nodded with satisfaction.

For him, sometimes it is the most troublesome thing to capture prisoners alive. It is easier to kill the enemy, so today's situation is relatively easy for him to handle.

After killing the enemy, Liang En asked the raven to grab a small bottle and fly to the houses where the hostages were. Then he opened the bottle cap and let a faint aroma float out from the bottle.

This bottle contained a hypnotic potion made using alchemy. It was extremely effective because it was infused with extraordinary power. In just over a minute, the archaeological team that had been captured fell into a coma.

This situation occurs because people in this world have no resistance to extraordinary power at all, so they fall down so easily when encountering any being with extraordinary power.

After confirming that no one was awake at this time, Liang En started his next goal. As for the method, it was very simple, which was to use extraordinary power to teleport to the previously chosen destination.

But what's interesting is that just when Liang En and the others completed the transfer work and buried the body, a convoy of Land Rover off-road vehicles drove over from a short distance away, and it looked like they were obviously coming here.

"It seems that arriving early is worse than arriving by chance." Liang En muttered quietly as he looked at the approaching vehicles.

It was obvious from the direction in which the other party was driving that the other party was heading straight here. Considering this place is just plain wild. Then it is natural to know what this group of people are going to do.

"But that's okay. Now that the hostages have been sent away, now is a good time to meet with these guys and see what's behind this matter?"

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