Human emotions are not universal. When some people feel happy about the same thing, it is very likely that other people will cry.

For example, just when Liang En was cheering for quickly killing the terrorists so that he could quickly enter the on-site archeology, in a villa in the Alps, a middle-aged man was looking at the people in front of him angrily and yelling.

"Are you idiots? My plan was ruined like this - now tell me why this plan for the Golden Dawn went so wrong -"

"Your Excellency Speer, this is not entirely our fault." Just when the middle-aged man present had finished working on it for a few minutes and stopped, one of his subordinates argued.

"The training of those armies was decided a long time ago, so we didn't take it seriously, but we have no idea why they suddenly changed their goals and started a real battle-"

"Shut up!" Before the subordinate could finish speaking, Speer interrupted him angrily. "Stop making excuses here. If the task is not completed, it is not completed. I don't want to hear any excuses from you."

"The wages you receive every month are not just for fattening, but what have you done now? After all the money has been spent, all you can do is eat with a knife and fork—"

This roaring middle-aged man was Speer, who was one of the few people who successfully escaped from Liang En's pursuit. Although we don't know what he went through after that, he is now obviously the main person in charge of this action.

"——Okay, that's it." After shouting angrily for half an hour, Speer sighed helplessly and said. "Let's stop it."

"Sir, what do you mean?" After hearing what he said, the subordinates were stunned for a moment, and then a representative was pushed out and asked.

"That's what you think, let's leave here." Speer said weakly. "All our power here has been eliminated. What are we going to do if we don't leave? Are you waiting to die? Okay, pack your things."

After the subordinates left the room as if they were granted amnesty, Speer stood up from the sofa, then took out a special mobile phone and made a call. Soon, the call was connected.

"It's a complete failure, President." Shi Pei said in a low voice, "Our core strength has received a fatal blow, so the remaining activities are no longer possible."

"Okay, then you go to Istanbul first." A deep middle-aged male voice came from the phone. "Although we lost, we will definitely be able to win it back next time."

The call was quickly hung up, and Speer, who had finished the call, threw the phone aside and sat weakly on the sofa, then buried his face in his hands.

He had just deceived the president, whom he regarded as his father, because with the strength he had at hand now, although he had been severely hit, it was still enough to launch an attack.

So from a certain perspective, his current approach is a symbol of cowardice, which is completely inconsistent with his previous approach, so he feels a little ashamed.

But for him, this was also a desperation, because the last fight in Greece made him completely realize that Liang En was not just a scholar, but an unprecedented enemy.

So after learning that Liang En and the others had entered the country but were hiding in the military camp, he immediately had a very ominous premonition. And this premonition made him choose to take a step back first.

After all, there is still a long time to come for him. If he goes all out now, he feels that the probability of failure is too high and it is completely uneconomical.

What's more important is that the military camp where Liang En and the others were hiding was the military camp where the previous exercise troops were located, so he has always suspected that Liang En was responsible for the previous attack.

"This is the second time, but I believe I can't keep losing." Speer sighed softly and encouraged himself, "I believe we will meet again soon, and I will definitely win next time."

Of course, Liang En didn't know what the person hiding in the secret was doing, but he believed that as a war-torn country, the military and intelligence agencies here should be able to quickly locate and attack the attackers.

Therefore, for Liang En, the most important next step is to lead everyone to carry out excavation work and then find the famous ruins.

Liang En's command center was the original small village. After receiving sufficient compensation, the villagers here happily sold all their houses and real estate and left here as quickly as possible.

The house they left behind has now become the best camp area for the archaeological team. After tidying up, they quickly started excavation work on the mound not far away.

In addition, because of the support of a large number of professionals, Liang En and the others could carry out excavation work in multiple ways at the same time, so the excavation speed was extremely fast.

In just over a week, excavation areas measuring 5m square appeared on the small slope, and in the center of these areas was a dividing strip more than 1m wide to facilitate everyone's movement.

This is a very traditional approach. Standing in these small pits, you can easily see cross-sections of the surrounding land, and then have a comprehensive understanding of the situation in the area.

For example, if there is an incomplete stucco floor in the ruins, it would be easy to dig through it accidentally, but with the current excavation method, a clear white line can be seen.

Therefore, during the excavation process, Liang En and the others needed to constantly clean the edges of each pit and smooth them out. In this way, they can truly determine what they were digging before.

From a certain perspective, archeology is actually a kind of destruction. As long as archeology is carried out, it will definitely cause a certain degree of damage to the archaeological objects.

Therefore, in addition to excavation, the most important thing for them is to record every bit of the excavation site to lay a sufficient foundation for future research and identification.

Because this period of time was too short, they did not find anything that was eye-catching or a treasure that attracted extremely attention, but they were sure that they had indeed found a very important historical relic.

During this wide-spread excavation, they discovered the remains of a large number of ancient buildings, which revealed a huge and ancient city of prehistoric civilization.

According to preliminary exploration, the ruins cover an area of ​​8 square kilometers and are divided into the upper city in the west and the lower city in the east. The upper city is inhabited by religious priests and city leaders. It is surrounded by walls and trenches, and there are many watchtowers on the walls.

There are tall towers in the city, as well as courtyards with corridors, halls with pillars, and a large number of spacious buildings that are obviously not for ordinary people. At the same time, most of the buildings have drainage facilities, which look even better than many surrounding cities. .

Compared with the upper city, the lower city is relatively simple, with low eaves and irregular layout. It may be the residence of citizens, craftsmen, merchants and other working people.

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