The reason why they went to London this time instead of choosing to go home is also very simple, because they have some lectures to be held in London. As Liang En's reputation becomes more and more popular, many universities are now willing to invite him to give lectures.

Liang En will reject most of them because he thinks that what he talks about is very professional stuff rather than popular science stuff, so it is better for the audience to be professionals.

But not all such speeches will be rejected. For example, when some really professional colleges invite him, he will gladly go there and be willing to share some real knowledge with the teachers and students who come to listen.

The result made Liang En feel something unexpected. Everyone's evaluation of him increased because of this selective speech. They all thought that he was a scholar with rigorous academic requirements and very integrity.

In the eyes of the public, he can say something of great value in every speech he gives. As for the low frequency of speeches, it is obvious that he is trying to ensure quality and is not willing to prevaricate everyone.

Liang En was a bit dumbfounded by this comment, because he felt that his lack of speeches was purely due to laziness. But since everyone thinks so of him, he won't take the initiative to clarify.

In addition to London, they also need to go to Edinburgh and Glasgow in northern Scotland to give a speech each to share the latest trends in archeology.

However, just as he finished three speeches and was about to go to Glasgow to give the last speech, Golden Dawn suddenly used the most urgent recruitment method to issue an emergency notice to everyone.

"What happened?" After rushing to London as quickly as possible, Liang En quickly arrived at the gathering place and asked those who had already arrived here before.

"We don't know either." Nelson, who was sitting next to Liang En, said very quietly.

"But what is certain is that something important happened that we don't know about, because this kind of emergency call is very rare and will only be used when there are serious problems."

After a brief inquiry, Liang En found that he was not the only one who was confused. All the members of the Golden Dawn who were temporarily summoned this time did not know what happened.

Fortunately, everyone's state did not last too long. Soon President Charles and this senior member of the Golden Dawn came to the conference room. One of them was carrying a large anti-vibration suitcase.

"It seems that someone may have found something very valuable." Nelson whispered, while looking at the metal box placed on the table, he explained to Liang En in a low voice.

"Such gatherings only occur once every five or six years on average, and each time something is discovered that can change history. I think this time is likely to be no exception, but I haven't heard of any of us digging for important information recently. remains."

"I'm sorry for calling everyone here urgently, but this discovery is so important that we have to urgently ask you to interrupt your work and rush here -"

After confirming that everyone who should come was present, President Charles began to talk on the stage about the reason for summoning everyone this time.

According to him, although it has not yet been determined what the Thule Association is going to do, because the other party has already launched an attack, Golden Dawn no longer hesitates to launch a counterattack.

This counterattack was a large-scale and comprehensive counterattack that even exceeded the expectations of the Thule Association, so several important locations of the Thule Association in Munich and Berlin were successfully raided.

Although Golden Dawn relied on some power from local officials, it still successfully found many important items from the Thule Society.

The illegally obtained cultural relics were naturally handed over to the authorities, but other things legally obtained by the Thule Association naturally fell into the hands of the Golden Dawn.

Most of these things are just ordinary cultural relics. The Golden Dawn naturally has a way for me to arrange them, but one thing is an exception. This thing was so strange that an emergency call-out was called for.

"——This is what we found." President Charles said as he motioned to the colleague next to him to open the box. "It's completely different from anything we've found before. I hope everyone can take a look and see if they can recognize what this is,"

Just as he was talking, the box was slowly opened, revealing the contents inside: a shiny, new-looking silver plate with various exquisite patterns carved on it.

"According to the information we found, this thing should have been dug out of a coal mine in the Saxony region of central Germany and was hidden in the coal seam." As everyone came forward to watch, President Charles mentioned other clues.

"We know that there are very magical legends behind many things, but those legends may not be true. So these things can only be used as a reference."

No matter where in the world, there are often a large number of legends related to religion and mysticism, basically all of which are made up by later generations.

Most of these things that remain today are mainly Christian holy objects, such as fragments of the true cross, the Holy Grail, holy blood, and the remains of saints.

But if you examine these so-called creatures carefully, you will find that they are not consistent in history or content. They are obviously fakes created by a group of people in the Middle Ages for private purposes.

For example, in southern Germany, the remains of some so-called saints were scientifically tested, and it turned out that those things were simply ancient Egyptian mummies from the Middle Kingdom.

This means that those things are definitely not Christian holy objects as people say, because Christianity did not exist at that time, and those mummies cannot be Christian saints in any case.

Therefore, although President Karls attaches great importance to this thing that is cherished and preserved by the Thule Association, he does not attach great importance to it. After all, previous experience tells everyone that there is too much water in such occult items.

As for taking it out now, I don't think this thing itself has much significance, but I think this thing is likely to investigate clues about the Thule Association, so I plan to brainstorm and see if everyone has any ideas.

However, these things made Liang En feel very shocked, because after careful observation, he found that the raw material of this thing was exactly the same as the mithril mentioned in the inheritance he had received before.

Although this magical metal is almost the same as silver from the perspective of current physics, for someone who has mastered extraordinary power, Liang En can clearly feel that this metal plate is different.

For example, he can now see that the metal emits a blue light that no one else can see, and this is only the case for things with rhyme and extraordinary power.

"How is this possible?" Liang En muttered in a voice that only he could hear, because he always thought that he was the only one in this world who had extraordinary power, but now it seemed that the situation was more complicated than he had guessed before.

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