At this time, Liang En could probably understand why there were more organizations researching extraordinary things in the world than he thought, because it was possible that some organizations really had some extremely rare extraordinary items left behind.

Of course, considering the overall situation of the world, those items are likely to have only the most basic audio and video effects, but they are enough to allow one organization after another to be established.

However, if you think about it, you will know that these organizations can obtain so many resources that cannot be solved by just talking, especially when the investors are elites from all walks of life.

If it was just out of common interests or friendship, everyone wouldn't invest so much power as now, and now it all makes sense.

"I just don't know if Golden Dawn has anything similar in hand." Liang En thought on the way back to his room. "Theoretically, they should have it, at least once, otherwise they wouldn't have been entangled with the Thule Association for so long."

Somewhat unexpectedly, he really found the answer a few hours later. After everyone finished dinner, Liang En and several core members of the younger generation of the Golden Dawn like Nelson received special invitations.

Yes, although Liang En had not been a member of the organization for a long time and was not a white person, he was quickly regarded as an important core member of the Golden Dawn, an organization with knowledge as its core.

After all, his contribution has exceeded that of most people in the entire organization, so he has naturally been recognized in this regard and has been designated as the core of the organization's future.

"I invite you here this time to show you the core and most secret secret of our Golden Dawn." When everyone arrived at the building on the side of the manor, President Charles came out and said.

At this time, he was wearing a Victorian-style suit, a black silk top hat, and a cape with golden runes embroidered on it.

The most eye-catching thing is the cane he holds in his hand, which is a black solid wood cane inlaid with a series of rune spells spelled out with gold wire.

"Now you have a chance to opt out." After the young people present recovered from the shock caused by their own equipment, President Charles said very seriously.

"If you quit, everything will remain as it is. If you choose to continue, you may be exposed to something that completely subverts your knowledge, but the price you pay is that it will always be kept secret and you can never quit."

"I will give you an hour to think about this question. After an hour, I hope you can give a complete answer." After saying that, Liang En and the others walked into their assigned rooms and started thinking.

"It seems that we are going to get serious next time." After closing the door, Liang En thought that in fact this kind of thing would happen sooner or later, but he never thought that it would happen now.

But then again, there is nothing wrong with Golden Dawn choosing to disclose the secret at this time. After all, since it chooses to display the plate today, it is also a very reasonable thing to announce some real things related to the supernatural.

After an hour passed, Liang En walked out of his room. At this time, he discovered that the original seven people had become three people. At first Liang En thought it was a little beyond his expectation, but then he thought about it and thought it was normal.

After all, when everyone came here, they just regarded this place as a club. Not many people suddenly accepted it if they said they would devote their lives to it.

So for most people, they still want to maintain the status quo rather than get involved in some unknowns that sound likely to bring a heavy future.

In addition to Liang En, the other two people left behind were Nelson and a Parsi from India, that is, Zoroastrian (Zoroastrian) followers of India, who were considered the last descendants of the Persian Empire.

Although the three of them have different nationalities, races, and beliefs, they have an extraordinary love for the study of these extraordinary powers, so after thinking about it, they chose to take a step forward.

However, the driving forces of the three of them are still different. Nelson made this choice purely out of curiosity and desire to explore the unknown. The Parsis hope to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors.

As for Liang En, he is the most special one. He and his historical followers are likely to be the only extraordinary beings left in the world, so they are extremely interested in any extraordinary existence except himself.

"Thank you very much for your trust. I guarantee that you will see something you have never seen before." After watching Liang En and the three of them stay, President Charles nodded with satisfaction. "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, the president took everyone to a small room hidden behind the wall, and then took an elevator to the underground. In the elevator, Nelson, who was most familiar with the president, finally couldn't hold back his heart. Questions were asked.

"President, I saw that you seemed very happy just now, but most of us still didn't choose to continue going down. What on earth is going on-"

"Of course I am happy, because our recruitment efficiency is very slow, so there is only one opportunity for this kind of selection every three to five years on average, but there are very few people who choose to go further."

Because of Liang En's choice, President Charles was able to talk about some things, so he took advantage of the leisure time on the road to start talking about some of the things inside.

"On average, there may only be one or two people recruited each time. In fact, sometimes we can't recruit even one person. After all, what we say when recruiting is too vague. Unless they really like it, few people will choose this way. .”

While they were chatting, several people took the elevator to at least 15 meters underground, then walked down a corridor for hundreds of meters, and finally appeared in front of an airtight door.

"Is this built by the Golden Dawn?" Looking at the huge underground structure in front of him, the Parsi from India exclaimed subconsciously.

But what they thought was that the corridor could amplify a person's voice so loudly that his voice was echoed throughout the tunnel, which also made him blush.

After all, he considers himself to be a pure Persian, so he is naturally fundamentally different from those overconfident Indians. At least he does not think that what he just said is very polite.

"Oh, of course not." President Charles shook his head slightly and said, "This was an underground fortress of the British Ministry of Defense during the Cold War, and we bought it in the 1990s."

This approach is actually quite normal. After all, during the Cold War, the entire world was under the shadow of war, so almost all countries at that time built a large number of bunkers used in nuclear wars.

However, with the end of the Cold War, these bunkers gradually became less important, so except for a few, most bunkers have now been abandoned.

Most of these abandoned bunkers were completely abandoned, but some were repurposed for civilian use. The bunker purchased by Golden Dawn was a bunker belonging to the Ministry of Defense that was converted for civilian use at that time.

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