Since this trip to the underground fortress, Liang En and the others began to come into contact with the core secrets of the Golden Dawn, mainly a series of records about various extraordinary beings.

It's just that it's very rare to be able to be sure and extraordinary in the end, maybe only one in thirty or forty, and the rest are basically all doubtful.

Most of these doubtful items were orphan cultural relics, and they were so suspicious because they were placed in certain religious occasions. However, using the extraordinary items that had been identified, it was quickly determined that these items were not extraordinary items.

As for the other part, they are purely fake imitations of extraordinary items. Obviously in ancient times, things related to extraordinary things were considered gifts from the gods, so naturally there were many imitations.

It's just that those imitations are easy to detect, because the material between the imitations and the genuine products can often be seen as huge.

But one thing they never understood was that many things became ordinary items after a long period of time after losing their extraordinary power, so some items that were truly extraordinary were also missed.

The silver plate had previously been identified as an imitation of a real mundane object, because it looked no different from a vessel made of silver.

Only people like Liang En, who have mastered extraordinary power, can see the unique blue light of mithril emerging from it, and discover the things in it that only they can understand.

It is precisely because this thing is considered to be a counterfeit that it is open to everyone and allows everyone to redeem it with merit. Otherwise, even with core identities like Liang En and others, they can only take a look at it.

Judging from the records, some people did speculate that there was no energy in those things, causing the failure, and some people once tried to charge them with energy. Unfortunately, any energy is useless without magic power.

After becoming the core, Liang En immediately applied to visit the core warehouse of the Golden Dawn and studied all five items in the Golden Dawn's collection that were believed to be related to extraordinary items.

Through his appraisal, four of the five items were made by people on Earth, and two of them were even pure fabrications.

But the other item is a dagger that has been completely disabled. It's a pity that this dagger has been on the earth for so long that not only has its energy been exhausted, but it has now turned into a completely rusty iron bar.

If he hadn't mastered the alchemist's inheritance, Liang En wouldn't have been able to feel the power that once existed in it, let alone recognize it.

After going out, he also inquired about the origin of this iron bar, and learned that it was dug out of a swamp in the Black Forest of Germany and had been placed in an extremely exquisite gold box.

Unfortunately, the gold box was not sealed and water from the swamp entered the box. Therefore, even in the constant temperature and oxygen-deprived environment of the swamp, the dagger was completely turned into a scrap metal bar.

"Next we have to work hard to get that silver plate." After the gathering, Liang En immediately told his historical followers what he had seen and heard, and then assigned the next tasks .

"That is to say, there is still a little bit of extraordinary existence. It seems that the differences between different worlds may be much greater than what we see. Fortunately, the overall changes are not too big." After listening to the two people's accounts, Elizabeth concluded.

"But the next task is not easy. Although the opponent is hiding like a gopher, it is undeniable that any organization that can survive in this kind of hiding for more than half a century is not an easy opponent."

"We will mobilize all the forces we can to carry out investigation activities, but I cannot guarantee the results of the investigation activities. I can only say that we will do our best."

"This is enough. Although we have indeed built up some power during this period, there is still a huge gap compared to the power that the Golden Dawn has built over hundreds of years."

Although he possesses extraordinary power, Liang En has a clear self-awareness and is by no means arrogant. After all, this world is not a world where extraordinary people are respected. At least with his extraordinary level, there is basically no possibility of using extraordinary power to become famous. .

Because of this, he knows what are the strengths of organizations that have been established for decades or hundreds of years. Therefore, he only tries to do his best in many things and does not insist on achieving a certain goal.

Just like the current task of tracking the Thule Association, he just sent people out to investigate the situation, but in his heart he still placed his hope on the Golden Dawn.

Because he knows that what he is better at is actually launching large-scale search work, so as long as Golden Dawn figures out what the Thule Association is doing now, he will have a way to complete the task of stopping the Thule Association's actions.

Fortunately, the current situation is just as everyone planned. Even if the Thule Association tried its best to cover up in the early search stage, the target was still exposed before the operation started.

Just as February had just arrived, Golden Dawn finally determined that the Thule Association’s next target of action would be Turkey.

"Does anyone know the specific target of the other party's action?" After seeing this information at the Golden Dawn party, Liang En raised his hand and asked his inner question.

"You must know that Turkey is not a small country. If the target location is limited to Turkey, it will be difficult for us to figure out what the other party's goal is."

"We got definite news about this, that is, the target that the other party is planning to go to is a wild place in northwest Turkey. This place only has a small village of Bunarbashi at the foot of Hisarrek Mountain."

Nelson, who was previously in charge of this area of ​​intelligence, stood up and pointed at the map with the laser pointer in his hand to explain in detail the information that Golden Dawn had confirmed.

"The other party obtained the right to explore the entire mountainous area from the Turks. You know the relationship between Turkey and Germany from World War I to World War II, so we did not determine the other party's location until the other party completed all the procedures."

"——So that's it." Liang En nodded slightly, then looked at the map with a thoughtful expression. "But what is there in this place that can make the other party pay a huge price for excavation work."

"We didn't get much intelligence in this regard, because these things are only known by the opponent's core personnel, and it is impossible for us to penetrate them." Nelson shook his head helplessly, and then said as if he had thought of something.

"But we have a piece of information that is not certain, that is, someone on the other side once said that they will find a truly legendary ruin, an existence that can completely overturn history."

"Subverting history?" After hearing this word, Liang En showed a thoughtful expression and continued. "Can you send me the specific geographical conditions of the area that the other party is searching for?"

"I can only say that we try our best, because this place is relatively remote, so even Turkey itself does not have much detailed geographical information." Nelson said, opening a folder.

"This is all the intelligence we have searched. Unless we risk entering the sites controlled by the Thule Association, it is basically impossible to have more detailed intelligence than this."

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