"Yes, that makes sense." Liang En nodded after listening to Jeanne's reasons as to why there would be no large-scale attack on the Thule Association.

Although he is not an authentic soldier, he also understands that armed thugs and regularity are completely different concepts. Except for some countries that are too overwhelmed, armed bandits will never be the opponent of the regular army under the same circumstances.

This point has basically not changed much from ancient times to today. It is a very common situation for dozens of regular troops to chase hundreds of militants away.

At least according to the information obtained by the Golden Dawn, the total number of armed personnel of the Thule Association is only fifty or sixty people, and they do not have many heavy weapons, so they simply do not have enough power to launch a strong attack.

Although the Turkish army may be a little behind the Wuchang army, as a small regional power, this country's army can be regarded as the regional hegemon. At least the guys from the Thule Association are definitely not their opponents.

"If we talk about poisoning and assassination, I guess the other party can't do it, because there are too many people gathered here now, and there are also professional defense measures. It will be difficult for the other party to attack everyone at once." Joan of Arc continued. .

"And attacking only a few individuals will not stop Bian's excavation work. Instead, it will attract the attention of the local police, making it even more difficult to carry out any attacks."

Because they accommodate a large number of professionals, the security level of the White Knights is now no less than that of heads of state of some small countries. In particular, they have always focused on preventing poisoning and assassination.

For example, in terms of preventing assassinations, they immediately set up disposable steel plate walls near the entire excavation site to block external sight, and set up observation posts on the surrounding highlands.

Of course, this approach requires a lot of manpower and resources, and the team brought at the beginning will definitely not be enough. After all, they were only providing defense for Liang En and his team at the beginning.

Fortunately, as they dug out more and more things, more and more scholars came here, so for safety reasons, Turkey simply joined forces with those scholars to place a large order with the White Knight Security Company.

And it is precisely because of that big order that there are such complete defenses around it. Even Turkey considered that there were too many celebrities among the scholars who came here, and it would be very troublesome if something happened, so they mobilized a lot of power.

For example, there is now a fully armed company of Marines less than 200 meters away from the archaeological site. In addition, there are patrols patrolling the area at regular or irregular intervals every day.

Not to mention that this place is located on the edge of the Turkish Strait, the chokepoint connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is itself a key area for Turkish military surveillance.

It is estimated that as long as there is an explosion here, warships, tanks, helicopter gunships and fighter jets will come to watch within ten minutes, so there is no need to worry about large-scale raids.

In addition to the protection of force, their food was also purchased directly from several cities not far away, and then transported to the port by sea and transported to the archaeological site via short-distance land transportation.

At the same time, the procurement method is also adopted to select a market every night, and then randomly select one of these selected markets before setting off during the day, so as to avoid poisoning as much as possible.

Of course, in addition to these passive solutions, there are also some active solutions. For example, they raise a few dogs and a group of chickens, and let these animals taste the food before eating.

The more important point is that every night Liang En will release his own ravens to monitor the market where he is preparing for the next day's purchase to ensure that no suspicious persons approach those key areas.

In such a situation of multiple defenses, it is difficult to break through the multiple defenses and attack or invest, especially when Liang En and the others focus on guarding, it is even more impossible.

"——As for the official power, let alone it. With so many people coming this time, our official power in Turkey is much higher than that of the Thule Association, and they have already lost it when we intercepted the intelligence in advance. ability in this area.”

I am also very confident about the last point of Joan of Arc. After all, half of Europe's history and archaeologists are now concentrated here. And this profession is the favorite profession among the descendants of nobles and wealthy people, so it is definitely better than the Thule Association officially.

"So what do you mean, the other party won't launch an attack?" Liang En asked curiously. Because after listening to these analyses, he felt that it would be difficult for the Thule Association to launch an attack.

"No, the other party will definitely launch another attack, and the attack time should be very recent." Joan of Arc shook her head slightly and said.

"It's just that they also know where the weaknesses they face are? So they will do their best to attack next. Therefore, before our press conference begins, we need to be fully prepared to deal with this enemy attack. "

"It does sound a bit troublesome, especially when you can only wait passively." Liang En nodded helplessly after hearing Joan's judgment.

He really doesn't like this extremely passive state, but with the arrival of scholars from all over the place, some active attack methods naturally cannot be used.

After all, they still have to maintain their scholarly demeanor outside, so even if they do a flawless attack on the Thule Association, it will easily remind others of themselves, which will in turn affect other people's perceptions of them.

So for them, they can only strengthen their defense now. Of course, considering that they will lose if they defend for a long time, most of their defenses are strengthened in the dark rather than in the open.

This is equivalent to setting a trap. If you are really attacked, you can make a corresponding counterattack and solve the current problem.

Because the person responsible for security is White Knight Security, this kind of trap can be set up without being seen by others.

For example, some personnel and materials were mixed into those sealed box trucks used to transport materials and transported to the archaeological site, and an internal defense system was designed that everyone else knew.

Of course, this system is definitely not designed to prevent large-scale attacks. At least when there are regular troops stationed at close range, Liang En doesn't think there is such a risk here.

They are mainly used to face possible infiltration, sabotage and assassination. At least judging from the results of Liang En and Joan of Arc's previous deductions, this is the only way for the Thule Association to make a comeback.

Because this method can force the excavation work to stop, and as soon as the excavation work stops, the Thule Association will have a way to completely disrupt the matter, and then prepare for its next move.

Yes, this may lead to a large number of innocent casualties, but for the Thule Society, they inherited the German crispy thinking in World War II and would not worry about any innocent casualties at all.

And this is the biggest problem Liang En and the others face. After all, there are at least hundreds of people present now, and anything that happens to any one of them may have fatal consequences.

Therefore, as the defensive side, Liang En and the others will naturally face huge pressure, but they are also confident that they can solve this problem with the help of the white knights.

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