The emergence of this new [Heroic Age (UR)] card is very valuable to Liang En, because this card can greatly increase his chance and intensity of using extraordinary power.

To take the simplest example, he has mastered alchemy, but most of the things in it cannot be made because the raw materials for those things are extraordinary materials that do not exist at all and are imagined by people.

Although in theory ordinary items can replace those extraordinary items, in fact if ordinary items are used, either the final effect will be poor, or it will have no effect or even have the opposite effect.

The simplest example is that several alchemical potions require the use of mandrakes that look like humans and can cry, make trouble, and run.

Of course, this thing can indeed be replaced by mandrake that exists in reality, but the effect of the medicine is far behind. At least according to Liang En's observation, those medicines are complicated to make and costly, but sometimes they are even less effective than ordinary medicines. drug.

After all, the active ingredients in these alchemical potions mainly come from extraordinary power, but the extraordinary power injected during production obviously cannot completely replace the role of the original extraordinary raw materials.

Therefore, at that time, he only made some things that relied mainly on ordinary medicines through extraordinary upgrades, and some things that had no modern equivalents.

For example, he once made a kind of sword oil that can increase the sharpness of all things with blades. This is obviously something for which there is no substitute, so even if the quality is far from what is described, it is still magical.

However, these things can only be regarded as semi-finished products, which is a bit regretful. Fortunately, things have changed now - and new cards can provide that change.

"——How to prepare unicorn horn." Liang En looked at the dense list in his mind, then randomly selected a content that looked familiar and started checking it, and then read it out.

"Ten tons of horse bones including a complete set of horse bones. Input a total of 100 legendary points for seven days, and then you can convert it into a unicorn horn that completely matches the description of the legend."

"Sounds very good." Joan of Arc, who was listening to Liang En introducing the cards, nodded with satisfaction, "I would say this skill is like a miracle, because it not only changes the item, but even the substance itself. .”

It is different from changing a piece of iron into an iron nail or even changing a cow into a sheep. The obstacles required to transform ordinary items into extraordinary items far exceed them, so in Joan's view, this is definitely one of Liang En's most powerful skills.

"You're right, but it's a pity that only we can use this thing." Liang En said a little depressed, "For example, making a unicorn horn into a cup can purify the liquid in the cup, and grinding it into powder can detoxify. But only for We are useful—"

"But isn't that a good thing?" Jeanne replied quickly, "After all, this is an ordinary world, but it is also a powerful ordinary world. You cannot fight against the world alone."

"So this situation is naturally the best. We can hide our extraordinary qualities without attracting unfriendly eyes, and the party can still enjoy the benefits of being extraordinary."

"You're right, I'm just feeling emotional." Liang En smiled after listening to Joan's chatter, and then introduced the other two cards he had obtained.

These two cards are obviously not as attractive to Joan of Arc as the previous two. After all, compared with the previous [Heroic Age (UR)], these two cards can only be regarded as mediocre at best.

If the defense card [Wall of Troy (SSR)] can make up for Liang En's lack of defense, [Archer (SR)] can at best be the icing on the cake.

After all, a large part of Liang En's skills are combat-related skills, so he has no shortage of various offensive methods, and even has obvious overflow in attack.

"Now we have to wait for those from the Thule Association to take action. I have a hunch that their action will begin soon." After introducing the cards, Liang En said. “And these skills of mine may well come in handy.”

"You are right." Joan of Arc nodded and said, "As the time for us to officially disclose the excavation results is getting closer and closer, the time window left for the Thule Association is getting smaller and smaller, so their next actions There are only those few moments.”

There is only one important time point recently, and that is the press conference in five days. For this reason, the Turkish President will also visit and deliver a speech, so the Thule Association can only choose this time if it wants to take action.

But the more specific entry point depends on the situation, but neither Liang En nor anyone else at Golden Dawn thinks that the other party will target the Turkish President. Because if you do that, the situation will definitely develop in an unpredictable direction.

What's more important is that no one thinks that the other party can succeed. Even the Thule Association, which inherited part of the German legacy of World War II, cannot break through the other party's defense.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the other party will not adopt a plan to attack the Turkish President, but it will be difficult to lock the opponent's target if it attacks elsewhere.

This is mainly because there are so many different parts that the president will mobilize during one trip, and even Golden Dawn cannot keep an eye on them all. Especially in order to avoid some kind of misunderstanding, they simply cannot do real-time tracking.

"So for us, in addition to doing our best to carry out investigation work, the most important thing is to do all kinds of back-ups to avoid being caught off guard if something really happens." Liang En concluded.

To be honest, Liang En didn't have much hope in making preparations in advance, because there were so many places where the other party could take action, and Liang En simply couldn't guarantee that he could block every possible gap.

But sometimes luck is a very strange place. Just when Liang En completely gave up the plan to intercept in advance and prepared to improvise, the ravens who had been monitoring several important locations finally caught the Thule Association. some clues.

It was the third day before the president's visit. Liang En slept late because he needed to revise the content that needed to be reported later during the day, so just when he finished the manuscript and was about to rest, he suddenly received a message from Raven of communication.

I have to say that crows are much better than drones in this regard. At least the artificial intelligence of your current drones, which is similar to artificial intelligence, is simply unable to perform such delicate operations as accurately identifying the target's identity.

Through the eyes of the raven, Liang En could see that two sneaky guys had climbed over the wall outside their warehouse where they stored supplies, and moved furtively towards the entrance of the warehouse. It was clear at a glance that they were not good people.

"It seems that the Thule Association finally couldn't bear it any longer." Looking at the attacker, Liang En finally breathed a sigh of relief, because he finally figured out where the enemy was hiding in the dark, and understood what to do next. How to do it?

Just like nuclear bombs have the greatest deterrence when they are on the launcher, enemies only pose the greatest threat when they are hidden in the dark, and when they begin to emerge, it is often the beginning of the true end of the entire war.

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