"What is this?" After looking at it for a long time and not smelling any peculiar smell, Joan put on her gloves and touched the solid piece gently and said, "It feels soft, just like the dough you used before. The feel of something like that.”

"You said it feels like dough?" Liang En looked confused now. He was sure that there should be no such thing in the box he packed, so no matter what it was, it must be bad for him.

"Let me think about it, let me think about something that has such a texture, but will pose some serious threats. I believe that the other party must have bad intentions in putting these things in our box-"

It is normal for him to make such a judgment. After all, there will be many visitors to the archaeological site in the future, so these things will be moved to the archaeological site for use.

Considering that although the place where this thing is placed is hidden, it can be easily found after a formal inspection, Liang En is more inclined to think that this thing is used to frame him rather than actually causing anything.

"Wait, I seem to have some impression of this thing. When I went to the White Knight Training Ground last time-" Just when Liang En was thinking about the meaning behind this thing, Joan of Arc suddenly said.

"I have an impression, what is this?" Liang En asked immediately, because he seemed to have the memory of such a thing in his mind, but he just couldn't figure out what it was.

"Plastic bomb, yes, no problem, this thing should be a plastic bomb!" After a moment of silence, Joan made a fist with her right hand and smashed it on her open left hand, and then said.

"I remembered that I had seen this kind of thing before when I was doing demolition training, but I didn't expect that someone would put this kind of thing here at first."

Joan of Arc said the reason why he didn't expect it was also very simple, because these explosives were dyed and completely different from the white explosives he had seen before, so he didn't think of it at all at the first time.

"You said this is plastic explosives?" After hearing what Joan said, Liang En stepped forward to observe again, and then nodded. "It does look like it, but why did the other party do this?"

The amount of these explosives is too small, and there are no iron nails or iron sheets wrapped around them, so the lethality of the explosions is not even as good as grenades with the same charge.

In other words, although this thing is called explosives, it is actually used like a large firecracker, and the actual effect can only be said to be very average.

More importantly, this thing is simply hidden in the cracks of the furniture, so it is easy for people to find these explosives as soon as they open the box and arrange the furniture.

"I can confirm that it was definitely not intended to launch a real violent attack." Joan of Arc answered after checking all the boxes around her and making sure there were no other explosives.

"Because for the force required for a violent attack, there is almost no difference between this small amount of explosives and nothing, so I can't figure out what the other party's point is in putting these explosives here."

"I thought of some reasons." Liang En said while looking at the small piece of explosives in front of him. "For example, these explosives are not used to hurt people, but just to make others believe that we want to hurt people."

"Don't forget, we are about to welcome a group of distinguished guests. And what will happen if they discover that we are transporting explosives to the site."

"Then we will definitely encounter a very serious problem." Joan of Arc only realized it at this time. She has not been very sensitive to these things in history, so naturally she could not figure out this trick at the first time.

"I think it won't be difficult for us to get out, but it is very likely that the permit will be revoked. In this case, the Thule Association will have a way to get involved."

"Yes, although the Thule Association suffered a big loss before, they still have some arrangements in Turkey that we didn't know about before." Liang En nodded.

An organization that lasted for decades and once held some of the secrets of the Third Reich was definitely not easy to uproot. Liang En had no doubt that those people had some back-up tactics.

At the same time, the current situation in the general environment is also in a very delicate situation. As this ruins becomes more and more famous, Turkey has always been a little regretful that its own scientific expedition team does not occupy a dominant position in it.

Therefore, they have always wanted to take back the exploration rights, but considering the issue of national credit, they cannot be forceful, so they are now in a very tangled state.

Therefore, once the Thule Association's conspiracy succeeds, Turkey will definitely cooperate to drive Liang En and the others away. This is determined by interests, and the Thule Association does not even need to expose too much power.

Of course, there will definitely be power controlled by the Thule Association to fan the flames, but in that context it is impossible to screen out who the other party's contacts are.

"This is indeed a very cunning tactic." Liang En said seriously after explaining the specific situation to Joan of Arc, "They don't need to use too much force, but it can have excellent results."

"And if we didn't have some means that normal people would never think of, and if we had obtained intelligence in advance, I think the other party's plan would probably be successful."

"After all, our inspections will not be particularly strict when moving these things, and for the Thule Association, they only need explosives like these to arrive at the checkpoint smoothly."

"Then what should we do next? We already know what the other party's conspiracy is and sabotage the other party's actions, and the other party should not know that we have done all this." Joan of Arc picked up the piece of explosive and asked.

Plastic explosives are actually very safe explosives. Even if they are lit directly by an open flame or shot with a gun, they will not explode. That's why she can hold them in her hands so freely.

"We have two choices now, either to pretend that nothing has happened and resolve this matter quietly, or to take some more drastic measures of revenge."

"I choose the second option." Liang En gently patted the back of Joan's hand and said. "Raven has tracked the whereabouts of that group of people, and they are actually hiding in Istanbul."

Through the eyes of the raven, they saw the group of people quickly boarding a Mercedes-Benz SUV and heading to Istanbul. This also proved that the other party was indeed not here to steal things - the money they got from stealing things in this car was still there. Not enough gas money.

These people are worthy of being the elite among the elite. Even though they don't think there will be any problems with their actions now, they still make many moves to get rid of the enemy and observe whether there are stalkers.

But they definitely didn't expect that the two crows that were following them were smart enough, so Liang En successfully found their current location.

Surprisingly, just when the other party entered the room, Liang En saw a familiar face standing in the corridor just outside the door through the eyes of a raven flying past the window.

"Speer is actually an old friend of ours." After opening his eyes, Liang En said to Joan of Arc next to him, "He is the guy who ran away from us in Greece last time."

"No, no wonder it's like this. After all, being able to escape from our hands is considered a level, so it's not surprising that the other party can design such a trap."

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