Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 67 Even if it were replaced by a bunch of dogs riding brooms, the beating would not be worse

If you want to taste the sweetness of revenge...

You must learn to endure the patience and pain before revenge.

Before the Christmas holidays, or rather before the Quidditch match, the students of Slytherin House had accepted temporary patience, and even the daily verbal humiliation of Hufflepuff did not appear.

This kind of behavior is simply not very friendly to the Hogwarts environment.


Hogwarts, like Muggle schools, will have a holiday in the days before Christmas so that all students can go home and celebrate the New Year with their parents at home.

Before the Christmas holidays.

The Hogwarts Quidditch game is here as scheduled.

The four houses competed in turns. Slytherin's Quidditch team made great progress, first defeating the extremely powerful Gryffindor House and then the weakest Ravenclaw House.

The Hufflepuff House Quidditch team played terribly. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Quidditch teams originally faced each other, but due to the Seeker's error, they lost to the Ravenclaw team. Team…

As for the second round of the Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor House, many Hufflepuff students already thought that there might be a pessimistic result at the beginning of the match, and they still held on to a glimmer of hope. Go cheer for Hufflepuff...

What if the Seeker grabs the [Golden Snitch]?

This is a miraculous Quidditch game, a Quidditch game that can happen!

However, when the game started twenty minutes ago, the Hufflepuff students present began to think about a question, why should they waste time watching this game that they knew would be ravaged by Gryffindor House?

The final score was fixed at 30:340.

This horrific score difference is really disappointing.

Cedric and a group of Hufflepuff freshmen sat in their seats with gray faces, feeling that their lives had been completely overturned. How could a Quidditch team score such a difference of 300 points? !

"Don't be so desperate..."

Weissen Wright looked at a circle of dejected little wizards and could finally comfort these little guys. He immediately found the direction of comfort: "Cedric, Erwin, actually Hufflepuff and Gryffindor The gap is not that big?”


A group of little wizards couldn't help but raise their heads.

"It just seems like the scores are very different..."

Vincent Wright opened his palms indifferently and continued to explain: "If Hufflepuff has a good seeker, as long as it can catch the Golden Snitch in time, it means that we will have a score difference of 180:190. Losing to Gryffindor is just losing a goal on the field..."

"You can't win even if you catch the Golden Snitch..."

Erwin Bones really felt that Hufflepuff's Quidditch team had no hope. The little guy even couldn't help crying a few times: "And just now the Golden Snitch was Gryffindor's ball." The one who grabbed it first..."


If the Gryffindor Seeker hadn't caught the Snitch first, there would have been an even bigger difference in this game that tortured all Hufflepuff spectators.

Cedric cheered up again, and the boy seriously proposed to his friend: "Wesson, when I am in second grade, I will apply to join the Quidditch team. Can the two of us go together?"


Weissen Wright was silent for a while.

Then the gray-haired boy looked at his friend and suddenly said: "I have applied to Professor Sprout to grant permission for me, a first-year student, to join the college's Quidditch team."


Cedric was full of questions.

According to the rules of Hogwarts, only second-year students can join the Quidditch team. If a first-year student wants to join, the dean will most likely not approve it.

This is a dangerous sport after all.

The reason that Weissen Wright put forward to Professor Sprout was that the Hufflepuff team could not play worse than it was now. They had already played a Quidditch match with the largest score difference in history.

And it's dangerous and stuff...

The Hufflepuff players were flying around on the field on their broomsticks. Even if they didn't touch the ball, they couldn't change the final result. To be honest, even if they were all first-year students practicing flying on the field, the result would be the same...

The next last scene…

Hufflepuff has to face the strongest Slytherin house!

Vincent Wright joined the Quidditch team in advance. He knew that the Slytherin team was very good at playing violent Quidditch. The chance that these guys would take the opportunity to retaliate against Hufflepuff was too high...

Just a safety net.

Not just for a task reward of the system.

Facts have proved that Weissen Wright's choice was not wrong.

Before the game, the Slytherin students were very friendly. Marcus Flint, a Quidditch player, even approached Wesson Wright, showing that he was very afraid of Hufflepuff's revenge.

"Do we...need to make the score look better?"

When Marcus Flint said this, he still looked a little timid: "The Hufflepuff team played too poorly. If we lose on purpose..."

"Keep the rules of Quidditch."

Weissen Wright rejected Marcus Flint as a matter of course, and even seemed indifferent to it: "Hufflepuff never minds receiving a losing result. You should know that the most important thing for me is to abide by the rules. "

"Oh well."

Marcus Flint is shown to be very troubled.

"Anything else?"

Weissen Wright looked at Marcus Flint, his expression suddenly became a little playful: "I actually always thought you would do something in the Quidditch match..."

"That's true!"

Marcus Flint's expression immediately became serious, and when he looked at Wesson Wright, all his plans were revealed: "There are many people in Slytherin House who want to take revenge on Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff." , they want to seriously injure the Hufflepuffs in the Quidditch match, and I want to stop them..."

"It doesn't matter."

A smile flashed across the corner of Weissen Wright's mouth, and he reached out and patted Marcus Flint on the shoulder: "Marcus, I know you tried your best, just do what you should do..."

As expected of Slytherin...

They are both very good at protecting themselves.

In fact, not only Marcus Flint, but also five players from the Slytherin team also approached Wesson Wright, and they also shunned responsibility very concisely when they spoke.


They also want to stop it.

But they can't change the outcome.

Because most of the Slytherin team wanted to regain some ground in the Quidditch match, they could only explain their helplessness to Wesson Wright before the game started.

The only problem is…

There are only seven people in the entire Quidditch team!

If you include Marcus Flint, a total of six people from the Slytherin team came specifically to find Wesson, and six of the seven said they wanted to prevent this revenge...

When the first person came, Wesson Wright thought he had no idea, so he applied to Professor Sprout to join the Quidditch team in advance to avoid dangerous situations on the spot.

When the second person came, Wesson Wright still did not change his mind...

The third person…

The fourth person…

The fifth person…

The sixth person…

Weissen Wright sent away the sixth Slytherin player who came to report, his expression became a little numb. He felt as if he had been deceived by them, and could only wait helplessly for the last Slytherin Quidditch player. To report the message, only the Seeker from the Slytherin team should be the only one left to report the message...


The Seeker never showed up.

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