Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 109: The Frontline of the Country of Grass

In the Land of Grass.

The war zone where Konoha and Iwagakure confronted each other was covered with trenches.

The Iwagakure, who were good at earth escape ninjutsu, created very beautiful fortifications. On the flat grassland, the gullies dug out were natural, and the defensive performance made Konoha's reconnaissance ninjas dare not conduct reconnaissance too rashly at close range.

Because there were a lot of traps in conjunction with the trenches.

The war zone was located in the central part of the Land of Grass. It was early winter, and the snow accumulated in the past few days quickly melted away with the brief rise in temperature, revealing the bare surface.

At this time, outside the neat trenches of the Iwagakure, in a hidden depression far away, three Konoha reconnaissance ninjas were carefully observing the direction of the Iwagakure camp.

"How is it? Is there any abnormal movement in the Iwagakure camp today?" asked the ninja leader of the reconnaissance team.

Next to him, a Hyuga clan ninja was standing, opening his Byakugan and looking into the distance.

After hearing the captain's question, he closed his Byakugan and shook his head in disappointment: "This place is beyond the farthest reconnaissance distance of my Byakugan. I can only confirm that the periphery of the Rock Ninja Camp is the same as the previous two days, and there is no abnormality..."

For this answer, the team leader seemed to have expected it.

He smiled helplessly and said: "This is also unavoidable. This place is the maximum distance we can get close to. If we get closer, we may be discovered or enter the trap area."

After the previous fierce battles, the war between the two sides has slowed down. During the confrontation, the occasional battles were only small-scale battles such as encounters between some reconnaissance teams.

The three-person reconnaissance team is just a microcosm.

The Rock Ninja suddenly withdrew its troops, so when the Konoha side wanted to pursue, they found that they had already arranged a stable camp trench and a large number of trap areas behind them...

It is not good to go back like this if you fail to complete the task.

At this time, the team leader and the Hyuga clan ninja turned their eyes to the side, the teammate who had been silent, wearing a high collar and sunglasses.


At this time, there happened to be a small sound of insects in the air, and then a flying insect with a unique shape appeared in front of everyone. After circling for a while, it landed on the finger of the sunglasses ninja.

"...The information sent back by the spoiler bug is that everything is normal."

After a skilled communication, the sunglasses ninja took back the bug and replied calmly.

The other two were relieved after hearing it.

"It is really like this. I really don't understand what the rock ninja is thinking..." The leader of the team quickly took out a note from his arms and then wrote down the information that needed to be sent back.

At the same time, he couldn't help but joked: "You Aburame clan is still reliable. No matter what kind of environment, there will be no restrictions..."

The sunglasses ninja pursed his lips and didn't answer.

The Hyuga clan on the other side was not happy and retorted: "Captain, what do you mean by this?"

"At such a long distance, didn't your perception ninjutsu just work?"



Konoha camp

In the main account, several Konoha elite ninjas who were temporarily in charge of the frontline command were analyzing the military situation.

Sitting around the simple table, in addition to the captains of each team, there were also several people with special identities. They were either intelligence transmitters or high-level combat forces.

Not long after, after the last group of news reports from the frontline reconnaissance team came, everyone began to discuss.

"It seems that the Rock Ninja is ready to confront to the end..."

"This battle is really unpleasant. I really want to rush over and kill all those guys."

The voice of the war faction is obviously not small, but after all, it can only be said.

Because they have received orders from the village, they are temporarily on standby.

The frontline troops are roughly divided into four teams. In addition to the three team leaders, there is also a team leader in charge of logistics who are now participating in the combat meeting.

"Tsk tsk, I heard that the village has temporarily stopped the strategy of sending reinforcements. What is the reason? Do you know? Jiraiya..."

A pale-skinned man with golden pupils and long black hair at the table asked in a hoarse voice.

While he was speaking, he glanced at the white-haired middle-aged man on the other side, as if he thought that only he would know the answer to this question.

"Reinforcements? Is that true?"

"If there were reinforcements, we would definitely be able to easily defeat the Rock Ninja..."

Orochimaru's words were quickly discussed by several squad leaders. They obviously knew more about the war ahead than the headquarters in Konoha Village.

Even if there were only one or two hundred reinforcements, it would be enough to reverse the situation in the current war.

So when they heard Orochimaru say that the village had not passed the strategic plan to send reinforcements, they were all very confused.

For a while, almost everyone in the tent cast their eyes on Jiraiya, as if they wanted to get an answer from him.

Jiraiya couldn't help but have a headache facing this scene.

I couldn't help but frown, and sighed in my heart: Orochimaru is really well-informed. He even knows the content of the recent high-level meeting in the village...

"Ahem, the village leaders have indeed discussed the reinforcements.

But it seems that due to other concerns, it has not been implemented for the time being.

All we have to do now is to stabilize the front line and keep a close eye on the actions of the opposite Iwagakure..."

Facing everyone's puzzled looks, Jiraiya had no choice but to give a truthful explanation. Then, he suddenly remembered something and turned to the Konoha ninja who was responsible for receiving and delivering information and asked: "By the way, recently Where is the Grass Ninja Village?”

"Have they added more troops?"

At the conference table, the Konoha intelligence ninja suddenly shook his head and said with a slightly sarcastic tone: "These idiots are very cunning and cunning."

"Sending a squadron of Kusanagi to assist Iwa ninja is already the limit."

"It is absolutely impossible for them to invest more troops..."

As this intelligence ninja said, the grass ninjas of the Land of Grass are indeed like wallflowers. This time the Iwa Ninja took advantage of the momentum to attack Konoha and joined forces with the Iwa Ninja without any hesitation.

It's just like previous ninja wars. After all, their strength cannot keep up with the five major countries, and the number of ninjas participating in the war is limited.

In most cases, the work is done but no efforts are made...

A small country living in the cracks between big powers, waving flags and shouting along with whichever side becomes stronger, this has been the consistent strategy of the Country of Grass in previous wars. The big countries that usually unite with them understand their situation very well and will not force them too much.

After all, you may not know if they follow you to attack Konoha this time, they may follow Konoha to attack you next time...

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