Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 118: The Art of Flying Thunder Formation (Part 2)

After disguising themselves as ordinary travelers, the four of them continued their journey.

Passing through the vast and sparsely populated Kingdom of Frost, we entered the Kingdom of Thunder. Unexpectedly, it didn't cost a lot. Of course, the Kumo ninja stationed on border patrols are obviously much stricter than normal.

Since most of the landforms in the Land of Thunder are mountains, rivers and lakes, the common means of transportation here are mostly boats.

After the four of Nonoyu arrived at a pier with a boat bound for Yunyin Village, they planned their trip. At this time, there was a slight difference of opinion among them. After seeing the strict investigation at the border, the three of them felt that in order to improve Nonoyu's infiltration success rate, they should help her at least reach Yunyin Village.

However, Nonoyu believes that the situation is serious and they should separate. If they act together again, the goal is too big, and they should walk the road ahead alone.

However, in the end, Shiranui Genma persuaded Nonou again...

"Captain Genma, are you talking about space and time ninjutsu?"

The ship heading directly to Yunyin Village had already set off. In a private cabin, Nonoyu looked at Shiranui Genma in surprise.

The latter nodded in confirmation.

In order to reassure Nonou, he had just told her that the three of them could work together to activate the Flying Thunder God Technique, because the existence of this ability was also one of the main reasons why Namikaze Minato decided to send them to escort.

Shiranui Genma's attire at this time is no different from that of a civilian. He himself has an ordinary appearance, so there is no pressure to disguise himself.

However, he himself was actually a little uncomfortable with this costume, because he had to remove the thousand books he often held in his mouth because of the disguise...

"Senior Qing, don't worry."

Dieyiwaxi snatched the words and vowed: "When necessary, our time and space ninjutsu will definitely be of great help."

"Lord Hokage must have considered that it would be very difficult to sneak into Kumogakure, so he sent us here..."

While praising the Hokage for his wise decision-making, Iwahi also didn't forget to show off the fact that the Shadow Guards possess space ninjutsu.

Nonoyu was indeed very surprised. Ninjas who could use space ninjutsu were indeed very rare.

Being able to use the signature ninjutsu of golden flash is definitely something to be proud of for everyone in the Shadow Guards. Of course, such bragging cannot be talked about all the time.

Because intelligence information about ninja abilities cannot be leaked easily, there are not many opportunities to show off...

Probably because he couldn't stand the way Dieyiwaxi was so complacent, Lingzu Lei stepped forward at this moment, couldn't help but rub his hair, and struck him with words: "You guy, don't be so proud."

"Although we have barely mastered the art of Flying Thunder God, it takes three people to work together to successfully perform it. This is nothing worth showing off..."

As soon as there was an opportunity to reprimand the younger generation, someone jumped out immediately.

Because there is a scar on the left side of his face, his appearance has been disguised in order not to attract too much attention. At this time, he appears to be a man with a mustache, and the scars on his face have also been modified, making it basically invisible. What's the clue?

Angrily, he knocked down Lei Tong's hand, and Dieyiwaxi couldn't help but counterattacked: "Senior Lei Tong, how do I remember that in your last mission, when you were bragging about the Flying Thunder God Formation to others, you went further than I said? "

"Ah? Well, you probably remembered it wrong..."

For a moment of embarrassment, Nizurei secretly glanced at Nonoyu, and then secretly motioned to Iwashi with his eyes to save some face for him, but the latter pretended not to see it.

In fact, the pharmacist Nonoyu didn't think that much, he just smiled softly. After learning this information, he re-planned the infiltration plan in his heart. After a brief thought, she also changed her mind, turned to look at Shiranui Genma, and asked: "In that case, Captain Genma would also like to ask Captain Genma to tell you in detail how to activate and restrict the formation of your Flying Thunder God. "

"To help me change my infiltration plan."

Shiranui Genma nodded seriously, and then began to introduce.

About half a day later, the huge passenger ship arrived at the foot of the mountain in Yunyin Village. Like most villages in the Kingdom of Thunder, Yunyin Village is also built on a mountain peak. The difference is that Yunyin Village is not only built on the top of the mountain, but also on the top of three peaks, a huge spherical tower is artificially created, where Yunyin's government affairs center is located.

If you stand in the tower, you can truly experience the feeling of overlooking the mountains.

Under the mountain peak of Yunyin Village, on a slightly flat land, there is a bustling wharf and market, where Nonoyu and the four got off the ship.

Arriving at the foot of Yunyin Village, people with dark skin, blond hair or white hair could be seen everywhere. These people are basically the aborigines of the Kingdom of Thunder, and they can be easily identified by their skin color and physical features. And Nonoyu and the others were not very conspicuous when walking among the crowd. After all, the Country of Thunder was an open country, and tourists and business travelers from other countries were common here.

Finally arrived here, except for Nonoyu, the other three people were inevitably more or less nervous.

According to the prior arrangement, Genjian and the three people settled down temporarily, and the pharmacist Nonoyu first went to find out how strict the interrogation was at the gate of Yunyin Village, and then decided on the follow-up matters.

When No Naiyu came back to find out what was going on, his expression turned out to be extremely complicated.

Because the inspection at the gate of Yunyin Village has reached the level of wartime, this is indeed a bit unusual. It seems that Yun Yin is hiding in the dark, and there may indeed be something strange happening.

Although she was sure she could get in on her own, it would probably take a lot of time.

However, Namikaze Minato's request was to find out Kumogakure's secret actions as quickly as possible, so at this time, Nonoyu was still very grateful that Genma and the others could send her here and give her the final assistance. .

In the evening half a day later.

At the top of the mountain where Yunyin Village is located, a convoy of carriages carrying goods slowly stopped in front of the village gate.

The leader of the convoy was a dark-skinned old man with a kind face. From a distance, he saw a group of about four or five Kumo Ninja team ninjas standing at the guard post under the lights at the gate.

Without being reminded, he walked over and said hello: "It's really hard for you all. You are still on duty so late."

A white-haired man who looked like the captain of the Cloud Ninja Team came forward with an expressionless face and said directly without any nonsense: "It's my duty."

"Please register the names of all people entering. After verification, we will also check the goods on the car as usual..."

When the old man who was the leader of the motorcade heard this, he just smiled kindly, nodded and said no more.

Although Yunyin Village has not been at war recently, it has inexplicably tightened public security. For a businessman like him who often goes in and out of Yunyin Village, although it has become a bit troublesome, it is also a good thing.

So as usual, he completed the registration check very cooperatively.

A few minutes later, a convoy of five or six carriages was completed in a short time and was then allowed to enter the village.

The carriage slowly continued to move forward in Yunyin Village. When the convoy passed by an alley, under the dim street lights, following a carriage at the back, suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in the space, and then a man wearing a A yellow-haired woman wearing regular clothes and glasses appeared out of thin air.

After the woman appeared out of thin air, she quickly recognized the unfamiliar environment around her. Then she reached out her hand gently and sensitively to the bottom of the carriage that was still moving forward, and pulled out a piece of paper attached to the bottom with a strange seal engraved on it.

Then he immediately dodged and disappeared into the alley next to him with light steps.

Because it was night and on a remote street, none of the caravan attendants, including the carriages in front, noticed the scene behind them.

Almost at the same time.

At the foot of the mountain in Cloud Hidden Village, in the guest room of a certain hotel, Shiranui Genma and the three of them withdrew their hand seal gestures in a triangular formation, and instead used sensory ninjutsu at the same time.

After a long time, they all opened their eyes and relaxed.

"It seems that Senior Qing's infiltration was very successful. Our Flying Thunder God Mark has been hidden in the caravan carriage and entered Yunyin Village. It has now been destroyed according to the agreed time."

"All plans were successful." Shiranui Genma smiled with satisfaction.

The nerves that had been tense all along relaxed as the task was finally completed successfully.

As for Bingzu Leitong and Dieyiwaxi, their faces were also happy at this moment.

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