Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 122 The original version of Reincarnation in the Dirty Land

The Reincarnation Jutsu is said to be Kato Dan's signature ninjutsu.

The reason why a forbidden technique can be used as a signature undoubtedly shows that the user has a unique talent that ordinary people do not have. Just like Naruto can use the multiple shadow clone technique without risk because of his Chattantra, Metkai can control the side effects of the Eight Gate Dungeon because of his strong physical fitness and hard training in physical skills.

There are always some special people who can rely on their talents to make certain forbidden arts no longer forbidden to them.

Namikaze Minato guessed that Kato Dan probably also had the perfect aptitude for using the spiritual art, which enabled him to master this forbidden art and eventually become famous for it.

Out of curiosity, he immediately studied the details recorded in this forbidden technique.

"Sure enough, this is a unique spiritual ninjutsu..." A few minutes later, after carefully reading all the descriptions and detailed explanations of the spiritual technique, Namikaze Minato fell into deep thought.

Ninjutsu that controls spiritual power has the same conditions as using illusions. Both require the caster to have chakra with the escape attribute as an innate condition. The secret techniques of the Nara clan and the Yamanaka clan are all based on Yin escape and derived from them. Fortunately, Namikaze Minato's chakra attribute is fire, wind, thunder, yin and yang. If you want to try to learn this technique, you must have at least reached the basic threshold.

But the difficulty naturally goes beyond that. The art of spiritual transformation is actually a more advanced and more risky ninjutsu than the art of turning hearts.

The principle of the Heart Turning Technique is to use the soul to concentrate the spirit on one point, so as to release one's own spiritual power to seize and manipulate the opponent's body. The released spirit can generally only move in a straight line. And because the main body of the soul is still in the body, there will be a limitation that once the enemy's body is successfully occupied, the enemy's body is injured, and oneself will also be injured.

But the art of spiritualization is different. This art is a powerful ninjutsu that directly uses spiritual power to materialize one's soul and turn it into a living soul, so that it can be separated from the body for a short period of time and move freely in the spirit state. Because this technique uses spiritual power to completely liberate the soul, the spirit body becomes independent and has the ability to attack or even corrode and control the spirit of others, and the damage caused to the enemy's body after possession will not be fed back to its own body. .

In other words, once you successfully possess an enemy with the art of spiritualization, you will have two ways to kill the enemy, either a direct soul erosion attack, causing the enemy's spirit to collapse from the inside and die, or controlling and occupying the enemy's body, physically way to kill the enemy.

Even so, this technique has its shortcomings.

It is recorded in the Book of Sealing that after the spiritual transformation technique is successfully performed, the state of the embodied spirit body can actually be directly seen by the naked eye. In the original work, when Kato Dan was released from the restriction of reincarnation in the dirty earth and his soul ascended to heaven, he used the art of spiritual transformation to freely control his soul that was about to ascend to heaven, and rushed to see Tsunade for the last time.

Before that, he had been trapped in the four-purple flame formation used by Akimichi Choza and others.

Being able to be detected by seeing and sensing ninjutsu, and being able to be limited by barrier techniques, already shows that this technique is not unsolvable, nor is it impossible to counterattack.

The last thing to talk about is the harm of this forbidden technique.

The art of spiritualization requires extremely high control of mental power. At the same time, after the spirit body possesses the enemy, if you choose to attack the enemy with soul erosion, you will take risks. Usually, since the user of the spiritual transformation technique has cut off the connection with his own body, his spiritual body is not burdened, and he will definitely have a great advantage when attacking the enemy's spirit.

But there are always exceptions to everything.

If the enemy's spiritual power is extremely strong, then the effect of this kind of soul erosion will be reversed, and the person who dies from a mental breakdown may become a caster...

Therefore, only those casters whose soul power is so strong that they can cope with the anti-corrosion effect can bear the side effects of this forbidden spell.

If Namikaze Minato guessed correctly, Kato Dan was able to use this technique without any burden because of his super strong soul power.

After silently memorizing and learning the Reincarnation Technique, Namikaze Minato planned to practice and master this technique when he had time, because he vaguely felt that the benefits of learning this technique far outweighed the disadvantages of this forbidden technique. Moreover, he felt that his soul power might not be as strong as Kato Dan. When the nine-tailed power in the body took advantage of Xu's rampage some time ago, being able to resist the erosion of the Yin Nine-Tails for so long had already made him aware that his spiritual power might be Very powerful.

This incident gave him strong confidence in learning this forbidden technique.

Before I knew it, the sky outside the window was already bright.

Seeing that he had been reading for most of the night and still couldn't find the topic, Namikaze Minato smiled helplessly and had no choice but to speed up the progress.

Finally, after a pile of pages that had been read piled up, the words "Reincarnation of the Earth" finally came into view. The appearance of these words also made Minato Namikaze look a little sleepy at first, and became more energetic. point.

The art of reincarnation from dirty soil...

It is a forbidden technique that violates human ethics. This technique can recall the soul of the deceased from the pure land to the human world, and uses living people as sacrifices as a medium to achieve the purpose of pseudo-resurrection. The body of the person reincarnated in the dirty land is immortal, and the chakra is almost unlimited.

However, using the souls of the dead is a great disrespect for the deceased, and the conditions for living sacrifices are also extremely cruel.

If you want to use this technique, it must not be used except in emergencies and critical moments...

The above descriptions are the primary introduction to the reincarnation of the dirty soil in the sealed book. It can be seen that the inventor also has a certain sense of moral condemnation for this technique. But who is the Second Hokage? He is a ruthless man who invented countless forbidden techniques. There are too many unscrupulous power seekers in this world. In order to obtain strong strength, I am afraid that most people will not care much about the above. A paragraph...

Namikaze Minato continued to look down and saw the preparation conditions for the forbidden jutsu and the principles of ninjutsu.

The original technique of reincarnation from dirty soil in the Book of Sealings is indeed a very complex and cumbersome forbidden technique. The scroll took a lot of space to record the technique.

This forbidden technique is divided into three stages.

The first is the preparation stage, which requires the preparation of a certain amount of flesh and blood of the person reincarnated by the dirty land, the controlled living sacrifice, and the prerequisites to confirm that his soul exists in the pure land.

Then comes the execution stage, where the seals are formed to initiate the ritual of sacrifice and summoning, summoning the souls in the pure land to possess the sacrificer.

The last stage is the servitude stage, where special spells are made and buried in his brain to erase his personality, because only the reincarnated person without self-awareness can become a tool that absolutely obeys orders.

After reading the eloquent introduction, Namikaze Minato frowned deeply.

Because, although the introduction of the principle and application of this forbidden technique can be said to be clear to the smallest detail, in his opinion, it is not enough at all. For example, in the preparation stage, there are no detailed requirements or notes on the required reincarnated flesh and blood and human sacrifices. But Namikaze Minato knew that the strength of the reincarnated person would be affected by the strength of the sacrifice.

The body of the original Kudo Madara is very close to his original strength due to the quality of Kabuto's special sacrifice.

In addition, in addition to not having these detailed annotations, the original version of "Reincarnation of the Earth" also did not explain how to choose the target to be cast and when to be summoned, which is very important. If you want to reincarnate the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, a peak Third Hokage in his youth is naturally more valuable than the old Third Hokage before his death.

"It seems that this is really just the reincarnation of the original dirty soil..."

Namikaze Minato was slightly disappointed. He was sure that if he used it according to the original version in the Sealed Book, the strength of the reincarnated person would probably be too low to be seen directly.

Thinking about the plan to collapse Konoha, even the three older generations were able to deal with the first and second generations of Hokage. This is enough to prove that with the original technique of reincarnation, the strength of the reincarnated person may not even reach the shadow level. Not even the God of Ninja can do that.

Sure enough, the original art of reincarnation from dirty soil still has a lot of room for transformation and improvement.

However, these are not the most disappointing things for Namikaze Minato. What he is most disappointed with is that he really wants to use this forbidden technique. The estimated preparation and learning time will probably be no less than a few months or even half a year. However, this prediction is still Under the best of circumstances...

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