Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 130 Appearance (1)

Suddenly, violent explosions suddenly began to appear under the soil on the snowfield.

As if the mine array that had been laid in advance was completely detonated at this time, waves of explosive air began to appear one after another in the entire area. If you look down from a high altitude, you can see white flowers blooming on the snow within a radius of nearly 100 meters.

This is a spectacular sight caused by the air waves rolling up the soil and snow after the detonating talisman exploded.



The dense explosion quickly enveloped the Cloud Ninjas who entered the range one by one.

Blood and snow, explosion fire and screams soon merged into a tragic scene. This detonating flame formation is said to be a ninjutsu, but it cannot be completely regarded as a ninjutsu, because its actual principle is to use fire escape to control the detonating talisman buried in the ground in advance, and detonate it one after another, thereby destroying the area it enters. enemies, causing widespread damage.

The formation of detonating talisman buried underground in this open space with a radius of tens of meters outside the snow forest is the largest and final one that Linjiao and the others and the border guard ninjas have planned in the limited time in recent days. A trap.

At this time, in the trap area, the cloud ninja who rushed at the front fell down in large numbers, and the follow-up troops who followed saw this scene, and many people finally began to show signs of wavering.

After all, anyone can see that there are still many detonating charm traps in the area ahead.

Fear spread, and most of the Kumo ninja couldn't help but look at their companions, subconsciously stopping the charge, and a few Kumo ninja began to retreat.

"They're all rubbish. Did the mere detonating talisman scare you?"

Among the explosions at this moment, there was only one Cloud Ninja figure, still shuttled forward in the trap area, like duckweed in the sea. Although it seemed to be in danger at any time, if you look closely, you can find that this Cloud Ninja actually He was not harmed at all by the explosion of the trap.

This Kumo ninja is naturally the most powerful Kumogakure vanguard captain among the vanguard troops.

His speed and reaction are obviously beyond ordinary people, because all impacts and explosions that can hurt him will be noticed in advance and then avoided at extremely fast speeds.

This can be regarded as one of the flaws of the Explosive Flame Formation. Because this trap ninjutsu is not triggered, but is triggered by the caster himself, so the activation time of the buried Explosive Talisman trap is not as extreme as the triggered trap. Quick, so for elite ninjas, this slightly delayed trap attack virtually gives them enough reaction time. In addition, the vanguard captain happened to be a speed ninja, so the detonating flame formation did not pose any threat to him...

Seeing that the group of Kumo ninja who followed him were almost completely wiped out, and the following troops became timid again.

The vanguard captain couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart again. As a last resort, he had to stagnate slightly as he advanced. After making up his mind, he began to form seals in his hands. In just a short moment, a seal ended with the common Shen Zhi seal. The Thunder Release Ninjutsu was quickly completed.

"Thunder Release·Heavy Current Burst!!"

A large number of dense blue thunder and lightning, flashing with dazzling light, suddenly appeared and condensed on his right fist.

The vanguard captain of Yun Ren immediately shouted loudly, and struck the iron fist wrapped with lightning suddenly on the ground under his feet. The power of this punch seemed to be extremely heavy, and a large area of ​​the ground instantly cracked, forming a shape like Spider web-like extensive cracks.

At the same time, the thunder-escape current wrapped around the fist also poured into the depths of the cracked ground, and then emitted a strange thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the array of detonating talisman continued to explode in the trap area, but suddenly stopped.

"how so……?!!"

"I can actually use the thunder escape ninjutsu to destroy all the underground traps that set off the flame formation with one blow..."

Everyone in Konoha's ANBU was shocked when they saw this scene. Even Kirikaku, who had always been calm and collected, was slightly shocked.

Just by relying on the Thunder Release Ninjutsu he had just revealed, he already had a rough idea of ​​the strength of the Cloud Ninja Vanguard Captain. This speedy elite jounin is probably even stronger than him...

"The enemy is very strong, conserve your strength and retreat quickly!!"

In a flash of thought, Linjiao quickly came to his senses and decisively shouted orders to the people not far away.

According to the plan, they were supposed to fully activate the Explosive Flame Formation, stop and kill more Kumo ninjas, and then evacuate safely, but now the trap only exerted half of its effect and was cracked by the enemy. , and at the same time seeing the powerful strength of the vanguard leader of the Cloud Ninja opposite, he had to make a prompt decision.

Linjiao's voice soon woke up the rest of the Anbu who were briefly surprised.

However, when everyone was ready to obey the order to evacuate, it was too late...


Accompanied by the sound of a tiny electric current breaking through the air, a blue figure rushed towards them. In just a split second, it passed over the crowd and cut off their retreat. The speed was staggering.

"Do you want to leave now? I'm afraid it's not that easy." The contemptuous voice fell almost at the same moment.

What a quick teleportation technique! !

When they saw the Kumo ninja vanguard captain with tiny electric arcs flowing on his legs suddenly flashing in front of everyone's eyes, the Konoha Anbu were suddenly startled again, and then they showed a solemn expression as if they were facing a powerful enemy, and at the same time they were even more shocked. It was a subconscious preparation for battle.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Thunder Release Ninja Technique developed by the second generation Raikage..."

If Kirijiao had still hoped for his own escape, now after seeing the half-thunder escape chakra mode of the Kumo ninja vanguard leader, he was already prepared for the worst.

"Since you can recognize my Thunder Chakra mode at a glance, you are probably not ordinary Konoha ninjas, right?"

The Kumogakure vanguard captain was obviously a little surprised. He was not in a hurry to attack for a while, but just looked at the Kirijiao people with some doubts.

However, Linjiao understood that the enemy in front of him was obviously trying to delay time. He didn't need to look back at this time to know that the Kumo ninja follow-up troops who were cowering behind might have once again disappeared due to the disappearance of the detonating flame formation. of came forward.

"I'm here to hold him back. You guys can take advantage of the moment and retreat quickly!!" As he spoke, Linjiao's hands suddenly formed a Si seal.

Immediately, he took the lead in attacking without any warning.

Earth Release·Hell Grip! !

I saw a slight tremor on the ground, and suddenly a pair of rock arms broke out of the ground under the feet of the Cloud Ninja Pioneer Captain. These huge rock arms, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiched the Yun Nin Pioneer Captain in the middle, and then both His palms closed suddenly, trying to crush him.

When the remaining Anbu saw this, they were very straightforward, understanding that if it was delayed, the situation would only get worse.

What's more, the strength of all of them was not as good as the captain Linjiao. Everyone, including the border guard captain who had basically lost his fighting ability, gritted his teeth and decisively chose to retreat.


Dust rose and a loud noise was heard. After the two palms made of rocks closed quickly, Linjiao, as the caster, changed his expression slightly.

Because he clearly felt that his Earth Release Ninjutsu was not able to hit the enemy reliably.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged. Without thinking, he suddenly fell to the ground and patted the ground under his feet, building a thick earth flow wall.


The lightning flashing with electric arcs struck from the side the next second. The huge penetrating force penetrated the thick earth flow wall in an instant, and then its power was not reduced, and it passed across it evenly.

On the other side, Linjiao, who was behind the earth current wall, had expected that his earth escape would not be able to withstand the thunder escape. The moment the spell ended, he began to jump back to avoid it. However, the blue thunder light was still grazing. It passed his right arm and brought up a cluster of blood flowers.

The dust dispersed, and the figure of the Kumogakure Pioneer Captain appeared. The blue lightning that had not dissipated was condensed in his right hand. At the same time, he looked at the Linjiao not far behind the broken earth current wall, which was covering his bleeding right arm, with some surprise in his eyes. .

He was obviously surprised that his attack failed to cause the expected heavy damage.

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