Unfortunately, Yumu's self-confidence soon wavered a little when he led the troops into the border of the Land of Fire.

Especially when she witnessed with her own eyes that all the cloud ninja troops pouring in outside the snow forest on the border were instantly swallowed up by the detonating charm trap and the sound of murderous ninja tools breaking through the air, she had to stop her previous attitude of underestimating the enemy. meaning.



Strong firelight flickered continuously, and large trees fell one after another. In just a few minutes, the silent winter night was violently torn apart by the sudden fire of war. The shock wave and loud noise caused by the explosion inevitably caused waves of fire nearby. A flock of birds roosting in the forest.

At this time, the ninjas at the front of the Kumo ninja force who suffered a head-on attack finally became alert and stopped mindlessly attacking into the snow forest.

"What's going on? There are actually Konoha defenders here?"

Yumu looked at the front troops with a frosty face. As soon as they entered the border of the Land of Fire, they encountered a strong blockage. At this moment, the front troops had sent out sensing ninjas to quickly investigate the enemy's situation.

Not only she, but also most of the Kumo ninja were unexpected to be blocked in this place.

You must know that before them, hundreds of vanguard troops have explored the road, and Konoha is empty inside at this time. Under this situation, why are there still Konoha ninjas stationed at the border?

Could it be that the several hundred Kumo ninja vanguard troops couldn't even wipe out the border ninja garrison of just a few people?

Are hundreds of people in the vanguard playing with snakes?

"Be careful, there are many detonating charm traps near the front!!"

At this time, several sensory ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Army, after exploring the situation inside the snow forest, loudly reminded everyone: "The number of enemies is about forty or fifty, but preliminary estimates are that most of them are shadow clones... …”

After hearing the news, a leader of the Kumo ninja unit on the front line suddenly felt enlightened. He first turned his head and glanced at Yukito not far behind, and found that the tall and proud kunoichi with arms folded was at this moment He seemed to be deep in thought, and when he saw that he didn't express any objection, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved his arm gently.

Immediately, at his signal, more than a dozen elite cloud ninjas quickly leapt forward from the crowd behind.

They stood in a row, facing the snow forest, and began to form seals simultaneously with a tacit understanding.

"Thunder Release·Thunder Territory Storm Wave!!!"

With the completion of the seal, a burst of roaring thunder suddenly formed on the palms of a dozen Yun Ninjas that were pushed out flatly. They gathered and wrapped around their arms and swarmed out. These dozens of thick thunder snake currents soon They merged together to form a larger thunder and lightning spider web, which rushed straight into the snow forest with great momentum.


An even larger amount of snow mist rose up, and the violent current swallowed up an area of ​​tens of meters in a matter of seconds. After the raging, a large area of ​​scorched earth was formed.

Destroying everything with violence is Kumogakure's consistent style.

"A large number of shadow clones of the enemy in front have been completely destroyed..."

Seeing that one's own Thunder Release Combination Ninjutsu not only destroyed the trap, but even directly changed the terrain ahead, several Sensing Ninjas in the Kumo Ninja Army looked unsurprised. One of them was a capable Kumo Ninja with short blond hair. He quickly used his sensory ninjutsu, briefly explored the area, and immediately reported to the team leader and Yukito next to him.

"keep going."


Following the squad leader's order, large numbers of Cloud Ninjas stepped onto the scorched earth and began to move forward.

But Yumu Ren on the other side was looking deeper into the snow forest with a strange look on his face, as if he had noticed something unusual. For some reason, there seemed to be a strange chakra resonance coming from further away. This strange feeling that seemed to be there was full of violence. It was a violent chakra aura similar to the tailed beast in her body, the two-tailed Mataru.

Because she had just recently mastered the power of the tailed beast through hard training, although she had been able to completely suppress the influence of her tailed beast chakra, the strange resonance in front of her at this time was vaguely affecting the two tails in her body. The violent chakra aura.

"Master Yukito..."

Realizing that his commander-in-chief looked a little strange, the captain of the Cloud Ninja Force hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to report: "What we just encountered should be a trap and obstacle set up to slow down our progress. It is speculated that The enemy's body should not be nearby..."

Shadow clones are a very common method in war to lure the enemy into setting up a maze.

Therefore, the judgment of the Cloud Ninja team leader was quite reasonable. After hearing this, Yumu Ren agreed with his speculation in his heart, but said coldly on his face: "Since you know, why don't you immediately notify the team to let go?" Slow down the speed?”

As he spoke, Yumu Ren suddenly put down his hands, then flicked his arms, and two claw-shaped weapons suddenly extended from his five fingers.

Then he ignored the Cloud Ninja squad leader and disappeared from the spot with a movement of his body.

After a few jumps, I was ready to chase the troops in front...

The squad leader looked embarrassed for a while and opened his mouth, but he was very depressed inside. He glanced at the steady flow of people behind him, and was about to shout to the team to slow down and be careful of traps ahead, when something unexpected happened.


Directly ahead, deep in the distant snow forest, a giant water cannon suddenly rushed towards us with a strong wind.

Wherever the water cannon passed, it lifted up a large number of forest trees, and also raised a large amount of snow and fog. The cloud ninjas who were walking at the front noticed this unexpected giant water attack. After that, he hurriedly prepared to dodge, but the range of this water cannon, which was dozens of meters in diameter, was so wide that it was almost impossible to avoid it.


The giant water cannon hit the crowd of cloud ninjas in an instant, and immediately exploded, forming a wave of water that covered the sky and the sun...

The flood came suddenly, and soon a large number of Kumo ninjas were washed away.

Just when everyone was preparing to search for the target, the ground suddenly trembled, and then from the distant horizon, a giant leaped over and landed squarely in front of them.

"Bunta, your water escape power doesn't seem to have improved much..."

I saw a red scarred toad wearing a kimono and holding a pipe in his mouth. A blond man in a god robe was standing above his head. The joking voice undoubtedly came from him.

"Stop talking, Minato. I sacrificed my time playing cards to be called here by you.

Hurry up, I'm very busy..."

Gamabunta's huge body and copper bell-like eyes stared down at the large cloud ninja below. Although the densely packed enemy seemed to have no end in sight, it looked as if there was no one around it and spat out its big eye circles in a leisurely manner.

Then, he retorted with some dissatisfaction to the blond man above his head.

"...Toad psychic beast?!"

"It's the golden sparkle of Konoha!! The Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato actually appeared here in person?!"

Although this way of appearing was already considered calm in the eyes of Namikaze Minato, it was still extremely shocking in the eyes of all the cloud ninjas. Especially, when someone discovered that the blond man standing above Bunta turned out to be the Hokage of Konoha, even though there were thousands of people on his side, it still inevitably caused subconscious panic among many Kumo ninjas.

On the other side, with the cold full moon above his head, Namikaze Minato's handsome face was filled with indifference. At the same time, his blue eyes quickly glanced at the group of cloud ninjas below, and soon he found the figure of a blonde kunoichi with long braid running towards him...

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