Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 134 Surprise Attack Force

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"Orochimaru, you are as calm as ever. The village is facing the biggest crisis in history..."

Jiraiya looked at the slow-moving team behind him and seemed a little anxious. If he hadn't considered that he was the frontline commander, he would have wanted to abandon the team and rush back to Konoha alone.

Orochimaru, who saw through this, suddenly felt something in his heart, and pretended to make a casual suggestion: "At the current marching speed, it will take half a day to get back to the village anyway.

Why don't you take some of the elites to go first..."

Worried about the village, Jiraiya didn't think too much for a moment, but his eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this suggestion.

"This is a good idea. You can lead the team after I leave..." After Jiraiya thought for a while, he said decisively: "Then I'll leave it to you, Orochimaru!"

"Don't worry." Orochimaru was happy in his heart, but his face showed no emotion.

Soon, under Jiraiya's order, this vast Konoha main ninja force separated a small group of elites, followed Jiraiya to break away, and rushed to Konoha at a faster speed. leaf.

I finally left, and my chance came.

The golden snake eyes briefly glanced at the Konoha ninjas behind him. Orochimaru didn't know what he thought of, and subconsciously licked his lips excitedly. Then, he summoned the captain of the medical team in the team.

"Lord Orochimaru..."

A middle-aged man in standard Konoha ninja uniform quickly rushed to Orochimaru's side, looking at him respectfully, waiting for instructions.

Orochimaru smiled evilly and asked straight to the point: "I want to know the number of seriously injured ninjas we had after the war in the Land of Grass, and their current resettlement locations, and also give me a list of the injured..."

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind fills the building.

At this time, Konoha has become the center of the vortex in the true sense.

After it was confirmed that a large number of ninjas from Kumogakure were directly attacking Konoha, and following the Nine-Tails Rebellion that had just passed a few months ago, the village once again sounded the war alarm. On the streets, almost no civilians were walking around.

The villagers are basically huddled in their homes, and the Konoha police force is ready to conduct evacuation and evacuation work at any time.

Inside the Hokage Building, in the emergency meeting room, Nara Shikaku was calmly listening to all the news. Opposite him, of course, were two consultants, Mito Kadeni and Koharu Koharu.

"This is the situation. If nothing goes wrong, our main force should arrive one after another with the Kumo ninja troops coming straight to the village." Nara Shikaku finally had time to breathe a sigh of relief after sorting out all the real-time information.

"So, it's possible that the enemy will arrive before our main force?" Mito Kadoyan's words immediately made Koharu, who was sleeping next to him, also nervous. The two of them turned their attention to the young junior who was deliberately designated by the fourth generation as the acting chief.

Although the various decisions and preparations made by Nara Shikaku in the past two days were so perfect that no one could find any faults.

But no matter how you look at it at this time, Konoha is still facing a crisis.

Although Nara Shikaku is someone who has seen through the situation, after all, other people's minds cannot do this, so he had to explain to the two advisors: "Two advisors, don't worry, don't go out." If there is an accident, no matter which side arrives first, the main force of Konoha or the enemy of Kumo ninja, it will have no impact on the outcome of the war.

Because according to the news, the Kumo ninja's troops have become dispersed after passing through the northeastern defense line, and after a long-distance attack, even if they arrive in front of the village first, they will need time to gather their strength before launching an offensive. "

"In addition, it is said that Lord Jiraiya, who led the main force to return reinforcements, has led some elites to speed back to the village not long ago..."

After hearing this, Mito Kadoyan and Koharu Koharu finally felt relieved.

Now that the basic overall situation is settled, they have taken reassurance and appreciate Nara Shikaku's commanding ability and adaptability. Then there were some bold words, saying that Kumogakure, who had fought undeclared, must pay the price.

Nara Shikaku secretly shook his head at this, but he understood that the battlefield situation was changing rapidly, and it was not necessary to open champagne at halftime...

Kumogakure's backstabbing behavior this time was obviously planned for a long time. If the current situation develops, Konoha's main force will return to support, severely defeat the Kumo ninja troops who are deep in the hinterland, and then win a great victory all the way, it will be a foregone conclusion. But by this time, Kumogakure's senior officials should have noticed this, but they didn't order a retreat, which was a bit strange.

Is there any other back-up plan?

Nara Shikaku felt uneasy for no reason, but he didn't expect that his ominous feeling would be confirmed in just a moment.

Not long after, a Konoha ninja in charge of the communication hurried to the conference room and reported an explosive news in a panic: there was a Kumo ninja force that was about to kill in front of the Konoha gate...

"What's going on?! Doesn't the cloud ninja have to arrive at noon at the earliest? Why...?"

"Staff Shikaku, I hope you can come up with countermeasures as soon as possible!!"

Unlike the two advisors who were already panicking, Nara Shikaku just frowned and calmly said a few words: "It's a surprise attack force.

I didn’t expect that it would be our Konoha headquarters that ultimately decided the outcome..."

Outside Konoha Village, the door is closed.

Among the two or three sensory ninjas inside the door, one of the Hyuga ninjas was opening his Byakugan and observing outside through the wall.

"Here we come, confirm that the enemy has arrived outside the door!!"

When they discovered that the enemy had arrived in front of and behind the Konoha Gate, the Hyuga ninja looked tense and hurriedly reported: "In terms of number... there are probably less than fifty people!!"

"It came so fast..." Among the three, the Konoha ninja who looked like the captain murmured with a sinking face.

"The enemy doesn't seem to be planning to attack immediately. Captain, what should we do now?" asked the Hyuga ninja.

"Continue detection."


After all, they are only responsible for reconnaissance and surveillance missions. It is of course best that the enemy does not launch an attack immediately.

Moreover, it will take time for the villagers to organize their forces for defense after learning the news.

"Wait, what is that?!!"

Suddenly, the Hyuga ninja trembled, suddenly raised his head and pointed to the sky above the gate.

The other two people heard this and looked over hurriedly.

Then the three of them saw countless square boxes in the sky, flying from outside the door to the village like a shower. These unknown square boxes did not look like ninja tools or detonating talismans. Strange things soon appeared in the mid-air. Change.

Click - click -

All the square boxes exploded in an instant, and the next second, dazzling white light and explosions came one after another, swallowing everything up in an instant.

Almost the entire periphery of Konoha's gate felt as if it had been hit by a strong earthquake. Under the white light, all the buildings collapsed one after another, as if it was the end of the world.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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