Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 136 Konoha Guarding Battle (Part 2)

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Facing two blood successors and one elite jounin, Uchiha Fugaku knew that if he continued to retain his strength and fight with the three magatama sharingan, he might not be able to last long.

This battle was of great significance to him and the Uchiha clan, and they must not be dealt with casually.

Because in his opinion, this defensive battle is an important opportunity. The Uchiha Guards can definitely win the public's reputation and the high-level changes with their outstanding performance through this battle to protect the village.

Of course, the most important thing is the subsequent evaluation of the young Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato...

Because of this, Uchiha Fugaku decided to spare no effort to kill the enemy and make achievements!

"Be careful, this may be a Sharingan illusion!!" Dodai immediately noticed that Fugaku's Sharingan pattern was about to change and immediately warned him.

After Troy and Nakai heard this, their expressions tightened at the same time, and they placed their weapons across their chests, and at the same time they were ready to remove each other's spells.

The Sharingan has long been famous in the ninja world, especially when the person in front of you is the leader of the Uchiha clan. When facing such an enemy who may be the strongest Sharingan in the ninja world today, no one dares to be careless...

However, just when the three magatama of the Sharingan in Fugaku's pupils were connected together and about to change into a new pattern, several more people suddenly came outside the venue.

"Chief Fugaku, we are here to help you!" The voice came from a distance, obviously it was reinforcements from Konoha.

Although he came to help, Uchiha Fugaku was shocked when he heard the voice, and hurriedly and calmly stopped the kaleidoscope that was about to be opened...

"You're here just in time, Sir Advisor, Staff Officer Shikaku!" Although he was a little depressed, Uchiha Fugaku didn't show it, but pretended to be relieved. Immediately, he reminded again: "Be careful, the enemy has two blood successor ninjas, and don't come into contact with the ninja tool of the magnetic escape ninja named Troy, otherwise it will be difficult to escape from the magnetized shuriken attack... …”

Although the scene of Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan's strange changes made the three people of Todai look at it, they knew very little about Sharingan, so they didn't think much about it. The other three Konoha ninjas who came to join the battle His identity attracted their attention immediately.

"Hahaha, Konoha's staff and advisors, these are all big fish..." Nakai excitedly grasped the handle of the naginata.

"Oh? Did Konoha's top brass personally join the battle?" Todai was also delighted, and then deliberately said: "This is a great opportunity. If these top brass are captured, half of the war will be won... …”

As he spoke, Tutai had already sensed the number of reinforcements brought by Shikaku and the others nearby. After discovering that there were only ten people from the other side, he suddenly felt that he had a chance to win. In his opinion, Konoha will never have any extra combat power. The current guard team and the ten newly arrived ninjas from various families should be all the strength left in Konoha at this time. In this way, on Mickey Guy's side, the sabotage operation should be able to proceed more smoothly.

"Those bandits and thieves of Yunyin, even though we have been away from the battlefield for a long time, we are not the ones you can easily capture and kill!"

"That's right, let me show you the long-lasting will of fire in our hearts as we, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, learned from me!!"

Mito Kadoen and Kaden Koharu showed no signs of weakness in the face of Dodai's bluff.

But although these two people had good momentum and admirable swordsmanship, Nara Shikaku behind them was worried about them and hurriedly reminded them: "Two advisors, let me and the Fugaku clan leader take the lead... "

But before he finished speaking, the two men had already launched an attack.

"Manipulation Tool·Explosion Hammer!!"

Mito Kadoen, who is good at manipulating ninja tools, skillfully pulled open the large scroll hanging on his body, and then with a snap, five huge hammer-shaped ninja tools were channeled, and they hit the three people on Dodai.

Not to be outdone, Xiaochun turned to bed and threw out dozens of poison-quenching Qianben needles with a flick of his arms...

The battle in the center of the village was fierce, but Mickey Guy and others who sneaked in quietly on the other side were able to make their way unimpeded.

Because all the residents at this time had already been transferred to the refuge, the group of them followed the map and blew up many large public facilities such as hotels and shops along the way, and then directly arrived at the primary target location of the mission.

Konoha Medical Department...

Among the five great ninja villages, only Konoha has the most advanced medical technology, so in every war, casualties can be minimized, which makes other countries envious.

Therefore, if there is a chance to destroy the enemy's logistics during the war, then of course there is no need to say more about its strategic priority.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of Konoha, a medical department of this size may not even be comparable to the other four villages combined..." Mickey Guy stood in front of the Konoha Hospital building and looked up. said.

"Vice-captain, let's use Earth Release Ninjutsu. To blow up such a big building, I'm afraid it will take a lot of detonating talismans."

Beside him, one of the Kumo ninjas made a suggestion to Mickey Guy.

While the two were talking, the six or seven Cloud Ninjas who were following behind also caught up and stood downstairs, watching and clicking their tongues.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Suddenly, there was a sound of shurikens breaking through the air, and a hail of swords shot out from the foyer of the Konoha Hospital building.

Mickey Guy and the others also reacted very quickly. Two cloud ninjas who were good at swordsmanship immediately jumped in front of the crowd, drew their samurai swords and completely blocked the sword rain.

As soon as the sword rain stopped, two Konoha ninjas jumped out of the door.

One man and one woman, both wearing white coats, although they both held kunai at this time, it can be seen that they are medical ninjas who are not good at fighting. The two of them were alert and stared at Mickey Guy and the others.

"Oh? There are still people in the hospital?"

Mickey Guy was a little surprised, but he didn't care too much about it. Instead, he smiled grimly and said, "It seems that you want to be buried with the entire hospital..."

"You want to destroy Konoha Hospital? Please stop! There are still many seriously injured patients who cannot be transferred immediately..."

After understanding the purpose of Mickey Guy and the others, the Konoha female medical ninja blurted out in a hurry.

"What did you say? Tell us to stop?"


Who would have thought that she would be met with a burst of wanton and mocking laughter as soon as she finished speaking.

Mickey Guy looked at the female medical ninja of Konoha who was speaking with great interest, and sneered contemptuously: "How stupid! This is a war!"

"Since those people inside can't even escape, it means that they are not far from death. Let me send them off in advance..."

After that, Mickey Guy was about to signal his men to take action.

But then, a scornful rebuke came from the door of the hospital lobby and interrupted them: "After so many years, you, Kumogakure, really have no humanitarian spirit..."

As the sound of heels hitting bricks came from far to near, everyone looked in the direction of the sound and soon found that the person coming was a mature female ninja with light yellow long ponytail, tea green black-edged long gown, and a very plump figure. There was also a big word "gamble" printed on the back of the woman...

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Sharing on Facebook may have a surprise]

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