Sound illusion is a stronger type of attack among illusions. It is not easy to resist this type of illusion. After all, human hearing is not like vision, which can be turned off at any time.

The sharp sound waves that entered the ears of Jingyin and Yueguang Gale produced illusions in their minds in a short moment.

The world spun around, and the environment around them became bizarre. Then, the limbs seemed to gradually lose strength. In this way, the pain method and chakra burst method to break the illusion were all difficult to use quickly. It can be seen that the effect of this illusion is very strong, and it is obviously from the hands of a powerful illusion ninja.

At this time, they who were hit by the illusion were equivalent to lambs to be slaughtered for the enemy.

Yueguang Gale and Jingyin, of course, also understood this. While the two people lying on the ground were anxious, they immediately wanted to move their arms to make seals and secretly mobilize chakra. But this thing that was done easily and casually under normal circumstances became extremely difficult at this time because of the interference of the illusion. Even every limb movement seemed to require ten or dozens of times the strength.

However, at this moment, the picture suddenly changed, and all the illusions and weakness faded away instantly.

The two were surprised to find that reality had returned...

"Are you okay, two little guys?" Chen Long's voice came.

Moonlight Gale and Shizune looked in the direction of the voice and saw Chen Long looking at them with concern, but I don't know when this fashionable old man's sunglasses had been taken off. His eyes were full of wrinkles, just like ordinary old people. Although his eyes were also ordinary brown, they were bright and sharp.

Before they had time to figure out the situation, the two immediately found that there seemed to be a stranger next to Chen Long.

"Don't worry, the illusion has been lifted." At this time, the stranger said.

The figure was a man wearing an Anbu mask. Although his voice sounded hoarse, he was young. He stood next to Chen Long and was constantly alert to the surrounding environment. What was more noticeable was that he was in a mess with multiple wounds, especially on his left arm. Although he was bandaged, it was soaked in blood, and he looked like he had gone through countless battles.

After confirming that Moonlight Gale and Shizune had recovered, the Anbu man said, "It's really hard for you to go upstream and find this place, but it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go to a safe place first..."

Chen Long nodded in agreement, and without waiting for Moonlight Gale to ask questions, he led them to follow.

It seems that both parties have confirmed their identities.

Walking through the snowy forest filled with miasma, the young Anbu codenamed Biao was obviously very familiar with the terrain, and he led them to avoid all the sophisticated traps with ease.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that in such an environment, a trap area with multiple combinations of illusions, poisonous miasma, and detonation talismans could be perfectly set up. No wonder it can block thousands of cloud ninja troops." After seeing all the traps that were avoided along the way, even the experienced Chen Long was amazed and praised sincerely.

"Of course, this trap barrier array was completed by the three generations of Hokage.

It is a special barrier technique that belongs to our Anbu troops!"

Jumping on the branches in the forest, Biao, who led the way, explained in a rare way.

His tone seemed full of pride. In fact, it is very rare for a barrier technique that can show such power for the first time with the cooperation of dozens of people to achieve the current effect...

It turned out that all the traps in the snow forest at this moment were completed by the combined efforts of all Anbu members.

There are four eye systems in the trap barrier in the forest. The first is the poison array eye formed by the elite ninjas of the Aburame clan. They arranged special parasitic insects that can release toxins and reproduce quickly in advance, and let them spread throughout the barrier. The mother insects of the poisonous insects hide underground to reproduce. After the larvae hatch, they will quickly drill out of the soil and fly into the forest to spread poisonous miasma. In a certain period of time, the cycle will be repeated, making the entire area full of highly toxic environment. Moreover, the poison of these poisonous miasma is relatively special and it is difficult to dissolve it with common antidotes.

Secondly, several Anbu ninjas who are proficient in illusions will form the illusion array eye. They will use special means to perform various illusions in the range of the barrier to interfere with the enemies entering the array, making them spend time to crack, and at the same time increase the probability of being trapped by mistake.

Then, the strongest team of Anbu ninjas will form the killing array eye. They are fixed and hidden in the area they are responsible for, using traps and illusions to cover, looking for opportunities to kill the lone people who are hit by the magic. At the same time, they were also responsible for re-arranging the destroyed traps.

Finally, the one who was in charge of commanding the overall situation was the hidden array eye, which was composed of the Yamanaka clan Anbu ninjas who were proficient in the art of telepathy and several perception-type Anbu ninjas. They relied on the perception communication ninjutsu to communicate and command the actions of the other three array eyes in real time. While ensuring their own safety, they could also change the distribution of the entire array eye when necessary.

The hidden array eye was the most critical and core central array eye. The reason why Biao was able to rush to respond in time was because the perception ninjas in the hidden array discovered that the three people had entered the snow forest in time...

Of course, Biao could not tell the three people all the detailed information of the above barriers.

He just briefly introduced what types of traps were arranged in the snow forest at the moment.

"Wait a minute...the three Hokage completed it together?" Moonlight Hayate was full of doubts at this time.

Since the founding of Konoha, there are clearly only four Hokages, not to mention that they are almost completely separated and do not belong to the same era. How can they jointly develop and complete a barrier technique?

In this regard, not only Moonlight Hayate was confused, but Chen Long and Shizune were also a little curious.

But after all, Chen Long had extensive knowledge and knew that some things were classified and could not be explored easily, so he whispered to Moonlight Hayate: "Little Hayate, don't ask random questions. The ANBU department has confidentiality rules..."

After hearing this, Yueguang Qifeng could only cough a few times in embarrassment and suppress his curiosity.

Shizune on the side secretly pursed her lips.

I thought that this paragraph would be revealed like this, but what I didn't expect was that the 猋 in front of me laughed softly and answered them cheerfully: "The origin of the barrier technique is actually not a special secret."

"The third Hokage actually refers to the second-generation Lord Tobirama, the third-generation Lord Hiruzen, and the fourth-generation Lord Minato..."

It turns out that when he first created the ANBU system, the great inventor Senju Tobirama, who is famous in the ninja world, had conceived unique tactics to match it. The prototype of this trap enchantment technique was invented by him.

The original intention of this barrier technique was to enable the Anbu organization to exert a power comparable to thousands of troops at specific times during war. It can block and ambush enemies several times or even dozens of times larger than itself in a short period of time in complex environments. However, due to the special nature of the ANBU organization, after initially conceiving this barrier formation, Senju Tobirama discovered that the ANBU organization is actually more suitable for operating in groups of two or four, and large-scale coordinated battles are almost non-existent. Therefore, after creating the prototype of this barrier technique, it was abandoned, so that the technique was never used in actual combat.

Later, when the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was in office, he discovered this abandoned ANBU barrier technique when he was bored. Out of interest, he further perfected the barrier technique. However, this tactic required at least two-thirds of the ANBU ninjas to join forces. He has no ability to perform it, and as a conservative, Sarutobi Hiruzen lacks the risk-taking courage to invest almost the entire ANBU force in a war, so he has little chance to actually perform this barrier technique.

Finally, after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Namikaze Minato discovered and practiced this tactic, allowing this ANBU's unique linkage barrier technique to see the light of day for the first time.

In fact, this enchantment technique itself is not very difficult, but its actual execution requires extremely high coordination and proficiency. Without some prior practice, it is easy to collapse when encountering an enemy and will be ineffective. Fortunately, after Namikaze Minato reorganized the ANBU, he took the time to have the four ANBU teams practice the barrier technique several times. After the final practical test and transformation, the barrier technique was finally perfected into a tactic that could be applied in actual combat.

After hearing these twists and turns, the three of them sighed in their hearts.

But when he finally said the name of this barrier technique, the three of them were stunned...

Super enchantment, phantom light, annihilation, poison sealing and killing formation...

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