At this time, there seemed to be a faint sound of conversation outside the door.

The three people in the house, Minato Namikaze, heard it clearly, and it seemed that an old man spoke first.

"Master Ninja, this is the food prepared for you. Although it is some simple food, please don't despise it..." The voice was a little old, but there was no lack of respect and politeness.

"No, no, old man, you are too enthusiastic..."

Another carefree voice sounded immediately, obviously from Bingzu Leitong: "We are just staying temporarily, and we will leave in a day or two at most."

"Really? It doesn't matter if you stay a few more days. If you are interested, you must experience the special hot springs in our village..." The old man's hearty laughter came.

Bingzu Leitong was obviously very interested in hot springs.

But he quickly remembered his current situation and said regretfully: "I'm afraid it will only be next time. We still have a mission..."

"Speaking of which, the border may be in turmoil recently. Old man, you'd better inform other villagers to stay at home as much as possible."

"... Ninja-sama, does it mean that there will be another war on the border?"

After all, the old man was experienced, and he immediately thought of something and asked hurriedly.

Benzu Lei was slightly startled. Just when he was about to say something, the shoji door behind him was pushed open, and he saw Shiranui Genjian walked out quickly, patted him on the shoulder, and answered for him: "How can we know about such things, but now our Fire Country has a very tense relationship with the Thunder and Earth Country. It would not be surprising if there was another war one day..."

After that, Genjian pretended to be chatting and laughing, and then secretly hinted at Benzu Leitong with his eyes.

The latter's heart moved and he understood instantly.

This time, the war that broke out when Kumogakure attacked Konoha was sudden. In fact, it would not take long for the news to spread. In theory, there was no need to conceal the war, but their current situation was rather special.

You know, Konoha's Hokage is now recovering from his injuries here. If they reveal that they are Konoha ninjas who have just come down from the battlefield, they may be chased to the nearby Kumogakure and their movements detected. Although they can escape unscathed as long as they are not besieged by a large elite force, there is no need to cause trouble by leaking the news for the sake of safety.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Bingzu Leitong would not immediately understand his hint, Xuanjian secretly increased the strength of his hand on Leitong's shoulder while signaling with his eyes.

"Haha, that's right."

While Bingzu Leitong was laughing to smooth things over, he slapped Xuanjian's hand away.

This was quite powerful, causing the latter to feel pain and look angry.

After a few more perfunctory chats, after the old man left, Shiranui Genma covered his hand and angrily cursed: "Idiot Lei Tong, I kindly reminded you, why don't you know what's good for you..."

"Tsk, you just reminded me, why did you use so much force?" Bingzu Lei Tong didn't care at all, but was secretly happy.


The two quarreled and returned to the house together.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw two people in the house who had heard their daily quarrels clearly. One was sitting in the corner wiping the kunai, obviously used to it...

The other was sitting on the bed holding a book, with a slightly pursed mouth.

Seeing Namikaze Minato wake up, Bingzu Lei Tong was first happy, and then stepped forward to greet him.

"Now that you are all here, I will tell you about the plans for the next few days..."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Minato Namikaze put down the book in his hand, and waited until Die Iwashi came over before he said very seriously: "In the next one or two days, the war situation in the Land of Fire will be a counterattack by Konoha to chase and drive out the Cloud Ninja."

"After all the Cloud Ninjas are expelled from the country, our first round of confrontation with the Land of Lightning will come to an end..."

"Before that, if nothing unexpected happens, I plan to recuperate here. During this period, the task of receiving and communicating with the message will be handled by Xuanjian and Wasi, and Leitong will continue to guard."

The reason why Minato Namikaze planned to go back after recuperation was because he didn't want to face the old guys in the village in this posture.

Think about it, if he returns to the village like this, the advisory group will definitely criticize him after knowing the truth, and Danzo, who has just been dismissed as the assistant of the Hokage, may also take the opportunity to jump out and make trouble...

Fortunately, he has asked Xiang, Chen Long and the three members of the Shadow Guard to keep it secret about the Nine-Tails almost going berserk.

After Xuanjian and the other two accepted the task, they began to act separately.

The first thing was to contact the headquarters of Konoha Village to reassure the senior officials of the village. This time, he led the power of dozens of Anbu alone, and it can be said that he perfectly achieved the risky jade strategy formulated by Nara Shikaku. Helped the main force of Konoha in the Land of Grass to return to the rescue and bought enough time...

If we go back to discuss the merits, he and the Anbu will definitely be the first, of course, these are not important for the time being.

Because the war is not over yet, Namikaze Minato is now concerned about other losses. He was a little surprised when he heard that Kumogakure had already planned to send a surprise attack force to attack the village. Fortunately, the news from the village said that the losses were not great.

The only group that had no news was the Genin elite blocking team led by Kosuke. However, they were in the midst of chaos, so it was normal that they could not be contacted for a while.

Minato Namikaze was busy until late at night.

After carefully reading the last piece of information in his hand that all ANBU members had returned to the village, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unconsciously, the desk in front of him was already filled with various large and small scrolls recording intelligence information. It's just like a normal office environment...

Sighing slightly, Namikaze Minato then wanted to stretch his body and tidy up the messy scrolls on the table, but he soon felt a tingling sensation in his limbs, forcing him to give up again.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Hokage-sama."

Shiranui Genma on one side noticed this scene carefully and came up to help. At the same time, he also comforted: "You should rest early, and let me take care of the rest..."

"Then thank you for your hard work..."

In desperation, Namikaze Minato had no choice but to lie back down.

When he thought about having to lie down for two more days in the future, he had the urge to strangle the dark orange Erha in his body.

I wanted to go to the spiritual space to 'communicate' my feelings with Yin Jiuwei, but unfortunately due to the sealing technique, Yin Jiuwei has fallen into a deep sleep at this time. Even if he goes in and kicks in, it doesn't mean much...

While he was depressed, for some reason, he suddenly remembered how Kakashi during Shippuden would often lie down for many days just by using his eyes.

So this is what Kakashi’s sex scene feels like...

After thinking wildly for a while, Namikaze Minato slowly fell asleep.

It wasn't until dawn that a burst of noise from the village and the sudden appearance of a group of unfamiliar chakra aura suddenly woke him up...

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