Looking at the root ninja brought by Kakashi, Danzo immediately felt a sense of familiarity.

And when Namikaze Minato ordered Kakashi to take off the mask of this ninja, a trace of panic finally appeared in his heart. Yes, this root ninja was Wu who had lost contact with him for a week.

"Yondaime, what do you mean?"

Danzo already felt that something was not going well, but he still pretended not to know and asked.

He was pretending not to know, but the other people present really didn't know what was going on, and they all turned their attention at this time.

Namikaze Minato had long expected that Danzo would not shed tears without seeing the coffin, so he signaled to Kakashi again, and the latter immediately understood and quickly explained: "This root ninja is codenamed Wu. After investigation, It was discovered that he had betrayed important information about Konoha to Kumogakure a month ago.”

"It has been confirmed that Kumogakure's military operation into the Country of Fire a few days ago is directly related to the intelligence content he betrayed!"

The words are very clear. The reason why Kumo Ninja was able to launch a surprise attack on Konoha at a time when the main force of Konoha was on the battlefield of Grass Country was that he had the exact information about the lack of troops in the village headquarters. And this information, It was this ninja who was betrayed by his roots.

After saying these words, it immediately caused an uproar.

Selling the village's information is a serious crime of betraying the village. Especially, Kumogakure's surprise attack force even broke into the village a few days ago. If it weren't for Tsunade and the police force who stubbornly blocked the enemy, the consequences would have been absolutely disastrous. .

Needless to say, this kind of behavior is extremely sinful, and soon, after thinking about Wu's motive for doing this, Danzo's situation suddenly became delicate.

Because he is a ninja at heart...

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

Shimura Danzo could no longer bear it at this time and categorically denied: "There is no way a ninja at his core would betray the village!!"

After all, he was the old fox. Without making a move, he slightly distanced himself from Wu, because he obviously said that it was impossible for the root ninja to betray the village. He was obviously hinting that if Wu did something like betrayal, , it must be due to personal reasons, or at least he can evade it by saying that he did not know anything about it.

Of course, the reason why he dares to say this is because Danzo is quite confident in the basic system he has formulated.

Especially this Wu who was arranged by him to deliberately send information to Kumogakure would never leave traces of collaborating with the enemy. Therefore, even now, Danzo feels that although Namikaze Minato captured Wu, there is actually no definite evidence. evidence of. The matter of collaborating with the enemy is nothing more than speculation...

Wu's matter is not a trivial matter.

One of the consultants, Mito Kadoyan, asked extremely seriously: "Is there any conclusive evidence for this matter?"

Hatake Kakashi glanced at Namifeng Shuimon at this time, then stepped forward and presented a scroll. After Namikaze Minato took it, he did not open it immediately, but looked at Shimura Danzo with deep meaning.

"Here is a confession made by Wu himself, which is the most direct evidence."

Namikaze Minato really had to admire the harshness of the root system.

When Kakashi found Wu, Wu had actually destroyed all the physical evidence, but fortunately, physical evidence can be destroyed, but personal evidence cannot be easily erased.

"Then, why did I, a ninja from the root, betray the village?"

"Danzo, do you know about this?" Koharu asked with concern when he went to bed.

In fact, in her heart, it was natural that Danzo was uninformed. Although Danzo's methods were extreme, in her opinion, they were all based on the interests of the village. To betray Konoha, it would definitely not be...

Namikaze Minato had been observing Danzo's face, but at this time Danzo, who should have been panicked, suddenly relaxed. Especially when he heard the word confession, he felt relieved.

"Haha, it seems that the Yondaime has already interrogated Wu."

At this time, Danzo, who had gradually regained his composure, did not admit or deny directly, but suddenly the topic changed and said: "Before convicting Konoha Roots and questioning me, what I want to say is that this kind of future After public investigation and interrogation, it seems that it does not comply with the regulations and systems, right?"

What he meant was very straightforward. The confession in Namikaze Minato's hands could not be counted because the interrogation process was not made public.

In fact, by this time, Danzo had basically determined that Namikaze Minato actually had no evidence at all, because Wu would never let go, and he would never drag himself, the mastermind behind it, into the water.

"It is related to the reputation of the root. I request an open interrogation!" As Shimura Danzo spoke, he glanced at Wu who was tied to the ground. His eyes were distracted, and he quickly understood the situation.

There is no doubt that Wu must have been under an illusion at this time.

Since the crime of betraying the village was not small, Danzo's request was actually very reasonable, so the advisory duo immediately agreed.

"In that case, let's ask it publicly again..."

"Yondaime, you have no objection, right?"

Seeing that Danzo still felt extremely confident in his ability to control his roots, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy in his heart.

Then, he smiled slightly and said, "Are you asking? In fact, you can start now."

"But before that, I would like to ask the director of the root department, do you want Wu who has unlocked the seal of tongue disaster, or Wu who has not unlocked the seal of tongue disaster to confess?"

"The confessions we received in these two states are completely different..."

Late at night, Minato Namikaze was alone in the Hokage's office, sorting the files on the table one by one.

Then turn off the lights and prepare to go home and rest.

Today, a major event occurred for Konoha's top brass...

The leader of the Roots, Danzo Shimura, was suspected of instigating his subordinates to sell information to the enemy Ninja Village. He will be relieved of his position as Director of the Roots with immediate effect. He will be temporarily confined at home and monitored by ANBU personnel, waiting for the final sentence. At the same time, all root members terminated their current tasks, were immediately recalled, and were investigated by the village one by one.

With the help of breaking the seal of tongue's scourge, Namikaze Minato finally completely overthrew the Pot King's political status in Konoha today.

However, he didn't feel much excitement.

Because how to deal with the root members in the future, and whether to reform the root or dissolve the root, are all matters that need to be carefully considered.

Of course, the most important thing is how to deal with Danzo.

Regarding Danzo's sentence, the top management was divided into two opinions. One was to throw him into Konoha Prison and enforce the law impartially and punish him severely. Another opinion is that, considering his status and influence, he should be demoted to a commoner and put under house arrest for life.

Of course, no matter which one, it is announced that Shimura Danzo, a high-ranking member of the Konoha martial arts faction, has completely ended his political career today...

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