Konoha Village, ANBU base. Google search reading

In the corridor, Konoha Anbu in twos and threes were either passing by in a hurry or walking out slowly.

This is the base camp of Anbu ninjas. Anbu usually needs to come here to prepare for each mission. If you want to count down the most secret and hidden facilities in Konoha Village, this place is now number one, and it used to be number two.

The reason why I say this is of course because not long ago, the roots have completely announced their disbandment...

At this moment, a short ANBU member suddenly emerged from the crowd.

He hurriedly passed through the crowd and headed straight into the base. Originally, this was a normal thing for ANBU. After all, everyone receives urgent missions from time to time. However, the strange thing is that everyone chose to avoid this ANBU member who stood out from the crowd after seeing him.

It wasn't until he walked away that a few people started talking.

"Kakashi, this guy seems to be very busy lately." An ANBU captain whispered.

"After all, he was once a student of the Yondaime. It seems that Hokage-sama also intended to train him to be a right-hand man. He should be reused, right?"

A senior ANBU member with a look that sees everything in the world.

"It's great. I was promoted to squad leader at the age of 15. I thought that when I was 15, I had just become a chuunin..."

The ANBU captain sighed and sighed, feeling vaguely envious.

However, the old ANBU member next to him knew that what the squad leader envied was neither the relationship between Kakashi and the current Hokage nor the bright future. What he envied was simply Kakashi's promotion speed, or more accurately, the speed of his strength growth...

The ANBU department is very different from the ordinary ninja organization.

Strength first is the iron rule here, and all promotions rely on pure hard power.

You know, ANBU performs all high-risk missions. Therefore, your ability determines the difficulty of the tasks you will be assigned. If you are not strong enough, you may never be able to return from one task.

Therefore, in the ANBU, strength assessment is very important.

The current capabilities of almost every member are clearly documented.

It can also be seen from this that Kakashi's strength growth rate is astonishing when he was promoted to squad leader in just one year...

But although Kakashi is currently the most dazzling rising star in ANBU, his character when he first joined ANBU was very difficult to approach. Coupled with his cold behavior during missions, many people would avoid Kakashi when they see him on weekdays.

On the other side, Kakashi, who was being quietly discussed, was filling out a mission itinerary record form in the lounge. This was a normal process that ANBU members must go through every time they completed a mission.

"It's Kakashi, did you just come back from the mission?" came a voice from outside the door.

Kakashi looked up and saw an ANBU wearing a Shura Ghost Mask.

The masks of ANBU members are mostly animal-shaped. The mask type of the person in front of me can be said to be unique in the entire ANBU, because it belongs to the ANBU leader and is exclusive to the ANBU leader.

After discovering that it was an elephant, Kakashi quickly filled out the record form with a few strokes, then stood up and nodded and said, "Captain Elephant, do you have any new mission arrangements?"

"I don't have any new tasks, I just want to talk to you about something..." Xiang slowed down his tone and smiled lightly.

Kakashi was stunned and chose not to say a word, obviously indicating that he was waiting for the next chapter...

The elephant under Shura's ghost face frowned slightly, but his faint displeasure was well hidden by the mask.

"Then let me get it straight, because the roots have been officially disbanded and some of their original functions need to be taken over by our ANBU. Lord Hokage has decided to expand the ANBU's establishment.

The ANBU Training Department currently needs to appoint a new squad leader to take charge of management. Are you interested? "

Kakashi was a little surprised. The ANBU Training Department is a place where new ANBU ninjas are trained. As far as he knew, the training ninjas there were basically older, slightly disabled, or senior ANBU who would retire in a few years. . In this position, which is almost like a sinecure, why would Xiang come to inquire about his intentions?

It's conceivable to use a ninja forehead protector. It's impossible for any young ninja to be willing to take such a position, right?

Except for Shikamaru, I'm afraid no young ninja in his teens would think about lying down so early, right?

"Sorry, Captain Xiang, I have no intention of going to the training department..." Kakashi immediately expressed his refusal.

And Xiang seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, and sighed with a smile: "That's it, then I will find someone else..."

The conversation between the two ended quickly, and Kakashi left first because he finished recording.

Then only Xiang was left in the empty ANBU lounge.

At this moment, after confirming that Kakashi had gone away, Xiang suddenly turned out the record sheet in the folder on the side of the desk. He looked up the place where Kakashi had filled in the mission and found that it clearly wrote: After leaving the Country of Grass, he quietly put it back to its original place...

The Land of Rain, the Rain Ninja Village.

Among the steel-lined tower buildings, on the top floor of one of the tallest buildings, a skinny red-haired man sitting in a strange machine, and a blue-haired woman in a red cloud cloak beside him, were looking solemnly at the window sill. Masked man.

The rain outside was gradually getting heavier, and the occasional flash of thunder in the sky illuminated the dark hall on the top floor from time to time.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall seemed a bit dull. After a long time, the masked man standing by the window sill asked: "Why did you act without authorization?"

"According to the plan, Hanzo, the apparent leader of Yu Ninja Village, is still valuable for the time being. It is too early for you to kill him..."

Uchiha Obito was quite critical of the fact that Nagato rashly secretly assassinated Hanzo while he was recovering from his injuries and officially seized the power of the Rain Ninja Village.

Because according to his plan, the Ninja World War is not over yet, and there is still a lot of room for manipulation to use Hanzo's influence on the Rain Ninja Village to intervene in the war to attack Konoha. However, before he could implement the plan, Nagato took control. Pain destroyed Hanzo and all his forces first. Obito's dissatisfaction was not actually because Nagato disrupted the plan. The real reason was that he was dissatisfied with Nagato's decision-making without authorization.

In his eyes, Nagato and Akatsuki were nothing more than puppets being monitored and manipulated. This kind of thing should never happen if the puppet goes against the will of the operator...

"Your so-called plan is just a waste of the power of Yu Ninja Village."

Nagato responded coldly: "Now, I am one step closer to mastering these eyes and the power of the six paths, so I decided to start Akatsuki's expansion plan in advance."

“Immediately start recruiting new members and enter the first phase of fund raising.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Obito at the window sill suddenly sensed the darkness behind Nagato, and several auras suddenly flashed out.

With the thunder and lightning outside illuminating the hall, Uchiha Obito could clearly see the figures behind Nagato, and there were six of them. All orange hair color, black chakra rods all over the face and body, neat samsara eyes, uniform red cloud robe...

Is it already completed?

Uchiha Obito was slightly surprised. The last time they met, he only saw one Pain puppet made from Yahiko's body, but now there are six of these puppets that have systematically dispersed the ability of the Rinnegan. …

This shows that Nagato has definitely developed Madara's reincarnation eye ability to a new level.

This speed of progress was beyond his expectation.

"Then...it's up to you."

Uchiha Obito hesitated for a moment, but decided to reveal the matter.

After all, on the surface, he and Nagato's Akatsuki organization only have a cooperative relationship, and as long as Nagato does not change his final plan to collect tailed beasts, everything is tolerable.

At this moment, a White Zetsu slowly emerged from the ground beside Uchiha Obito.

Nagato and Konan were already accustomed to the existence named Zetsu who was responsible for detecting intelligence next to Obito, so they were not too surprised.

On the contrary, they had some admiration for Bai Jue, who had extremely strong reconnaissance ability.

Because every time Jue appears, it brings highly confidential and accurate and reliable intelligence information, and this time will probably be no exception...


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