While Kumogakure was secretly preparing an action plan for the day of the prisoner exchange, everyone in the Hokage's office in Konoha was also making final preparations.

The four members of the Shadow Guard gathered together, Nara Shikaku and Jiraiya, as well as the ANBU Captain Xiang and others, all with solemn expressions.

"Hokage-sama, have you really decided to bring only the Kage Guards and two Anbu to exchange prisoners?" Nara Shikaku saw that there were still three days left before the prisoner exchange with Kumogakure, but Namikaze Minato chose There are really some candidates, and they are not very safe.

He couldn't help but admonished: "If possible, we should at least call one of the three ninjas to go forward, right?"

"I suggest that we let Lord Orochimaru accompany us..."

Bring Orochimaru? Then I would rather find a chuunin at random, at least there is no possibility of being stabbed in the back...

"Orochimaru-senpai is currently assigned an important job by me and I can't get away from it." In the main seat, Namikaze Minato was speechless for a while and had to find an excuse for the time being.

Tsunade and Jiraiya were not mentioned because Tsunade was in a special situation. Jiraiya needs to be on call to lead the expedition at any time. After all, after this prisoner exchange event is over, Kumogakure may immediately start war against Konoha again, so the two of them are not considered.

"What are the concerns of Captain Shikaku? Didn't any problems be found during the last on-site inspection?" Xiang looked at Nara Shikaku with puzzled eyes and couldn't help but interject.

"No problem is found, but that doesn't mean there is no problem, Captain Xiang."

Nara Shikaku looked like he couldn't let go, his brows furrowed, "Saiyan Mountain is said to be a forbidden area of ​​the Kingdom of Frost. Although the Kumo ninja and Frost ninja have a very good relationship, they borrowed such a place as a prisoner exchange place. No matter how you look at it, it looks like there is a conspiracy..."

"In addition, since Caiyan Mountain is a forbidden area in the Kingdom of Frost, we only know from the limited intelligence information that this place is a mining mountain range."

"According to my field investigation, it is speculated that the reason why the Kingdom of Frost regards it as a forbidden area is probably because there are gold resources in Caiyan Mountain..."

It only took one visit to get such confidential information.

ANBU Captain Xiang and everyone present were filled with admiration for Nara Shikaku.

"I understand, if this is the case, then Frost Ninja might have some agenda for lending such a precious land to Yun Ninja..."

Namikaze Minato heard this and nodded thoughtfully, "I will pay attention, Captain Shikaku, but I have decided not to change the list of entourage."

"For Konoha, we can't focus all our attention on this prisoner exchange..."

Namikaze Minato's words were profound.

Nara Shikaku soon understood that the current situation in the ninja world is still unclear. There is a high probability that the Iwa ninja will not launch a large-scale war again. Apart from the Kumo ninja, the current enemies of Konoha are only Kirigakure to be wary of. .

Especially the latest information from the past two days stated that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, who lost four of their members a few years ago, have started to show signs of activity again after being reorganized.

This probably means that Kirigakure may participate in the war again.

Nara Shikaku is Konoha's military advisor, and when Namikaze Minato is not in the village, he is the one who leads the overall situation. Nara Shikaku still understands this responsibility and trust very well.

Seeing that Nara Shikaku stopped talking, Namikaze Minato also turned his attention to the rest of the people and said seriously: "I believe you all have guessed the reason why I summoned you. Next, I will formally explain that you will follow me to the Land of Frost. A candidate for the prisoner exchange with Kumo Hidden."

"All of the Shadow Guards, Shiranui Genma, Azuichi, Iwaki, Uchiha Shisui, as well as the ANBU commander Xiang and the squad leader Kirikaku."

"Tomorrow at 3 o'clock at noon, gather in the woods outside the village gate, go down and get ready..."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."



After everyone responded in unison, they quickly dispersed.

After everyone left, Namikaze Minato let out a long sigh of relief, rubbed his forehead, and soon continued to work on the documents.

Excluding this trip, it would take at least three more days. He had to do as much work as possible before he could leave the village with peace of mind.

In order to recharge his batteries, Minato Namikaze didn't even use his shadow clone these days. Instead, he sat in the Hokage's office with his true body, handling all official duties.

While he was busy, he was in a secret underground base outside Konoha Village.

Orochimaru was walking deeper through the long underground stairs. The candlelight on the wall was dim and provided little illumination. However, for Orochimaru, the dim light did not affect his progress at all. .

And he seemed to be somewhat familiar with this underground base that extended in all directions. It was clearly not his first time here.

After walking around for a long time, he finally stopped when he reached a relatively spacious hall.

"Lord Orochimaru, you are here." In the hall, there was already a straight figure waiting for him.

Through the dim light, Orochimaru caught a glimpse of a figure wearing an ANBU outfit, but wearing a paint-type mask on his face.

There is no doubt that this is a true ninja.

After Orochimaru saw this person, he was not surprised at all. Instead, he sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that this base is still preserved."

"Your Danzo-sama, aren't you afraid that the fourth generation will find out your last bit of wealth?"

Hearing this, the root ninja replied calmly: "Lord Orochimaru, please rest assured that this secret base will be completely abandoned after our meeting is over, and no trace will be left..."

Orochimaru obviously had no interest in these, and quickly got straight to the point: "Let's talk about the situation of Danzo-sama first. The former director of the root department and assistant to the Hokage was reduced to being grounded at home and living completely under surveillance. "

"I don't think he has any chance of making a comeback."

The last time he planned to go to the Shimura clan to meet Danzo secretly, he didn't expect to be discovered by Orochimaru in advance when he was monitoring the presence of ninjas near Danzo's house. In order not to expose the relationship between the two, the plan to meet at that time had to be abandoned.

But just a few days later, a Konoha ninja suddenly came to Orochimaru secretly and informed him that there was still news about the activities of Danzo's old club here outside the village.

That's why today's meeting took place.

"Lord Orochimaru, if you think so, you are looking down on Danzo-sama."

The root ninja in the shadow retorted: "Although Danzo-sama is currently grounded and under surveillance, those of us outside the village are not the only ones who are still loyal to this day..."

The meaning of this statement is obvious. Although the Roots have been disbanded, there are still forces loyal to Danzo in the village.

After Orochimaru heard this, he suddenly smiled evilly and subconsciously licked his lips, "So what? Even if there are more loyalists, isn't he himself like a caged bird now?"

To be honest, Orochimaru didn't completely believe what this root ninja said.

The Fourth Hokage is not an indecisive Sarutobi teacher. Although he heard that after the disbandment of the Roots, many of the members of the original roots were incorporated into the ANBU and continued to serve, Orochimaru did not believe that these people could still serve in the ANBU. The ANBU continued their work while remaining loyal to Danzo.

Based on his knowledge of Namikaze Minato, the actions of these people will definitely be monitored more closely.

Once it is discovered that he still has contact with Danzo, he will definitely be deleted from the ANBU list as soon as possible.

Therefore, at this time, Orochimaru was already considering that after the conversation, he would kidnap the members of the Roots in front of him and use them as experimental subjects. Anyway, these old members outside Danzo were definitely not registered ninjas in Konoha and killed them. They don't take any risks at all.

Perhaps he had vaguely noticed the murderous aura on Orochimaru's body, and the root ninja suddenly became a little frightened.

Soon, after clearing his thoughts, he hurriedly saved himself and said: "Lord Orochimaru, Lord Danzo's current predicament is only temporary."

"According to the intelligence coming from the village who are loyal to Danzo-sama's old department, your current situation is probably very bad, right? Although you used Kakashi to eliminate your suspicion during the investigation of the Grass Country, the fourth generation The Hokage still placed you in the medical department, which shows that his suspicion of you has not been lifted at all..."

"Therefore, your cooperation with Danzo-sama should continue!!"


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