The three bald men looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and it took them a moment to react.

The man in red clouds and black clothes in front of me should be one of the mercenaries fighting the Fourth Hokage on the mountain rock, but why did he appear on the battlefield here? Could it be said that the battle above is over?

He turned his head and looked at the rocks in the distance. The roaring and ripples of fierce fighting at the top were obviously still continuing.

But no matter what, when the three bald men saw that Zuemon had easily captured the mission target, they were naturally jealous and unwilling, but they were also a little helpless.

This time they received two mercenary tasks. One was to intercept and kill this group of Konoha ninjas with a bounty on their heads.

The second is to capture Kumogakure's jinchūriki, and the second tail is Yukito.

In terms of the amount of the reward, whether it is the elephant, the unicorn, or the four unknown Shadow Guards, it is impossible for the reward amount to be as high as that of the Yumu people, which is why the three bald men are jealous.

"Is the target actually a Jinchuuriki? Delusion!!"

Linjiao also reacted at this time. Surprisingly, after the coffin was taken away, he didn't show a trace of panic at the first moment.

Instead, he suddenly raised his arm and pointed it in the direction of Zaemon and the coffin.

At this time, Zaemon sheathed his sword and was about to check the bounty target in the coffin. After hearing Kirikaku's words, he immediately realized that something was wrong, but just when he wanted to grab the coffin next to him, something unexpected happened. Sudden growth.

I saw a few thin steel wires on the coffin that were invisible to the naked eye, suddenly tightened, and the direction in which they connected was exactly where Linjiao's arm was.


In just a moment, with the pulling of the steel wire, the bound coffin was dragged and flew back to Linjiao's hands.

You actually have this skill?

After Zuemon was stunned for a moment, he suddenly became furious.

"You cunning Konoha ninja, how dare you play tricks on me!" After saying that, he drew his knife, and the murderous aura in his body suddenly rose.

Although Zaemon is unknown in the ninja world, in fact, within the Land of Rain, even if he is not well-known to everyone, he is still well known. He was favored by the Akatsuki organization and became Kakuzu's partner. It already shows how extraordinary he is.

With this powerful murderous intent, coupled with the brief fight that lasted only one round, Linjiao was certain that the enemy in front of him was definitely his true form.

Moreover, he was no match for him at all.

In his peripheral vision, he couldn't help but glance at the elephant in the distance. Unfortunately, the elephant was also in a hard fight at the moment and was weak.

The few Lang Nin mercenaries who besieged the elephant were obviously not weak in strength.

"It seems that we have to save the coffin at all costs first..." Rinko stared at Zaemon with a calm expression, and once again put the coffin back in his hands on his back.

Hua Hua Hua.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, even slightly covering the sight.

There are more and more puddles of water on the ground.

Of course, Zaemon noticed that the rain was getting heavier, but instead he seemed to show a proud smile, and then swung the blade sharply.

The next second, in the heavy rain, a dim light that was almost invisible to the naked eye flashed away. Linjiao had just noticed the danger and did not remember to make any defensive movements. A huge light suddenly appeared on his body. bloodstains.

In the rain, the blood flowers blooming at this moment are really beautiful, but they only last for a short moment.

As the pain hit, Linjiao felt a wave of fear subconsciously in his heart, and then relied on instinct to dodge back.

Subconsciously, he used the teleportation technique to distance himself. This time, the distance between the two people was twenty or thirty meters away.

This distance can barely be considered a safe distance. Linjiao, who endured the pain of being cut, had no time to check the wound. All he could do was to increase his perception to the limit in order to be able to discern what the strange blow just now was.

However, when Zaemon saw Kirikaku retreating, he had no intention of pursuing him. He only smiled mockingly and flicked the short sword in his hand again.


This time, Kirikaku was on full alert and finally saw Zaemon's movements clearly.

He vaguely noticed that what appeared to be a blade of water coming out as Zaemon's blade struck. The strange thing was that Zaemon's water blade attacked so fast, and it could also borrow heavy rain. The rain screen acts as natural cover.

Even if one is on guard carefully, it is almost difficult to see clearly the water blade attack hidden in the rain. What's more, even if one sees it clearly, it is impossible to prevent it.

And with the attack of the water blade, another blood mark appeared on Linjiao's chest.

The attack power of the water blade is obviously not small. Both times, it easily broke through the ninja vest worn under the Kirin Cape, and then caused deep scars.

After the two attacks, Linjiao's chest suddenly started bleeding.

Following the rain, a large amount of blood dripped on the ground. After the originally dazzling bright red merged into the puddles on the ground, it was diluted again by the heavy rain in just a short while.

Linjiao's performance was surprising.

While he endured the severe pain, his eyes were still fixed on Zaemon's short sword, and he crossed his kunai across his chest in a defensive movement. Secretly, all the chakra was concentrated on his feet, ready to dodge as quickly as possible.

There is no doubt that facing this weird water blade attack, it is impossible to have time to form seals and use ninjutsu to defend.

There are only two options: simply relying on speed to dodge, or hard-hitting.

Seeing how tough Kirikou was and how he could still stand tenaciously despite being hit by two water blades, Zaemon felt a little admiration: "Give up, there are only a few people who can avoid my phantom blade."

"Your head is not valuable. If you hand over the jinchūriki behind you, I can consider letting you live..."

Although I don’t know whether this promise is true or false, it can be regarded as an objective fact.

Compared with the heads of Linjiao and others, Yumu Ren is definitely a more valuable target.

However, it was Kirikaku's silence that responded to Zaemon.

In the pounding rain, Zaemon, who was carrying the coffin, still maintained a concentrated defensive posture and tensed his nerves.

"If you want to die, I will help you."

Seeing that his persuasion had no effect at all, Zaemon saw a distant place in his peripheral vision. The four Shadow Guards seemed to be heading here, and he suddenly lost all patience.

Several water blades were waved out in succession, and dim light flashed past one after another in the heavy rain.

Ding ding——

Mixed with the harsh sound of metal being cut off, Linjiao's body and arms, unsurprisingly, had multiple blood stains.

It is worth mentioning that, with all his strength, Kirikaku actually barely blocked one or two of Zaemon's multiple water blade attacks. Unfortunately, this still can't change anything.

Ordinary kunai cannot resist these weird water blade attacks.

With a plop, Linjiao, who was already bleeding all over his body, was about to fall under the severe pain, but his strong willpower supported him and barely stood up.

In his vision that began to become blurry, what Kirikaku saw was the figure of Zaemon gradually walking towards him...

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