It took a long time to gather the Genma team, and after the gathering, only Genma Shiranui and Iwaki came.

After Minato looked through the mission records, he remembered that because of his tacit understanding with Yamashiro Aoba, Naizakuri had voluntarily requested to perform missions with his team last year, so he was often not included in the Genma team's establishment thereafter.

Looking at the sleepy Shiranui Genma and Iwaki in front of him, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt a headache.

As far as he knew, Shiranui Genma and Tamashiri in Genma's team were both around seventeen years old, and they were now special jounin. As for Iwahi, he is only thirteen years old and his strength is only at the chuunin level. He was promoted in the third ninja war two years ago.

This shadow guard of my own is really hard to describe.

But after all, it was only formed after the war, and the three of them did have the talent for space ninjutsu. Since the three people could not be gathered together, the Flying Thunder God Formation could not be activated. Namikaze Minato had to give up the idea of ​​using them to teleport support tomorrow.

"What a mistake. I originally wanted to give you an important task, but it turns out it's not the same..." Minato smiled helplessly.

The three of them can be regarded as the confidants that Namikaze Minato plans to cultivate, and they are all selected from civilians, so there is no need to hide anything from them.

"Well, is it an important mission?" Before Xuanjian could speak, thirteen-year-old Deyiwaxi's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said with some doubts: "Fourth Generation Sir, if there are only two of us, can't we handle it?"

"You guys, you have to do the tasks according to your ability, you know?" Genma held a thousand books in his mouth and taught Iwashi in a senior tone: "You are obviously a chuunin, so don't keep thinking about B-level and above tasks, okay? good?"

It was necessary for Genma to properly curb the greedy and rash advancement of his younger generation. He knew that Tie Iwashi was also valued by Lord Minato because of his young age, so he was panicked and eager to prove his worth. But sometimes such rashness can be very dangerous.

There are countless stories of ninjas who overestimated themselves and died in dangerous missions in Konoha.

"Well, because we need to use the Flying Thunder God Formation jointly performed by the three of you..."

Namikaze Minato nodded, then suddenly thought of something, his expression changed, and he said: "However, the content of the mission can be changed. Tomorrow night the entire Konoha will enter the first level of combat readiness. I will now grant you the responsibility of protecting during wartime. The task of safely evacuating civilians and genin."

"Mission level B."

"Is this a B-level mission?" Dieyiwaxi's heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he was instantly filled with energy after hearing this.

Compared to the young and passionate Iwashi, Shiranui Genma was older after all. He was keenly aware of the words such as first-level combat readiness and transfer of civilians mentioned by the Hokage. He couldn't help but asked tentatively: "Fourth Generation Sir, are you saying that the village has entered level one combat readiness?"

"Is there any serious enemy situation tomorrow night?"

He obviously knew what it meant for the village to enter the first level of combat readiness. Since the establishment of Konoha, the village has activated the first level of combat readiness no more than three times.

The most recent time was several years ago, when Kirigakure planned to use the Konoha ninja Nohara Rin to become the three-tailed jinchūriki to gather a large number of Anbu and almost sneak attack in front of the gate of Konoha.

Fortunately, Kakashi, who had the elite ninja Sharingan at the time, turned the tide and annihilated all enemies outside Konoha.

This time, the sudden advance warning made people wonder whether another major incident had occurred.

"At present, this matter is still strictly confidential. According to the rules, it cannot be disclosed to you."

Namikaze Minato explained apologetically: "In order not to cause panic, the level one alert is just an early warning. The order will not be issued until tomorrow afternoon."

"When the time comes, all you need to do is follow your mission..."

At this point, Minato looked at the two of them, and his eyes suddenly became a little more complicated.

Because once the Nine-Tails is successfully released, many, many people in Konoha will die. He deliberately arranged for his confidants to stay away from the danger of death in advance, and there is some selfishness in it.

No matter what, he wanted to avoid this plot kill. Doing these things is just preparation for the future.

After Genma and Wasi returned, Namikaze Minato looked at the time and saw that it was already past four o'clock. Although he was feeling sleepy in his body, he knew that there were still many things waiting for him to do. Do.

After leaving the Hokage's office, Namikaze Minato followed his memory and without a moment's rest, he rushed to the place where Konoha stored ninja information and important confidential files.

This is a secret room hidden in the underground space of the Hokage Building, with shackles on the outside.

Since the confidentiality of the documents stored inside was too important, in order to prevent accidents such as accidental fires, there was no electricity inside, so Minato had to enter it with a small flashlight.

In the dark space, using the only beam of light, Minato looked through the rows of tall bookshelves and found the file he wanted to see by using the classification labels.

I couldn't wait to take down one of the scrolls, and after looking at the name of the title Konoha Jinchuriki Archives, I opened it and started reading it carefully.

A few hours later, it was already broad daylight, and Namikaze Minato, who had not slept all night, hurriedly walked out of the archives room.

At this time, his energy was a little weak. To his disappointment, he spent several hours but did not get the results he wanted.

What he wanted to find was, of course, the method of sealing the Nine-Tails.

From Mito to Kushina, the Nine-Tails has never been released again for decades. So even though he has mastered many sealing techniques, without examples and experience, he dare not ensure that most of the sealing techniques can be effective against the Nine-Tails.

Perhaps, Shiki Fuujin is really a last resort or even the only choice, or maybe...

Unfortunately, after reading a lot of records about the first generation Hokage and Uzumaki Mito, he found that their records about the sealing of the Nine-Tails, if summarized, are actually just two simple words throughout the whole article.


After getting this answer, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt that his eyes were black. Opening a cheat? Who doesn't want to open a cheat? But you have to have a cheat to open it.

The Fourth Hokage relied on his civilian bloodline and super talent to become a Hokage, which was already against the will of heaven...

Who doesn't want to be like the first generation Hokage, and seal the Nine-Tails with a wood escape like pinching a chicken?

Looking at the two Jinchūriki of Konoha in history, all of them were from the Uzumaki clan, which is naturally not without reason.

Historically, if the container of the Jinchūriki itself has a strong suppressive force on the tailed beast, the risks of the entire sealing process, including the physical condition of the Jinchūriki after the seal, will be greatly reduced.

To seal the Nine-Tails, for ordinary people, the first thing they need is a strong force that can suppress it, and then the choice of sealing technique.

In theory, the ordinary Four Symbols Seal can seal the Nine-Tails, but this requires at least two powerful ninjas who know the sealing technique to cooperate at the same time, and it will take a long time, and someone needs to help suppress the Nine-Tails in the middle.

If possible, with the current strength of Konoha, the most ideal method is for the three ninjas to suppress the Nine-Tails at the same time, and then the three generations of Hokage will work together to perform the Four Symbols Seal, so that the Nine-Tails can be sealed again without injury.

Unfortunately, two of the three ninjas are not in the village, and Orochimaru cannot be trusted...

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze, who was sitting in the office, broke out in a cold sweat again.

If it really comes to the last step, perhaps relying on Kushina's own strength, plus external assistance, to seal the Nine-Tails back again may be an effective way.

In the original work, Naruto, who was dying, got a chance to survive by timely replenishing the other half of the Nine-Tails after half of the Nine-Tails was extracted.

Of course, it is unknown whether the power of Yang given to him by the Six Paths played a role in this.

After all, before that, the Jinchūriki would die if the tailed beast was extracted. This is the consensus reached by the five major countries after decades of research on the tailed beast. When there is nothing else to do, compared to using the Shikigami Fujin, Namikaze Minato does not mind trying this.

"Fourth generation, you called me here so early in an emergency, is there something wrong?" At this time, the door suddenly opened from the outside, and Yuan Fei Hiruzen, dressed in a white robe, slowly walked in.

It was the first time that Minato Namikaze saw the Sandaime who had ruled Konoha for decades. After he came to his senses, he immediately stood up from his seat and said humbly and respectfully as usual: "Sir, you are here..."

When the Sandaime came closer, Minato immediately felt his calm and majestic aura, which was worthy of being the Hokage for many years.

Perhaps he was keenly aware of Minato Namikaze's abnormality, and Yuan Fei Hiruzen said with some concern: "Minato, you don't look very good, what's the matter?"

"According to yesterday's plan, you should set off in advance now, right?"

Minato Namikaze didn't care about anything else. After brewing his words for a while, he immediately told Kushina about his preparations for the possible appearance of the Nine-Tails before giving birth...

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