After fishing for half an hour, I caught more than ten sun and moon shells.

It's not that I don't want to fish anymore, but there is nothing to fish.

This thing lives in the water. Once it senses the fluctuations of the sea water, it swims away quickly and slips into the deep sea.

Don't think Chu Yang is joking. Scallops are really different from ordinary shells. They can really swim, and their speed is not slow.

Chu Yang also saw it for the first time. When scallops swim, they open and close their shells to suck water from the front, and then squeeze and spray it backwards through muscles to achieve propulsive swimming.

If you look from the front, their swimming posture is very similar to a big round mouth that keeps opening and closing, "biting" at you, which is inexplicably cute and funny.

Through this wild swimming method, they can reach a speed of more than 30 centimeters per second when they are moving at full speed, which is equivalent to a swimming speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

You know, the swimming speed of the top professional athletes in the human race is only a little over 6 kilometers per hour (Sun Yang 800 meters in 7 minutes and 48 seconds).

Besides, it was early in the morning and the light was not good. If they waited until the sun came out, they would definitely be able to catch more.

"Ayang, there are no more scallops. Hurry up and collect the ground traps." Sun Qingjun shouted.

Chu Yang then remembered the main purpose of the two coming to the reef island.

"Oh, okay, here we go!"

Collecting ground traps is very simple. The ground traps used in the sea are similar to those used in lakes and rivers, except that they are bigger and longer.

The ground traps that Sun Qingjun put were all tied with buoy balls, and a stone was pressed every few sections of the cage net.

This allows the ground trap to remain in a diagonal position in the shallows and avoid being carried away by the waves.

Following the buoy to find the first ground trap, Sun Qingjun quickly touched the wire frame of the cage net along the rope connected to the buoy.

Pull the frame to lift off the stone pressing on it, then lift it up and shake it, and collect another frame, and so on.

Each section of the ground trap is interconnected, so the fish caught in the net can be driven into the last section of the net.

Sun Qingjun was very skilled and quickly put away the ten-meter-long ground trap.

Chu Yang held up the headlamp and shone it at the last net.

The fish, shrimps and crabs stimulated by the light began to struggle and kept slapping in the net.

"There are things, quite a lot!"

Chu Yang exclaimed.

"It's a pity that there are no valuable goods." Sun Qingjun added.

He is an old fisherman, and he knows what is in the ground trap with just a glance.

Stone crabs, small octopuses, and various small fish and snails.

The most valuable ones are a pair of flower shrimps, which are large sea shrimps. Their scientific name is black tiger shrimp, also known as grass shrimp and tiger shrimp.

This shrimp is a bit similar to another top-quality sea shrimp, 'nine-segment shrimp', both with ring-shaped black spots and larger in size.

But it is actually very easy for professional fishermen to distinguish. Black tiger shrimps are darker and blacker in color, while nine-segment shrimps are translucent white except for black spots.

The taste and flavor of the two are also different. Nine-segment shrimps are fresh and elastic, suitable for sashimi or blanching.

Black tiger shrimps are tougher and have coarser fibers, which are more suitable for pan-frying with butter.

Of course, the most important thing is the price.

The price of black tiger shrimps is not as high as that of nine-segment shrimps, which is several times different.

Like the two black tiger shrimps in the net bag, they are more than 30 cm long and weigh more than 400 grams. They are caught in the sea, not farmed. The unit price is estimated to be only 30 or 40.

The price of nine-segment shrimps of the same size is at least 100 yuan, which is two Mao Zedongs.

"Don't worry, there may be some in the next net."

Chu Yang was not discouraged. He had 15 silver ingots as a base, so he didn't care if he was empty-handed in the next net.

Perhaps Chu Yang's unprofessional attitude as a fisherman angered the sea, and the next six traps he collected did not yield any good goods.

The most valuable ones were two small groupers, each weighing three pounds, which could be worth about four or five hundred yuan.

The rest were black tiger shrimps, with a total of twenty or so in seven traps.

They were not small in size, the smallest one was as long as a baby's arm, and they weighed more than ten pounds in total, but they were not worth much, only three or four hundred yuan.

Miscellaneous fish and crabs were not worth much, they could be used for stewing or making noodles, and the best place to use them was to make nests.

Seven traps, a total of a thousand yuan, an average of less than 150 yuan per trap.

If it was at the seaside, it would be acceptable, but this was the harvest from going out to sea, and it was not worth keeping.

"This is the last trap, why don't you come."

Sun Qingjun said sullenly, holding the last buoy.

"My hands are a little weird today. Maybe I forgot to wash my hands when I went to the toilet last night."


Chu Yang took it with a smile and patted Sun Qingjun on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't be discouraged, Uncle Jun, you never know.This net will yield a big catch."

"I hope so." Sun Qingjun hummed.

Chu Yang began to collect the traps. He imitated Sun Qingjun and slowly collected them one by one.

Just now he saw that the latter was easy to do and thought it was not heavy, but he realized that he was wrong when he tried it.

These traps are very long and have been soaked in water overnight. They are very heavy to pull.

Chu Yang felt his arms ache again before he collected two pieces.

He simply carried the stacked skeletons back and dragged them directly to the shore.

Sun Qingjun twitched his mouth, regretting that he let Chu Yang collect them. .

These traps are not cheap, they cost several dozen each.

But before he could say anything, he suddenly glanced and seemed to find something in the trap.

Chu Yang also felt that the trap he collected should be a big deal.

He quickly accelerated his movements and pulled the remaining half of the trap ashore in no time.

As soon as it left the water, the net bag began to roll.

Chu Yang took a closer look and immediately got goose bumps all over his body.

"Fuck, this thing again."

At the bottom of the net bag, a three-meter-long arm-thick, yellow-brown back, gradually turning milky white from the back and abdomen, with black pockmarked tattoos all over his body, was twisting his body wildly.


Sun Qingjun also shouted.

"What a big eel. ”

The eel, scientifically known as Anguilla, is also called big eel and stream slide.

This is the largest eel in the world, known as the king of eels. The adult body length can reach 3-6 meters and the heaviest can reach more than 30 kilograms.


The one in Chu Yang's ground trap looks very powerful, but it is probably just an adult.

"Uncle Jun, you can take care of this thing, I dare not do it."

It stands to reason that Chu Yang has been out to sea twice and is already a qualified fisherman. He can keep his composure even when facing a big swordfish weighing two or three hundred kilograms.

But there are always exceptions to everything. Seeing this long, thick and sticky long species, he still can't help but feel his scalp tingling.

The white eel caught last time was fine, after all, it was not very big.

But this one in front of him, damn, it looks like a small python.

The mouth is so wide open, more fierce than a python!

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