With the experience of the first time, the novice fisherman Chu Yang quickly found the second crab cave.

This cave is hidden very secretly, and the narrow and long cave entrance is covered with black hairy algae on both sides.

That is, there is a systematic light group to guide the way, otherwise Chu Yang would definitely not find it.

Let alone him, such a private place, even an experienced driver would probably find it difficult to find.

Of course, the breakthrough has been found, and the next thing will go smoothly.

Soon, another big blue crab was taken out. Although it is smaller than the first one, it is also more than one kilogram.

With the capture of the second victim, the number of marine economic organisms in the system has become *3, and the capture time has passed by nearly half.

"We have to hurry up!"

Chu Yang took off his shirt, stuffed the two tied big blue crabs into it, and tied his sleeves around his waist, so that his hands were free and it was convenient to move.

Five minutes later, the third big blue crab was found.

This is a blue crab. It didn't hide in the cave, but hid under a reef to cool off.

Chu Yang was quick-witted and attacked from behind, holding its crab shell, and then he began a set of gradually proficient Asian tying.

He held the blue crab in his hand and looked at it, and then weighed it.

Yes, it was bigger than the first one, with a smooth blue-black crab shell. The back width alone exceeded 15 centimeters, and it weighed at least two kilograms.

Even among farmed crabs, it is definitely a giant.

As the sun rose, the last two blue crabs did not escape Chu Yang's clutches.

However, when catching the last blue crab, something unexpected happened.

Chu Yang tore the bark too thin, and it broke free when tying the big claw.

The blue crab was not polite, and it hit Chu Yang's raised middle finger.

The ten fingers were connected to the heart, and he screamed in pain on the spot, and almost cried.

After finally pulling his hand out of the crab claws, he saw a two-centimeter-long hideous wound on the middle finger.

"Damn it!"

Chu Yang spat hard. Going to the sea is good, but it also has risks!

After treating the wound a little, Chu Yang walked home with a big bag wrapped around his waist.

Unexpectedly, he met Aunt Zhang who had returned from snail digging at the village entrance.

"Chu Yang, Aunt told you, go back and think about it carefully, my niece is so beautiful (kuar)."

"Aunt Zhang, don't worry about it, I'm fine alone..."

In his previous life, he was coaxed by his family as soon as he graduated from college, and got a red book with the only daughter of a listed company CEO, and stepped into the grave of marriage early.

In this life, Chu Yang would never be fooled again.

Marry? What marriage?

Is the lady in the live broadcast room not good-looking, or is the game not fun?

Seeing Chu Yang's firm attitude, Aunt Zhang had no choice.

She turned her eyes and saw a big lump on Chu Yang's waist.

"I say, what is this thing tied around your waist?"

After saying that, she started to pull it out.

Chu Yang was careless, mainly because he had never dealt with such a rural woman, but she succeeded.


A big one leaked out.

Aunt Zhang's eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh, it's so big."

There are more than one.

"Where did you get it?"

Chu Yang glared at the impolite woman, stuffed the big blue crab back into his waist, and walked away quickly.

"Hey, why are you leaving? How can college students be so stingy..."

Aunt Zhang shouted from behind, without showing any shame at all.

For her, what is shame? Can it be eaten?

"This kid, after a short while, has caught so many big blue crabs. He must have found a crab nest."

"No, I have to go and have a look."

Thinking of the bulging bag hanging on Chu Yang's waist, which must be worth at least a thousand or eight hundred, her eyes turned red.


Here, Chu Yang has arrived at the door of his house.

Of course, he didn't know that Aunt Zhang went back to the mangroves to look for crabs, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Big blue crabs are something you can only encounter but not seek.

That beach is plowed eight hundred times a day.

Without the system cheat, she would have found nothing.


The old wooden door covered with green moss was gently pushed open, making a sound that made people's teeth ache.

It hit the wind chimes made of shells, making a jingling sound.

Chu Yang entered the yard and first untied the five big blue crabs and poured them into the fish pond.

It's called a fish pond, but it's actually a pit one meter wide, two meters long, and one meter deep, and then stones are piled up next to it. Many fishermen have this thing in their yards.

I went to the water pump again, took a shower, and drank a bellyful of water. I felt that the heat was suppressed, so I collapsed on the recliner made of vines and took a rest.

I ran out in the middle of the day, walked several kilometers back and forth, and dug aAfter an hour of catching crabs, he was almost exhausted.

Chu Yang experienced the difficulties of the bottom fishermen for the first time.

Dragging his tired body, lying on the chair, blowing the salty sea breeze, listening to the sound of the wind chimes, he fell asleep unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already sunset.

Outside the courtyard wall, a large orange-red fireball hung in the sky, reflected on the rippled and rugged sea surface, as if the sea was plated with a layer of broken gold, amazingly beautiful!

Perhaps this is the origin of the name "Falling Sun Island".

Chu Yang took a long breath, and suddenly felt that this leisurely fishing life seemed to have a different taste.

Of course, the scenery is beautiful, but it can't be eaten as a meal.

Seeing that it was already time for dinner, Chu Yang was in trouble.

He can't cook.

His predecessor knew it, but cooking is not something that can be done by memory, it depends on actual practice.

Otherwise, with so many recipes online, wouldn't everyone be a chef?

"Forget it, let's go out and look for it!"

Chu Yang had no choice but to go out and try his luck.

But he didn't find a restaurant after walking from the beginning to the end of the village.

That's right, Niutoudu is just a small fishing village, there are not many tourists, who would come to patronize the restaurant?

As for the fishermen, they all cook at home.

There are a few acquaintances who invite Chu Yang to eat together.

But Chu Yang is not stupid, they are just being polite, if you take it seriously, you will be disliked.

After walking a few dozen meters, he suddenly stopped when he passed a yard surrounded by a wooden fence.

According to his memory, this is the yard of his uncle He Dongnan's house.

"How about going in and having a meal?"

As the old saying goes, the mother is the elder uncle.

Chu Yang thinks it's okay to go to his uncle's house for a meal.

But before he could do anything, he suddenly heard a burst of scolding from inside, accompanied by the sound of bowls and chopsticks falling to the ground.

"Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat, three meals a day can't feed you, you loser, right..."

"This braised pork is for my Hanghang, you stinky girl, how can you use chopsticks..."

"You also stole the few buns left over from lunch, you are a naughty boy, you have learned to steal things just like your dead father..."

"Get out of here, you are not allowed to enter the house tonight..."

Then, Chu Yang saw a thin and dry figure staggering out of the main room.

With tears in his eyes, his hands twisting the corners of his clothes, he huddled under the eaves, like a weed scattered in the wind.

Chu Yang's mind exploded with a bang.

"Chu Xi!"

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