The group quickly rushed to the puddle, during which Cai You briefly introduced the other two people to Chu Yang.

The middle-aged strong man was Zheng En, a partner of Haigang Fishing Village.

The one following behind Professor Zhu Ming was Cai Jun, a graduate student of the Department of Oceanography at Huaqiao University. He was now working as an assistant to the professor.

When they arrived at the puddle, Zhu Ming saw the manta ray still floundering in the water, and his eyes lit up.

"It is indeed a bicuspid manta ray. This manta ray has two protruding head fins differentiated from the pectoral fins in front of its head, and is distributed along the coast of my country..."

Zhu Ming is worthy of being a professor of the Department of Oceanography. As soon as he opened his mouth, he explained the origin of the manta ray in front of him clearly.

Chu Yang also just learned that there are 13 species of manta rays in the world, and seven or eight species have been found in my country's waters.

Moreover, this thing is a close relative of sharks, and is ovoviviparous. It only gives birth to one litter at a time, and each litter only has one child. Every manta ray is an only child!

Of course, Chu Yang cares more about how much this fish is worth.

"Two years ago, someone at the dock went out to the ocean and caught a manta ray weighing more than 3,000 kilograms. Unfortunately, it was dead when it was pulled back. Later, it was sold for 12,000 yuan."

Cai You seemed to understand Chu Yang's thoughts, but she couldn't give a direct suggestion price, so she only gave a reference case.

Chu Yang calculated in his mind. According to the clues provided by Cai You, the market purchase price of manta rays two years ago was more than 3 yuan but less than 4 yuan.

However, the market price of live seafood is at least two to three times that of dead ones.

In addition, the price of seafood has been rising in the past two years. On the whole, 10 yuan per kilogram should be a more reasonable number.

And this manta ray in the water pit must be worth 2,000 kilograms, so it would be fair to negotiate it up to at least 20,000 yuan.

With a bottom line in his mind, Chu Yang was no longer panicked. He allowed Zhu Ming and his assistant Cai Jun to take pictures of the manta ray in the pit from all angles like a pervert.

He waved at Cai You and said, "Miss Cai."

Cai You smiled and looked at him, "Anything else?"

"Well, to express my gratitude, I have some seafood here. I want to ask if you would like to take it."


Cai You became interested.

From what the man said, if she hadn't helped, she wouldn't have gotten these seafood.

She wanted to see what good stuff it was.

"Let me see first."

Chu Yang led Cai You to the tricycle. Zheng En noticed and followed him.

"Here, that's it."

Chu Yang didn't keep anyone in suspense. He went to the tricycle and lifted the tarpaulin so that the two could see the fish inside.

Sure enough, the next second, he heard the exclamation he wanted.

"Oh my god, such a big sea chicken? There are more than one!"

"Is this a black sea bream? It must be over two kilograms, and black sea bream rarely get this big!"

Not only did Cai You cover her mouth and exclaim, but even Zheng En widened his eyes and looked Chu Yang up and down.

He had heard Cai You mention this young and awesome fisherman several times, and today he heard her say that she was coming to see him, so he followed to see if he was afraid that his good brother's daughter would be cheated.

Unexpectedly, he was taught a lesson as soon as they met.

Not to mention those rare goods, even the yellow-winged sea bream and black sea bream in the truck bed are difficult for ordinary fishermen to get, and these mid-range seafood are easier to sell.

He used his eyes to estimate that the fish in the truck bed must be at least a hundred kilograms, enough for the store to use for two days.

Originally thought that he was just a mouthful, but now it seems that this little fisherman is really capable!

"Is the stuff okay?"

Chu Yang asked with a little pride.

Cai You nodded repeatedly, "That's great, Mr. Chu, you are so great, so many rare fish species, all from this puddle?"

"Yes, I have always had good luck."

"Not only good, it's amazing..."

At this point, Cai You suddenly got stuck, swallowed the indecent words on the tip of her tongue, and gently stuck out her tongue at Chu Yang.

"Anyway, it's amazing. By the way, I can't figure out the price of these good things. You can talk to Uncle Zheng."

To avoid embarrassment, she simply shifted the topic to Zheng En.

Chu Yang nodded and waited for Zheng En to quote.

Although the beauty was in front of him, if the price was not good, he would still turn his face.

Zheng En also walked to the tricycle, shoveled the fish in the truck bed, and said as he looked through them:

"Among you, the most expensive ones are sea pheasants and black-haired ones, so let's talk about these two first."

"There are 4 sea pheasants in total, and this one is the largest one, which should be over 3 jin. I'll give you 350 per jin, and the other three smaller ones will be 280."

"There are two black-haired ones, the big one will be 600, and the small one will be 230."

"In addition, the yellowfin bream will be 15, the black snapper will be 28, and the red snapper will be 35...…Young man, what do you think? "

After two and a half days of precipitation, Chu Yang is no longer the ignorant rookie fisherman.

During these two and a half days, he learned a lot about the current seafood market through the Internet, and actively learned from Sun Qingjun.

Although he is not a shrewd fisherman, he thinks he has made considerable progress.

"There is no problem with the yellow wings, but the sea chicken and black hair are too cheap. The sea chicken is at least 500, and the big black hair is 800 per catty. Last time I saw a black hair of 8 taels in your store, you sold it for 998." He bargained.

Zheng En smiled and shook his head, "You can't calculate the account like this. My rent, water, electricity, labor loss and profit are all on it. "

Chu Yang certainly knew, but he couldn't empathize with these bosses who asked for a high price and paid it back.

Besides, he didn't have the qualifications now. He needed to worry about the restaurant with such a big staff.

The two of them had a fight.

Zheng En was secretly surprised. This little fisherman had a good mentality. The price he offered was not low, but he still refused to give in.

Chu Yang cursed the old man in his heart. He was such a big boss, but he was still stingy and reluctant to spend some gold coins.

"... Let's do this. I'll give a little more. Big sea chicken 420, small 310, big black hair 700, small 300, not a penny more."

Chu Yang looked at Zheng En and felt that the fight was almost over, so he simply nodded.

"Okay, this is the first cooperation. For Miss Cai's sake, just consider it as my friend Uncle Zheng. "

Zheng En smiled and shook his head, thinking that this little fisherman not only had a good mentality, but also had a thick skin. He was so shameless that he was obviously getting a bargain but still acted like a good boy.

The price was agreed, and the next step was weighing.

Chu Yang was going to go home to get it, but unexpectedly Cai You said that there were some on the boat, so he could save a trip.

Soon, all the fish were weighed one after another.

The largest sea chicken weighed 3 jin 2 liang, and the three small ones weighed 5 jin 7 liang.

The big black hair fish weighed 2 jin 4 liang, and the small one weighed 1 jin 1 liang.

Other fish species, red sea bream weighed 16 jin, black croaker weighed 11 jin, and yellowfin fish weighed the most, weighing 28.5 jin.

In addition to various miscellaneous fish, crabs and shellfish.

The final total was 8016.5 yuan!

This is not over yet, there is still a price for the largest manta ray.

Chu Yang was very happy and smiled happily.

The harvest from this pit will pay for the boat rental for the next two months!

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