Youvid explained it briefly, and Chu Yang understood.

Actually, it means that Chu Yang took it for granted that yellow croaker was so popular in the market that it would definitely be easy to sell.

But the fact is that Old You's company is only a little famous in the local area now. Who knows him outside Ningde?

Even the Sanduao brand was only established in March this year.

So if he wants to sell fish, he can only find local fishmongers, but the prices given by those people can only be said to not let him lose money, and it is impossible to make a lot of money.

After working hard for several years, he finally made wedding clothes for fishmongers, and the majority of the profits were taken away by them. How can this Old You bear it?

So the matter of selling fish was delayed.

"The channel for selling fish, this little money should be able to help."

Chu Yang said with a smile.

Of course, he understood Youvid's intention to bring up the topic, but it didn't do him any harm, so he might as well go with the flow and help Old You open a mouth.

Jin Baiwan was still retching. He had drunk too much at noon, and he felt better only after he almost vomited out his stomach.

But now he ran to the fish raft again. The wind blew and the sea water shook, and he felt a little itchy in his throat again.

But when he heard Chu Yang mention him, Jin Baiwan still forced himself to cheer up.

He didn't forget the purpose of this trip. He didn't come here to eat, drink and have fun.

His mind was spinning wildly, and Jin Baiwan was thinking hard about how to get in touch with Chu Yang.

Got it!

Jin Baiwan thought of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said:

"Okay, Lao You has such high-quality farmed yellow croaker here, of course I am willing to buy it, but I have a better suggestion."

"Oh, Lao Jin, if you have any good ideas, don't hide them, tell me quickly." You Weide couldn't wait to speak.

Chu Yang and Jin Baiwan can stand here and talk and laugh, but he can't.

The yellow croakers in the net cages are almost worrying him to death. There are tens of thousands of kilograms of fish, and the feed costs alone are tens of thousands every month.

Of course, he can also sell them to local fishmongers at a low price, twelve or thirteen yuan per kilogram, and he can still make a little money.

But if he is willing, he would have sold them long ago, why wait until now.

So when he heard Jin Baiwan say that there is a better proposal, Youvid couldn't help it immediately.

Seeing Youvid's anxious face, Jin Baiwan didn't hide it anymore, and said with a smile:

"Old You, to be honest, even if you sell these fish to me, I can't offer a high price, at most 15 yuan, I don't think you will be very satisfied with this price?"

"Ah, 15 yuan?"

Hearing Jin Baiwan's offer, Youvid's face was full of disappointment.

His psychological expectation was 20 yuan, at least, 18 yuan.

"Well, don't think this price is low. Old You, you should know that I have no roots in Ningde. If I want to buy from you, I have to establish good local relationships first. These are all costs."

Youvid certainly understood. It's not that he hadn't thought about finding foreign buyers to sell fish, but it's not that easy.

First of all, the price given by foreign buyers may not be high. Secondly, even if the two sides have reached an agreement, how to transport the fish out is a problem.

Once, Youvid really found a boss in Guangdong Province who was willing to accept this batch of fish.

But the tire of the other party's fish truck was punctured just after arriving at the dock and before it started loading fish. The driver was also beaten. The angry boss said that poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people and turned around and left.

Youvid naturally knew who did it. Those local fishmongers were local snakes. Since he had been targeted, how could he hide it from them if he wanted to sell fish on a large scale.

"Then what do you say?" Youvid could only hope for Jin Baiwan's "good proposal".

"My idea is, Old You, you have the farm and technology, I have the processing plant and sales channels, and Ayang has the funds and connections, so why don't the three of us work together?"

You Weide understood a little.

"You mean, let's start another aquatic company together?"

Jin Baiwan shrugged, "It's fine for the two of us to invest in your company, or for the three of us to start a new company together, anyway, the meaning is similar, what do you think?"

You Weide was silent.

Jin Baiwan didn't urge him, after all, starting a company together requires mutual consent.

If even the partners are not in harmony, it would be strange if they can run well.

To be honest, if he didn't want to bring Chu Yang along, Jin Baiwan would not look down on You Weide's small industry at all.

The annual sales volume is only a few hundred thousand, plus the fixed assets are messy, it's only more than one million.

Our old Jin spends more than this on public relations every year.

Not everyone is like Chu Yang, with decades of memory and a long-term vision far beyond the present.

Who would have known that the small, broken company that Lao Jin looked down upon now would expand to a market value of billions in a dozen years?, a leading food company. Even Youvid himself didn't believe it when he told it to me.

Chu Yang didn't say anything. He admitted that he was tempted by Jin Baiwan's proposal.

After all, he knew the future development potential of Sandu'ao and the yellow croaker farming industry.

Originally, he wanted to open a branch here, but the method proposed by Jin Baiwan seemed more feasible. All of a sudden, the supply channels were available, and yellow croaker farming could be put on the fast track.

Youvid didn't think about it for a long time. Two minutes later, he gave his answer.

"Okay, Ayang, Lao Jin, I accept your investment."

He figured out that although his yellow croaker was well raised, it couldn't be sold at a good price, there was no benefit, and it was meaningless.

He was a farmer who raised fish to make money, not really passionate about raising fish.

Those who love the land are never farmers who face the loess and back to the sky, but writers who sit in a bright study with air conditioning.

Otherwise, why are so many farmers flocking to land acquisition and demolition?

In Youvid's mind, he is now facing a "relocation" that came from the sky.

With the addition of Jin Baiwan and Chu Yang, the company has money, people and connections, plus he is a fish farming expert, so there is no need to worry about not making money.

"That's great, we will be partners in the trench in the future." Jin Baiwan said.

Chu Yang also smiled and patted Youvid's shoulder, "Old You, it seems that we will fight together in the future."

"To celebrate the cooperation, I suggest that we have another drink together in the evening. I still have a few jars of aged daughter red." Youvid said.

"Uh... Ugh~"

When it comes to wine, Jin Baiwan's stomach began to roll again.

In the evening, Youvid really took the two of them to eat again, but they didn't drink much, because there were still business to talk about.

After dinner, the three of them had more than an hour of friendly consultation and set the basic framework of the new company.

Jin Baiwan and Chu Yang each invested 1.5 million yuan to buy shares, and You Weide used the entire assets of Guanjingyang Yellow Croaker Breeding Co., Ltd. as 1.5 million yuan, and the three of them each held 33.33% of the shares.

In order to prevent any changes, You Weide printed out the shareholding contract overnight and asked the two to sign it.

Chu Yang was very happy and signed his name in cooperation.

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