
The raptor roared and sped along the city roads of Quancheng.

Chu Yang sat in the passenger seat and looked around.

Although he had owned many luxury cars in his previous life, they were either supercars like Lamborghini, Maserati, and Ferrari, or grocery shopping cars like Mercedes-Benz S and BMW 7 Series. He had never touched a pickup truck.

Now sitting in it, it was naturally very fresh.

When he had looked around, he suddenly found that the car had entered a villa area.

And judging from the flowers and green plants planted on both sides of the road and the wide gaps between the buildings, this is definitely a high-end villa area.

"Where are we?" Chu Yang asked curiously.

Cai You only told him that he had found a buyer for him and asked him to negotiate the price, but he didn't know the other party's identity.

"Overseas Chinese New Village, don't worry, we'll be there soon."

When Chu Yang heard about Overseas Chinese New Village, he knew that the buyer Cai You found for him must be a big shot.

As the first villa area for returned overseas Chinese in the country, this garden villa area, which connects to Peixiang in the west, Zhongshan Park in the south, and Liujingkong in the north, carries too many honors.

The owners of the 5 rows of 48 garden villas here are all bigwigs from all walks of life.

Just talking about the overseas Chinese business community, the first bigwigs of the overseas Chinese community such as Zhuang Shaoqing, Zeng Guojie, and Chen Shaoren have all lived here.

It can be said that owning a villa here itself represents the status and class of the owner of the house.

The car finally stopped in front of a Nanyang-style garden villa. Chu Yang glanced at the house number, 5th row, No. 5, which is easy to remember.

"Let's go."

After parking the car, Cai You took Chu Yang through the courtyard and went door to door.

In the reception room on the first floor, he finally met the target person of this trip, a handsome man with a square face wearing a white business casual shirt.

"Uncle Ding, let me introduce you to Chu Yang. The giant clam I showed you last time is his."

Cai You pointed at Chu Yang and introduced him to the man sitting in front of the tea tray.

"Hello, Chu."

The man stood up slightly, not arrogant, and took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Hello, Uncle Ding, nice to meet you."

Chu Yang shouted after Cai You.

In fact, the man was not that old, only about thirty-six or thirty-seven years old.

But since he was a generation older, calling him uncle was not a loss of seniority.

"Sit down!"

He waved his hand and gestured to the two with a smile.

Chu Yang pushed open the armchair and sat down, and Cai You also sat next to him.

After they sat down, Cai You leaned close to Chu Yang's ear and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Uncle Ding is from Jingjiang, and he makes sports shoes. You know, it's his business."

Cai You's voice was soft, and when she spoke, her warm breath blew on her ears, soft and comfortable.

But Chu Yang didn't care about enjoying this pleasure at this time, but focused all his attention on the man in front of him.

No wonder he always looked familiar when he saw "Uncle Ding" just now, as if he had seen him somewhere before. It turned out that he had really seen him, but he had seen it on the screen in his previous life.

The future No. 1 domestic footwear brand, the founder of the Amine Group - Ding Shizhong!

This is a real big shot, a person who can meet the leader and shake hands with the leader in the future.

And I actually called him "Uncle Ding" and asked Uncle Ding to make tea for me.

This face is enough.

Now he just wanted to travel back in time and shout to his father and mother who only knew how to collect rent: "Dad, Mom, I've made it."

Ahem... Just kidding.

Although Uncle Ding is very cool, we have to stay calm and not lose in momentum.

After all, he doesn't know how cool he will be in the future, so doesn't this give him a chance to show off?

"Ayang, I've seen your giant clam. It's very good. I want to buy it. Name a price."

As expected of a big boss, he is direct and straightforward. He came straight to the point and asked for an offer.

If it were someone else, Chu Yang would have opened his mouth too high.

But now, Chu Yang has changed his mind.

"The giant clam is a small matter. The main thing is that I heard about Uncle Ding's deeds from Youyou and I admire him very much. Let alone selling it, it would be fine to give it to Uncle Ding."


Ding Shizhong smiled slightly and didn't take Chu Yang's compliment to heart.

Now that his career is flourishing, and his subsidiary is about to ring the bell at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, he has heard countless similar flattery.

As for free gifts, he would never accept them.

At his level, sometimes favors are more valuable than money.

"Does Xiao Chu usually study the market?"

Ding Shizhong asked.

Chu Yang noticed that although Uncle Ding's smile remained unchanged, his tone was a little cold, and he was obviously trying to choke him with a rhetorical question and end today's topic.

However, isn't this the opportunity to show off?

"StudyNot really, I just sometimes think about it myself, like Uncle Ding's amine, and sometimes when I'm bored I'll think in my heart, if I were you, how can I develop it to its current scale. "Chu Yang replied with a smile.

"Oh, tell me."

Ding Shizhong was brewing tea carelessly.

He understood the psychology of young people wanting to express themselves, but he was not prepared to spend time listening to those superficial opinions without nutrition.

If it weren't for the face of the little niece of the Cai family, he wouldn't want to delay even these few minutes.

"I'll find a chance to interrupt later and give him some money to get rid of him. "Ding Shizhong thought secretly in his heart.

On the other side, Chu Yang had already started his performance.

He knew that the boss's time was precious. If he wanted to make a long speech, he would probably have to serve tea and send him off before he finished halfway.

So he had to seize every second.

"In my opinion, the reason why Amine Ta has developed to this day is that heroes create the times. The role of a good leader in the development of an enterprise is difficult to measure. After all, the speed of a train depends on the locomotive."

The arc of Ding Shizhong's mouth rose two points more.

Although it is not nutritious, the flattery without nutrition still sounds very pleasant.

Seeing that it was effective, Chu Yang continued: "On the other hand, it is the classic style of celebrities + CCTV, which is indeed in line with the current social situation."

"Since joining the WTO, the domestic economy has taken off, and the people have a strong demand for "branded" clothing. Uncle Ding chose Kong Linghui as the spokesperson and reaped a lot of benefits of "national pride". "


Ding Shizhong sat up slightly, his eyes fell on Chu Yang.

Although this young man is only good at talking on paper, it is already very good to have such an understanding. No wonder Cai You likes him.

"But the benefits of being a spokesperson can only be enjoyed for a while, and the popularity will pass after a while. If you want to develop for a long time, you still have to make a good product."

After hearing this old-fashioned empty talk, Ding Shizhong felt that it was enough.

He made a judgment about Chu Yang in his heart: he is extroverted and capable, has a certain vision, but his ideas are empty and lack practical ability.

Just as he was about to end the conversation, Chu Yang's next words made him serious instantly.

"But I have another idea. To make a good product, the most important thing is to have financial support."

"So if I were Uncle Ding, the next step I would do everything I can to seek listing, raise funds, and roll out my own exclusive store channels across the country to seize the market share of first- and second-tier cities, and promote the transformation of brand wholesale to brand retail."

"Is this your own idea? "

Ding Shizhong stared at Chu Yang with a serious expression, and a storm was brewing in his heart.

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